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Everything posted by Verkaa

  1. Verkaa

    Aussie/Euro Players

    I tend to join the Seattle servers, since they seem not to kick players with 200ping, I have even spiked to 300 and it hasn't kicked me yet.
  2. You're a fool, if you don't want to host, then don't host. Using hosting as your "getaway card" is simple just abusing your rights, if you had lost your vehicles by a confirmed hacker, then you should report ban the player, and find your vehicles legitly again, what is the point of to a survival simulator, if all you're doing is cheating... seriously? Hell you still had another car, so why complain I have had worse, and I am sure others have had even worse situations than I have ^^
  3. Server: US 917 Seattle hosted by TDBGamer.net Time:4:39 GMT +9:30 Date: 2/8/12 Guy with a Ghillie suit teleported infront of me, shot him 6 times and he turned around to me and looked at me but not bleeding or anything... Aborted even though it is against my rules but I was busy trying to meet up with a mate, and really didn't feel like re-running 40mins trying to meet up with him again...
  4. I have been searching for quite awhile now on how long does loot take to respawn on servers, now I know that when a server restarts the loot respawns etc etc, but I have been doing some research upon the topic and found a post by a player that if you empty out a looting area. e.g Barracks, Move 100-150metres from the area and then wait 10-15mins that the loot would respawn, I tried this we were about 200metres out and had waited 16+mins (Timed 16 but it took a minute or so to get back) yet the loot had not respawned? Many thanks if you can answer this :) Please note we emptied out everything including the Trash loot.
  5. Verkaa

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    These are all the vehicles I have found, I still have everyone but the Motorbike :/ I had to park it up for my Bus and when I got back she was gone :( (In order of findings) Tractor: North West of Orlovets (On the west side of the "slingshot" looking plans) Cords: 119 077 Bus #1: I am pretty sure that I took this one from a player since everything was working but the engine (He had hit a tree, actually I saw him looking for the engine parts of the airfield pretty sure but I will state it anywho) NW Airfield cords: 043 050 Bus #2: She had just spawned in, completely not working and out of fuel, had to defend her off two players xD Though I had a group of 3 basically easy pickings with the factory near by! Chernogorsk Cords: 067 129 Motorcyle: While looking for a wheel for that bloody bus above ^^ (Had a dark yellow tyre right front and I accidently hit a barricade concrete thing because I was in a rush to pick up my mate) South West from Novy Sobor main road there is a lootable Industrial place, the bike was inside! Cords: 078 081 I got pictures of them I am pretty sure I will search my hard drive tomorrow, I know I didn't take a picture for the motorbike, but I also know I defiantly got a picture of the tractor spawn)
  6. Learnt not to get attached to your gear yesterday when I lost my M4 because I put it down on the ground to kill animal (Using the hatchet is silent) and the server reset basically as soon as I dropped it :( http://www.worldtimezone.com/