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JSF 82nd Reaper

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Everything posted by JSF 82nd Reaper

  1. JSF 82nd Reaper

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Good point, I didn't think of that, well maybe the developers can change and/or add to the idea. But it would be a good start.
  2. JSF 82nd Reaper

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I'm not entirely sure where this belongs but I believe the best way to solve the issues with the tents is to get them to save within the player save. (The save which allows the player to join a different server and start out with the same gear and same place they left off with.) To better explain this, think of it this way... A player finds a tent in one of the stores, they then pick it up and it put it in their gear. The tent now becomes part of the players property or part of the player, in a matter of speaking. Essentially the tent logs in and out with the player and disappears from the game until the player enters the game again. And wherever the tent is placed it spawns in the same spot the player left it when they logged out. (I believe the game already does this in a way.) BUT here's the KICKER if the player is killed or dies, the tent is deleted along with the character and no longer exists, which makes the player unable to go back to the spot where the last character had sat up the tent to get scavenge items out of it. I'm not sure if this makes any since but if more explanation is required feel free to send me questions via a PM.
  3. JSF 82nd Reaper

    Fort Construction In later development

    Good Idea, but I think it'll would be cooler to have actual safe villages made out of scrap with AI, where you can go and buy food, ammo, equipment, and etc. (Like Fallout 3)