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Posts posted by lukas.knd@gmail.com

  1. I am having a problem. When i start my server it gets stuck on host identity created and doesn't continue to load mission file. It does start loading when i connect to my server through remote, but that is not good because if i don't connect to my server through remote the server doesn't start loading mission file and server doesn't show up on the server browser.

  2. Wow dayz staff just ignores this thread. It seems they don't really care that there are abusive admins. I and my friend provided the most information it is possible to show that admin is not following the rules. Still no one cares about it. If dayz staff doesn't do anything whit abusive server admins then just make a thread and say that you don't care what admins do on they're servers and that there is no point in making a thread on the forums. I wasted allot of time on this...

  3. Honestly I don't feel like searching through his many posts to find one particular one, that doesn't mean anything though.

    Even if you would try to searching throught his many post you would never find any posts that stated going out of map is an exploit because he never stated anything like that. Prove me wrong if you can

    As long as a server admin has a good reason behind a ban(IE: Breaking server rules by going outside of map) then he can ban you from his server.

    Firstly this server admin had no possible way to know that we are running out of map so he didn't ban us for that. He banned us immediately after we typed in chat that we raided his camp. That means he banned us for raiding his camp and that is not allowed.

    (IE: Breaking server rules by going outside of map)

    Where are those server rules? Never saw any

  4. You guys do realize that you admitted to using an exploit right in this thread' date=' correct?

    Rocket has stated that using the edges of the map to hide cars/tents is obviously not allowed. Why would you be allowed to go outside of the map to hide things from other players.

    It doesn't matter how long you were planning on putting it out there, you still hid stuff out of bounds. I'm not sure you guys realize how bad this defence sounds.

    Later on I'm gonna go drive my truck around town with an open bottle of beer in it; it should be fine though, i'll only have a quarter of the bottle left.


    Could please show me a post where rocket stated going out of map even for one minute is an exploit and you should be banned for it. If u can't then shut the fuck up. Also hiding camps and cars out of map bounds is not possible anymore but you can place your car over there for 24hours. Don't start us accusing of using exploits if you don't know what you're talking about

  5. So you hid the vehicles off the map?

    If so that's an exploit that would earn you a ban on most servers...

    If I as an admin can play and hide vehicles within the constraints of the map' date=' then so can everyone who joins my server! Which isn't fr10 before you ask..


    Could you please show me where it is stated that leaving a car for couple hours out of map is an exploit. We left there because we knew we can keep a car out of map for 24hours.

    I want this server to be blacklisted because admin is clearly abusing his powers and banning players for no reason

  6. http://www.spamhaus.org/pbl/query/PBL279176

    So it seems my ip is listed on the Policy Block List (PBL) by my internet provider. It seems like everybody who uses this internet provider is on this list

    Removal Procedure

    If you are not using normal email software but instead are running a mail server and you are the owner of a Static IP address in the range and you have a legitimate reason for operating a mail server on this IP, you can automatically remove (suppress) your static IP address from the PBL database.

    I cant remove my ip from this list because I don't run a mail server.

    From FAQ section of spamhaus:

    THE PBL IS NOT A BLACKLIST. You are not listed for spamming or for anything you have done. The PBL is simply a list of all of the world's dynamic IP space.

    Ok so this PBL list is nothing bad. If i got rejected to create a server because i was in this PBL list i should be allowed to host a dayz server.

  7. I tried to apply to host a server and i got this response:

    Dear xxxx,

    This email is to inform you that your Instance ID request was not approved as it does not meet our standards for server hosts.

    Product/Service: Instance ID

    Specifically during lookup of this IP we have found it be blacklisted by one or more spam blacklists.

    I don't understand how this can be true. I think there must be some kind of mistake. What should I do? My ip cant be blacklisted by some kind of spam blacklist because i never did such things.
