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About jet2686

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    On the Coast
  1. jet2686

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Arrogance and ignorance combined. Make it yourself if your the expert.... Thats the way i roll :'D Plus im not saying i can develop a mod like this im just simply saying the way he is going about the updates is not a way i or MANY other devs would do it. The game isnt even in beta yet, the bugs are so minute for it being an alpha that its not even a game breaker for the many that play it. If it were beta then its a different story.. not trying to troll you but you sure your a dev? Keep in mind to call yourself a dev you have to be actually developing software for a living. Well regardless of that question, to each his own. This method works for rocket and thats what matters.
  2. jet2686

    Scripters US23

    We are a group of about 10-12 people that play together. We managed to locate several vehicles, this concludes a ural, vs9, offroad and uaz. Apparently we have been going back and forth with some people here with them stealing our vehicles and us finding them and taking them back. Which im not complaining about its part of the game and gives us an objective. However the problem is quickly after the first time around it was obvious they were running scripts to locate all the vehicles. The first time it we found the vehicles the 2nd or 3rd day after they were stolen and it was by pure coincidence. The next day the vehicles were stolen again. First thing that crossed our mind "wow someone else found our vehicles", a week later we ended up finding our ural again along with our uaz and some atv's but we could only take the ural and uaz back. This was 4 days ago, we scoured the whole map to find these vehicles and finally managed to find them off the map in the debug forest west of kamenka, we were psyched and we knew at this point that they are scripters since they could easily locate our vehicles. This is where the interesting part comes in, the reason we found the vehicles is because we seen our offroad roaming around balota we chased them once with the slug bus and they got away due to speed. Our buddy that we were going to pick up by balota ended up having to wait for us since we needed gas and regroup at our base camp. He ended spotting the offroad by balota again, and they were heading west which is why we went west of kamenka to look for our vehicles and boom we found them. This was awesome, however after spending 1 and a half hours regrouping and relocating, they end up finding our new camp site while we were there. We went north east, all the way by the ocean and far up north that it was about 500m past the map where the textures end. When we start heading up the hill they roll up with the bus we left behind, which didnt have any tires on it when we left their camp since we blew them off and that means all of them, we also checked the gear in the bus and they did not have wheels in the bus. Based on how far the distance was between their camp and our camp (complete opposite side of the map west -> east and south -> north) there is no way they could have made it there. Unless they got into their bus and headed straight for our location, so even in the best case scenario where they did not teleport their bus with all their players by us (and there were 5 of them attacking us) They would have to jump into their bus immediately after we left their camp and head straight for us, they did not even bother looking around they simply knew where we were and when we became stationary it gave them the time to roll up on us and wipe us out. Also i dont know if this gun is legitimately in the game but there was a svd camo inside the offroad, personally i never picked up one of these guns in dayz so it could have been spawned in by them. My deductions go as far as this if you guys can look into the logs more to find out what happened that would be great, i got killed in this process and im pretty ticked off because i had some really nice gear and its gear i earned. I had a dmr, silenced m9, nvg's, range finder, gps, and thats the main rare stuff, lots of other stuff on the side i had a mountain dew bottle and other stuff that you can find easily. PS: the distance between their camp and us if u draw a straight line is 21.6 KM. Im gonna provide a screen shot with the people in the server, taking into consideration that there were 5 of them who attacked us and the players listed below who were in our group, at the time we were playing at best 1 or 2 of them were not part of this scripter group. our players: Azur lilchronic JeT VALs BEAST Syaticus Chronic Nazsgul Washington I dont believe FillaRealla was part of the group but i believe fermi is a definite based on seeing him in the server when our vehicles would dissapear. Server we played on: US23 time: 10 - 20 minutes before this post