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About Mongul

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    On the Coast
  1. Mongul

    Official disconnect thread

    yes there's no reason to start a witch hunt just get over it and move on
  2. Mongul

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    @bacon55 I can see what you mean by wanting objectives but this is a sandbox game you seem to want a way to win the game? a dot on your screen telling you what to kill and where you should go? This isn't that kind of game. I dont know what people like you came in here expecting but when i heard ARMA 2 plus zombie survival sandbox I knew to expect exactly what you and others like you are complaining about. I think some of your problems will go away with further tweaking but i would not expect any concrete goal provided by the game other than staying alive. the point of a sandbox is to make your own goals not have the game hold you by the hand and tell you what to do. maybe this isnt the game you were expecting, or maybe you got caught up in some of the excellent write ups on popular gaming sites and didn't give a thought to what kind of game this actually was but either way I think you may be barking up the wrong tree here.
  3. Mongul

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    I haven't tried it yet but from the hootin and hollerin on the forums it sounds like its about right, maybe a little over the top but its only alpha and there is still lots of tweaking to be done. when i started playing this weekend i was running around thinking "I thought there were supposed to be zombies in this game.." then i came to the forums and saw it was a known issue. I cant wait to get home and try out the new patch!!
  4. I did also after seeing an article about it on RockPaperShotgun and then watched some youtube vids. This Mod is awesome worth every penny