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Posts posted by Tearinitupson

  1. Except I just played for about an hour, completely lost. Found a chopper on a hill with an AFK looking player, shot him with my Enfield (thats all I had). Then zombies came from behind and knocked me unconcious in one hit because that guns so loud. Then another chopper comes out of nowhere and hovers about 400m in front of me while I'm knocked out. I then get kicked for "Teleporting" but I've never teleported or even used a script EVER... WTF!? Done with DayZ mod, this shit is retarded and please don't applaud these admins. Seems like they were mad I found their second chopper. Game name (WD)TearinItUpSon in case anyone follows up on this...

  2. @ ~10:40 PST on server US302 I was going to help a friend by meeting up at a grocery store to give him morphine, blood and painkillers when he was teleport killed. There is a clan called NCR in that server but I am not sure if they own it or if they are the hackers/scripters. It was in Zelenogorsk, not a very high pop town as it is. Please investigate with admin.
