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Everything posted by -MadTommy

  1. -MadTommy

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    Make the scope sighting realistic. Upon attaching a scope you have to adjust the scope as you would a real one. Make a range and zero it correctly. No military uber sniper rifles, only hunting civilian ones. Make them bloody rare & ammo even rarer. or just remove them entirely! EDIT: Once physics is in.. making a range from cans & bottles would be fun!
  2. -MadTommy

    My Whiteknight adventure.

    Tried to do the same several times.. never any bandits there... :(
  3. Anyone else finding pistols very rare. I've not found one is ages. Rifles everywhere.. I'm tripping over pistol ammo, it's everywhere!
  4. -MadTommy

    Leather Jacket

    Just found two of them.. (on experimental) in the small garages with the red doors. Two garages, two jackets!
  5. -MadTommy

    Cut Down The HC Servers In Experimental

    or just remove 'normal' servers all together... that would be my desire. .
  6. -MadTommy


    Found several anti-stab vests.. either in the boat or any of the new police stations. I once found a black UK assault vest in in one of the small 2 story barns, on one of the boxes... pretty sure it was not dropped by a player.
  7. -MadTommy

    Would you play a game with real permadeath?

    I'd happily pay and play a game that had a type of perma death. Something like one life per month. Sounds like a challenge i'd be up for. I'd be happy if Dayz was like this. Hell if i died with 28 days left in the month I'd just do something else and be more careful next time. No big deal.
  8. -MadTommy

    Long range scope Question?

    From the latest test build change log. So yes there is an issue that has been fixed. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177017-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-037115791/
  9. Are the experimental servers all currently down? Not seeing any in my browser.
  10. My god... the horror of it all... aaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  11. Both articles refer to the possibility of Dayz going to console. Not that it would or will be. You would be an idiot as a game developer if you did not seriously consider getting your game on as many platforms as possible. Just common sense. What is the issue with that?
  12. Someone needs some therapy.
  13. errr consoles are king in Europe too, and i'm sure other parts as well. Not really sure what point you are trying to make? Has a console version even been confirmed?
  14. Axe to the back of the head works pretty well! :P
  15. -MadTommy

    Remove guns from the game.

    Well i'm with the OP. Not because i want it to be this way, but more the fact that it unfortunately it will help the game develop into something different. It seems to me too many gamers have been brought up on a diet rich in shooter death match or team match games and simply bring that mentality into Dayz. It seems many who make suggestions should be playing Arma not Dayz. I agree a better compromise would be to make them incredibly rare....
  16. Maybe there is a 3rd reason after; they forgot or they don't want it.... getting the features we all want is a simple waiting game while the game is developed from alpha to beta.
  17. You can open them with the tab now and have been able to for ages...
  18. You just know you will be tripping over those!
  19. -MadTommy

    What happened to the release notes?

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177017-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-037115791/ Posted 10 minutes before you.... use the damn search in future :P
  20. -MadTommy

    Experimental/Normal - Separate characters?

    Yes they are separate. But switching does not affect either. i.e you can have two characters, one on normal and one on hardcore, at the same time. (Presently i have 4 characters.. two on the stable & 2 on the experimental build.)
  21. -MadTommy

    Now I know why they call him 'Rocket'

    You sound as intellectual as good ole Bush... getting fooled like that. Oh and here is a polished turd. Thought I'd add some weight and substact to this thread, I felt it was much needed.
  22. -MadTommy

    Is Dayz over?

  23. I also like to close doors behind me, but recently i've been getting confused in big towns and going back through the same houses, going in circles! :huh: