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Everything posted by adamius

  1. adamius

    Favorite DayZ map?

    Chernarus/ Namalsk
  2. adamius

    [AUS] New Chernarus Republic

    Lol 30 seconds later I spot a sniper watching us and hell brakes loose
  3. adamius

    [AUS] New Chernarus Republic

    Name: Adam How did you hear of us: Forums Why do you wish to join: Looking for a fun yet still serious and mature clan Will you keep a consistent approach to the real-life simulator style: Yes sir, I have been playing in this style for quite some time and always enjoy the seriousness and orderly style. Ranger, Soldier or Citizen: I always enjoy both assaults and recon operations in the field. Ranger or Soldier what ever is low on recruits. Please note that I am inexperienced when it comes to sniping but have been experienced in spotting and recon. Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and president: I do, I will stay and fight for NCR and what it stands for! Skype: Adam.Roberts1231
  4. As the title suggests. What is your favourite sidearm.
  5. adamius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    One time I was in Elektro on my way to Berezino and I was being shot at by bandits. I look over to my left and there is another survivor bleeding and unconscious. Instead of running away from the fight as I am armed with a few medical supplies and a M1911 and a hatchet. I run over to the wounded man and bandage him up and wake him up using my Epi-Pen. I give him my M1911 a morphine injector I told him I will distract them and he can run off while they shoot at me. I start running drawing all the shots towards me while he escapes uninjured. eventually i bled out but it was such an amazing experience compared to my other encounters with survivors.