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About sikosgprez

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sikosgprez

    Zombie aggro?

    Zombie aggro still broken. I stopped playing after trying out that visual system. It was horrible. I think if the devs would have played the game even 5 minutes after introducing the new system, they would have known to take it out immediately. So I logged in today and now some zombies still aggro from way out in the distance (even from inside/behind buildings), and some zombies won't aggro even if you run 5m right in front of them. I hope they fix this soon because I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say I am losing interest in the game ever since the 1.7.2 patch.
  2. sikosgprez

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    What game are you playing? This certainly does not sound like DayZ.
  3. sikosgprez

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Horrible, horrible update. Not only did they break the login but now, after waiting all day to log in, the zombie aggro is worse. About the only positive thing I noticed is that my FPS went up and the game looks and plays smoother. Too bad the game is unplayable now because of the zom's aggro range. I mean I guess I can run around for hours and not search anything, but I wouldn't consider that playing the game. With this increased aggro range I don't see how players will be able to comfortably search towns. I look forward to many frustrating hours until they truly fix zombie aggro. P.S. Yes... I call them Zom's and not Zed's. Zed in not a letter in the English alphabet. I don't know who started that ridiculous trend but it needs to stop.
  4. sikosgprez

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    I am really confused about how certain people get server instance IDs. I see many posts of people applying for an ID and they get whitelisted within 2-3 hours. I have applied two times with no success. Apparently these are the specs required: * CPU: Quad Core @ 3Ghz+ (CPU is the main bottleneck for an ArmA server, so the more powerful the better) * RAM: 8GB (RAM isn't a big issue in an ArmA server, so don't be overly concerned with having copious amounts) * Storage: 50GB+ HDD - 500 IOPS minimum. SSD or 15k RPM SAS is recommended. * Network: 100Mbps+ dedicated. Bandwidth cap must be at least 2TB or more. These are my specs: *CPU: Intel Xeon W3550 Bloomfield 3.06GHz Quad-core (x2) *RAM: 32GB DDR3 *Storage: 1TB HDD *Network: 300Mbps on a dedicated server with UNLIMITED bandwidth. I also understand that RDP access might be required, which I have no problem with. I can easily make another user account on my server specifically for the DayZ moderators to have access. I know all about the rules governing a DayZ server (no kicking players so friends can log on, etc.). I agree to all these terms and conditions but for some reason I cannot get accepted to host a whitelisted DayZ server. Am I missing something here? :huh:
  5. sikosgprez

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    I signed up using the old system last week. I even sent a second email after i went about 3-4 days with no response from the first request. I was checking my email every hour on the hour to no avail. I noticed the protocol to request a server instance ID had changed to a WHMCS system so I applied using the new system about 2 or 3 days ago.... Still nothing. Do certain requests get priority over others? If so, what is the list of priorities? How long do we wait for a response before we know to contact you guys? I am sorry if I sound impatient but we have a small clan of about 8 guys that play DayZ everyday for at least 4-5 hours a day. We have been having A LOT of bad experiences with playing on certain servers. We have even had server admins disconnect us in order to take our stuff while we desperately try to log back in. The only way we can ensure a fair playing environment is if we host our own server. All we want to do is host a public 40 man instance and provide all players on our server with a fair, and fun, environment. Help us Obi-Wan... You're our only hope.
  6. sikosgprez

    ARB German

    I can attest to that. I have video footage. I started recording right after our second kill. He kept coming back just minutes after he died, shooting what had to be a high powered sniper rifle. How can someone respawn, find a high powered sniper rifle and make it all the way back to Berezino in less than 5 mins, EVERYTIME? Not only that, but prior to that incident, they would kick us off the server when we drive by in vehicles so that while we are busy logging in, they would take our cars. These admins are blatantly exploiting mechanics in order to enhance their playing. We have all decided to play on another server because what is the sense of playing all those hours gathering things only to have them taken away by admins that spawn items just to grief us. Our only fear is that the same will happen on another server. I know this game is only in alpha, but can anything be done about this?