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Everything posted by -MadTommy

  1. -MadTommy


    It is really not that difficult. Learn how to lose infected in buildings and hills and everything becomes so much easier. As a new player myself i don't think it is too hard to start. It is hard.. but then it should be, otherwise you wouldn't care about dieing and loosing your loot.
  2. Sigh..sound very much like an exploit to me. I do find it depressing that so many exploit the games mechanics to their advantage and detriment to the concept of the game. Shame really.
  3. -MadTommy

    DayZ Stories

    I was sneaking through some woods near a dangerous location.. pretty tense, moving very cautiously. Suddenly behind me a chainsaw starts up and scares the bejesus out of me!.. I had my 5.1 headphones on and the window open with blinds down.. the chainsaw was a real one feet from my window! I nearly had a flippin heart attack! Initially i thought it was in game....deep breaths.. relax.. its not real... :p
  4. Ok... I'm a survivor! Been in the wilderness for a few days, have everything essential to survive. Hatchet, matches, hunting knife, water bottles, ghillie suit, binoculars, Glock 17 & AKS-74 Kobra. I found myself quite close to the NW airport.. and am tempted to pay it a visit... but not sure if that is a good idea. I've never been to the airport before.. i know its a very dangerous place. What i'd like to really have is a better rifle, either a M4A1 SD or M16A4 ACOG, compass & bigger backpack. What can i get at the airport i cant get elsewhere? And what strategy should i use (apart from being bloody careful). I wont be doing any exploiting/server hopping type stuff. Thanks for any help for this new survivor.
  5. -MadTommy

    Old Bike

    If you mean motorbike that is how it works.. it can be hard to find the right spot to get the menu to come up.
  6. -MadTommy

    Old Bike

    Go to the back of the bike and use mouse wheel to get option to get on...
  7. You have two options... You can carry the hatchet on your belt. But then you can't use it as a weapon, only collect wood etc. (Select hatchet and attach to tool-belt, or similar wording. Or you can put either rifle or hatchet in a backpack.. it takes 10 slots. So you need a big backpack.
  8. -MadTommy

    Should i raid the NW airport? If so how!

    Well i made a few mistakes.. went too late in the day, dusk came down quick and i was committed to the raid... i also got a bit disorientated and made a bad approach... also had my 3 year old distracting me! Got swacked by a sniper before i got close! Bastard! At least it was on the way in, not way out. Never should have gone near the place! Regarding crash sites.. i'm yet to find one....
  9. -MadTommy

    Should i raid the NW airport? If so how!

    LOL.. the sneaky bastards... cheers for the heads up and the experience.
  10. -MadTommy

    Should i raid the NW airport? If so how!

    Why full server? I'd have thought that would make it more dangerous? Curious? I tend to play on the same server.. no matter the numbers.
  11. -MadTommy

    Should i raid the NW airport? If so how!

    Thanks for the tips... I am alone. So if i do it it'll be alone. Is it better done at night? And there seem to be two high yield military buildings.. one in the SW corner and one on the NE side (near the tower). Which is better and how do they differ? Thanks I know at some point i'll do it.. just for the challenge!
  12. -MadTommy

    The reason why it's "shoot on sight"

    I don't agree with the the OPs philosophy. Some of us have more hippy in us that others, peace man! ;) I never shoot on sight.. i have hunted bandit snipers before and talked down several scared survivors. I haven't been playing long but i'd say 90% of my encounters with others have been peaceful and rather tense. More fun expecting a shoot out but never shooting 1st...gets the blood pumping.
  13. -MadTommy

    Bear Traps

    Zeds should run in buildings for sure.. as it stands they are sooo easy to lose or kill via this building exploit. Gonna make the game a hell of a lot harder.. but much improved. Bear traps.. great idea if the exploits can be reduced. I don't understand 'duping' or how you exploit these things.. nor do i want to know. But i have seen the wire everywhere thing.. luckily 99% of the time they are placed where they serve no purpose or hindrance. What a waste of time.
  14. -MadTommy

    Cant find any servers?

    A: No B: Yes use the ingame browser.
  15. -MadTommy

    "loading screen problem"

    I'm getting this on all servers right now... restarted game numerous times, rebooted PC.. just can't get past the 'Loading' black screen.
  16. -MadTommy

    Any point in saving vehicles/items pre 1.0 ?

    Only the Dev team can answer that. But i see no reason why they would reset everything. But... 10 tents.. are you nuts! :p
  17. -MadTommy

    MP5SD and MP5 Ammo

    I decided to drop my MP5 SD for a regular M16 as it seemed useless having a uber weapon with no ammo... i thought maybe that was a mistake, but i don't think i'll regret it.
  18. -MadTommy


    LOL.. funny read mate. I'm a thrill seeker.. so i can't help.. but i plan on staying alive! And i prefer boar myself. Anyway, you made me laugh.. would love to run into you in the woods one day... you must be twitchy as hell!
  19. -MadTommy

    Switching between Hatchet and other Weapon

    I'm having issues where my rifle disappears when i drop it.. is there a safe system for dropping a weapon and picking it up again?
  20. -MadTommy


  21. -MadTommy


    Well i found this very helpful as a newbie. Thanks for taking the time to write it. Regarding avoiding cities at the start, i actually think the risk vs reward is worth it if you spawn near one. I'm on my 1st decent run thanks to this risk.. i now have everything i need to survive and am running around the woods! i am struggling to find animals to eat.. but apart from that i've very well stocked mainly thanks to my city raid. I found the small towns pretty hard to raid and often find f all. At least in the cities you have numerous large buildings to lose the zombies. Being an old time Arma player.. avoiding other players is not that hard if you are sensible & cautious.
  22. Does anyone actually know what is wrong?
  23. servers are still fubared