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About noguro

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  1. whoever shot me at us 863 about 10 hours ago. I was the guy trying to get in the blue bus and got a nice clean headshot. Just droped dead. :-) good shot! cheers!
  2. I went to a server with only three other people on it. It was night. I went to stary sobar (no nvg) looting the military tents, when ich saw someone throwing roadflares and shooting Zs. I went back in a tent and thought about what I should do now. It would have been easy to run away, but I was starving and needed to go further in the city, where this guy was (one day earlier two friends where shot in this city).... ...he then came up to the tents looting them, too. I'm not sure, if he had seen me, but I guess not. When he came out of one of the tents, I shot him and took most parts of his gear. He saved my life with the food and the matches. However I feel still sorry could at least have asked if he was friendly... Perhapse my victim takes some comfort in the fact, that I still have his matches... three weeks later. ah, and sorry for shooting some one with an silenced m4 near gorka somedays ago. He was running away chased by one Z. I think he didn't want to shoot the Z 'cause this would have attracted the attention of my buddies and me. 300m away one of my buddies shouted "there's one! SHOOT!" and we all shot. Normaley we are happy not to shoot other survivors, but that went wrong... strange thing with "group dynamics"...
  3. noguro

    First Vehicles?

    The first one was an ATV my friend spottet right beside us, when we ran along the boarder of a forest near Vishnoye. We lost it because we didn't save it. It was full of great loot, we didn't tokk with us :-( The second one is (yesterday it was still there...) UAZ. Found it north of the factory in the forest with no wheels. Took su three hours to find 6 of 'em. Cool thing, especially if your team is big. :-)
  4. noguro

    fn fal vs. bison

    thanks for your opinions! I think I prefer the fal, but I will run around with both the next time I play to test them. Is it right, that you find both ammo types exclusively at heli crashsites? best
  5. hi! I really cannot decide. between the two guns. for the bison I've got 5 mags and for the fal only 2. what would you take? why? thanks in advance for your help!!z
  6. noguro

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    If I want to log out of the game, I want it instantly and not with the risk of beeing killed by any chance 'cause my body is forzen or whatever. Hello!? It's a game. If I'm fed up to the back teeth of playing, I want to leave and not sitting 10 more minuits there observing my environment. Cheers!
  7. noguro

    Guns? Why need guns?

    Hi! sorry, but I cannot read everything you all posted here. (i'm at work...) but here are my 5cents to the idea of reducing guns: it's (after the update) already hard enough to play, reducing guns would only help the existing elite players. they would hord guns and as a new spawned player the only thing left is being a helpless victim to the armed ones out there. cheers!
  8. noguro

    -=Starter Classes=-

    I would be afraid, that a lot of people would choose the soldier type and would do some spawn camping to kill the other guys to get there gear. If you want some different perks I recommend not giving them different starterkits, but different abilities. for example the doctor guy can carry more medical equipment and is more effective than others. cheers!
  9. noguro

    Manually reloading magazines/clips

    you could use the bullets of the same type in other weapons, which use the same ammo - like the real world... Perhapse reduce the amount of magazines / clips but increase the amount of packages of bullets. It's not necessary that the boxes have to be full everytime... or even make the magazines a rare item! I really would like that! :-) cheers!