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Everything posted by -MadTommy

  1. Thanks for the input. I'll likely do it now and then, but not as default. Some servers are good enough to say the times when they restart. Been seen with a big backpack greatly increases your chance of being KOS, so at times the risk will be worth it.
  2. -MadTommy

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    I'm only for basic vehicles. 95% should be push bikes.. the odd pickup & motorbike that'll need some fixing etc. No choppers or shit like that. My personal preference. I'd like to see row boats :)
  3. -MadTommy

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Is this also true for other people's opinion or just their play style? The hypocrisy and irony of your reply is certainly not lost on me.
  4. -MadTommy

    Loot Respawn?

    I have left many a town in this condition. As of now I have tons of food & water.. all i'm after is a scope for my Mosin and some other rare oddaties. I rarely take any food, might eat the odd bit of fresh fruit and that is all.
  5. -MadTommy

    Loot Respawn?

    No.. just the people who looted didn't need the food. There is only so much food that one needs!
  6. -MadTommy

    New Experimental build

    I can't even find a server! Let alone food on it. :)
  7. Damn.. you are right.. server restarts. Forgot about those! I'm really annoyed at myself.. my only time to one of the airfields (in this life) was to NEAF, and i left a hunting pack due to its smaller size... it was a mistake but due the time needed to swap my stuff and the danger I was in at the time I left it. I should have taken it. I'm a hording survivor.. love my big packpack.. but damn I need to be able to spray paint it a better colour! Thanks for the feedback.
  8. -MadTommy

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    OP I've alsways known this..you speak the truth. I'm very happy for people to have the choice as long as there are always 1st person only servers. Lets face it, looking through walls, by leaning, looking around corners & over walls etc etc in 3rd person view is shit IMO. For me it simply removes the a lot of the fun and tension. There are definatly less 'undesirables' on 1st person only servers.
  9. I was surprised at the low player limits after buying the game last Friday. More the merrier.
  10. Hey lads & ladies, i'd love some help with an issue. I have slow internet so I tried to be clever. Wanting to play the experimental build but expecting to find the servers full, I made a manual backup of the stable build file. (copied them) Then downloaded the 'experimental build'. As expected all the servers were full, all 4 of them. So I copied the backup of the stable build back. But Steam says It needs updating and wantes to download 3GB. This will hake over 4 hours. I know the files at indenticial and correct, but Steam considers them to be incorrect. I'm sure there is a 'update' file somewhere that i could delete in Steam for it to recheck and hopefully save me having to download 3GB. Anyone know any solution. It would be much appreciated.
  11. I agree. I was hoping i would be able to switch between the two in seconds rather than 20 minutes downloading the different versions. Don't worry, after deleting a number of files/folders from Steam and copying back the experimental build files I've manged to get that version working. And am now redownloading the 376.5MB files to get the stable build back. So i'll be good to go in a bit. Lesson learnt, maybe if I used the Steam's in built backup syatem it might have worked. Thanks anyway.
  12. I know, I was trying to avoid that. It was over 400mb and that takes some time on my connection. Thanks, but unfortunatly it still wants to download 3GB. :( It seems to think 3GB of files are incorrect.
  13. -MadTommy

    Experimental Servers starting up & Lot's of tweets!

    Shhh dont tell everyone!
  14. -MadTommy

    What is your survival style?

    I play it like the sandbox it is.. dont really fit into those options, but I generally it is: 1. Protect myself 2. Scavange 3. Protect myself If i feel threatened I'll shoot 1st ask questions later, I avoid groups like the plague and I get super paranoid when I'm well geared! But will help folks who are not a threat.
  15. -MadTommy

    Is there an apartment complex loot map?

    I dont both looking in appartment blocks.. nothing ever seems to be in them! (i've not played the mod in over a year.. they used to be rich pickings...)
  16. Full servers are not necessarily the most dangerous... Servers with low numbers attact server hoppers and military base raiders...and you tend to lower your guard, as you dont expect to meet anyone. Dangerous combo.
  17. -MadTommy

    I am so confused....

    Now I'm confused! Doesn't 'private hive' effectivily mean private character database? If not would you be kind enough to enli9ghten me as to what all this hive, sub-hive exe supprt for hive etc etc really all means. I don't understand how this will affect the issues above. Thnaks.
  18. Sorry if this has been covered, I've had a search. Are there helicopter crash sites in game or new equivalents? Just bought the SA game and am about to head north... Thanks for any ansers.
  19. -MadTommy

    What do you do when in a mexican stand off

    Hmmm two of your 3 options are logging off and ghosting.. oh dear.
  20. Oh the vision of this game... oh wait...that's not right..
  21. -MadTommy

    An apple a day.....

    Thanks. It was a thorough bug report! :)
  22. -MadTommy

    DayZ pissing me off, Server restart equals Respawn

    Thanks.. wish i knew that yesterday!