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Everything posted by slavegirllucy
US 1485 Banned for flying the helicopter.
slavegirllucy replied to kobolt's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
-bullshoot- -
US 1485 Banned for flying the helicopter.
slavegirllucy replied to kobolt's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I'm DN Lucy, admin of US 1485. Let me clear some things up. First of all, we've had a serious issue with hackers spawning in helicopters and other guns/vehicles on our server. It's been a constant and uphill battle from day 1 of buying our server. The chopper you guys found was NOT legit (we have the legit one stored elsewhere in the map, and yes, I checked to make sure it was there before issuing the kick) I saw you guys flying around, since you were the only ones in the server at the time that weren't in our teamspeak or friends of ours, it was obvious you guys were the ones flying it. In order to ensure the safety of our server (and our investment), I KICKED (not banned) you. I even tried to do this while you were still over land (although I think you may have respawned near the docks in Elektro) Please understand my point of view. Whether it was you who hacked it in or not, all of us are at our wits end with hackers on our server, it's getting pretty bad. Either way, I apologize if this caused any inconvenience to you, and if you add me on steam, I can see what I can do to compensate you for any losses you may have incurred. My steam is phonix247420. Long story short, I didn't kick you because you stole our helicopter, I kicked you because you were flying a hacked in helicopter during a day we were being bombarded by cheaters. Edit: For the record, I was aiming at you the whole time with my AS50 and NATO rounds. I could have easily just shot you out of the sky and killed you all. Instead I gave you the benefit of the doubt and kicked you so when you respawned you'd still be alive. I wasn't aware you were carrying a third person or I would've kicked them too. Second edit: Oh and that pbx, not ours, we put that on the coast for noobs a week ago because you know, we're nice like that. -
So since I bought my server, we've blown up a few cars, either from combat or just out of stupidity. I'm noticing that they're not respawning after server restarts. Is there something I'm supposed to do to make vehicles respawn at their default locations? I'm confused. Over time every vehicle will be gone and it will no longer be worth running a server. Any help would be great!
Why aren't blown up cars respawning?
slavegirllucy replied to slavegirllucy's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yup, and the vehicle is not where it blew up, not where it was last saved, not where it was last exited and not where it spawns by default -
Why aren't blown up cars respawning?
slavegirllucy replied to slavegirllucy's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Is there any way to force your server to respawn destroyed vehicles? -
Done With Server Hosting
slavegirllucy replied to ArchAngel-7-'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yeah it's getting pretty frustrating having limited control over my server. I don't think allowing locking is a great idea, but there definitely needs to be less consequences for an admin banning other players for WHATEVER they see fit. The server rules were made with a much smaller scope. Now that there's thousands of DayZ servers, it's no big deal if you're banned on one, go find another. As a side note, I don't see why any clan would lock their server to farm gear. I'll take my clan into a highly populated server and farm all night if I want to, anyone who tries to counter it is going to be outnumbered anyway. I hate how the community casts so much hate towards clans, admins, and gaming communities. We're what make the servers you play on possible, you should be grateful we're spending our hard earned money so you have a place to play. Don't like it? Join a clan or deal with it. -
Need Medical Assistance? We can help.
slavegirllucy replied to Dr Wasteland MD's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
No, I don't disconnect from combat, be it PVP or PVE. I passed out while running from zombies (due to the fact I had injured myself moments before). I killed all the zeds on me then I logged out. I'm not on because this server is my clan's home server, and it's on That's where we've been playing and storing all of our gear, so we've been waiting to update until our server updates as well. I'd have no problem updating to just to get fixed up by someone here, but I'm wearing a ghillie and am concerned I'll lose everything if I join a server while wearing it. I can wait until tomorrow for a clanmate to come online, but I still wanted to play a bit tonight. -
Need Medical Assistance? We can help.
slavegirllucy replied to Dr Wasteland MD's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Might sound stupid but I'm in Solnichny, bleeding out, I have 4000 blood left and no bandages. Worst part is I'm still on my home server which hasn't updated. It's still Is there anyone still on that can help me? I have an MP5SD you can have for payment! -
US 472 (Formerly Atlanta 70) Please update!
slavegirllucy posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
If the admin of US 472 hosted by MadGamingLabs (formerly Atlanta 70) sees this thread, would you PLEASE update to This is my clan's home server and we really want to get back to playing in a populated server. It hasn't been restarted in almost a week and is starting to get really cluttered. Your server description says 1.7.2 but you are still running and my clan doesn't want to update their mod until the server moves to a newer version. So we've basically been playing on an empty server. Also we would like to donate to your server please give us some info on how we can contact you! Thanks! -
US 472 (Formerly Atlanta 70) Please update!
slavegirllucy replied to slavegirllucy's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
bump. Anyone know what's going on with US 472? Can maybe the DayZ team get in touch with them? -
Be aware, I'm going to start banning.
slavegirllucy replied to WildGunsTomcat's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I should also note, that it's the server owners that are footing the bill. They are the reason you and I have a place to play this fantastic mod. If a server owner can catch a dc'er red-handed and ban him all the power to him. Yes this game is an alpha but people are paying REAL money to host servers, and to keep their server free of cheaters they have to deliver these bans. I think the people in this thread who were so quick to quote the server admin rules are much more detrimental to the advancement of DayZ than the server owners trying to restore order on their server. No I do not run a DayZ server (yet) but I have ran dozens of game servers since Quake 1, as well as ran a game server hosting company in 2010. The whole 'micro-management' of servers by either devs or hosting providers has it's ups and downs, and a balance needs to be found. So you get banned on one server? Go play on another. It's the same for every other game out there. It's not like admins are handing out global bans for these offenses. Server owners should be given the right to protect their server from cheaters. Period. Why in god's name would I purchase a server only to have to turn a blind eye to cheaters and exploiters. It's stupid. How many of the hundreds of DayZ servers are actually paid for by the dev team? Besides, it has been stated in many places that banning or kicking for pvp disconnecting is allowed, I don't see why all the defensiveness is happening. -
Be aware, I'm going to start banning.
slavegirllucy replied to WildGunsTomcat's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I support the OP. Day 14, and the last 17 of my PVP encounters have resulted in the opposing player disconnecting to avoid death. No exaggeration either! On my first day I got a PK that actually went through and registered. The next 17 encounters were ALL DC'ers. Whoever says this is NOT the biggest problem with this game is either using this exploit or farming on low-pop servers where PVP isn't an issue. By all means, ban these fools, because they're ruining this game. -
Notice: All those who get stuck at loading
slavegirllucy replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Not able to login to 1.7.2 servers here. My friends can but I cannot. Anyone have any success? -
The morphine/broken leg situation sucks
slavegirllucy replied to flevius's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think more importantly is the fact that many players, myself included, log out of the game when their legs break, and wait until a friend finds morphine then logging back in. Needless to say, having your legs broken and having to crawl miles to the nearest hospital is NOT where this game shines, it's one of the most boring parts of it. I haven't played the game in 2 days because I have a whole ton of loot, some of it belongs to friends, some of it is just awesome and I don't want to lose it. I've sent some low-threat friends into Cherno/Elektro but they'll either be killed or all the morphine will already be gone. Then they log out from the frustration. It's kinda limiting the amount of players who could be online and playing and enjoying their experience. +1 on the splint idea, wouldn't even be hard to implement I'm sure. -
On the subject of accepting death/disconnecting
slavegirllucy posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I know there are a hundred threads about this already, and I'm opening the doors to flamers, but I just needed to get my two cents in, as it's kind of becoming a huge issue that I can say has gotten worse. It's happened to us all. We get into an engagement with other player(s), they take their shots. You finally gain position on them, fire, hit, and they log out. It happened to me once within my first few days of playing. It's irritating to say the least, but I accepted that a) we're in alpha and b) asshats will be asshats. However, we also have to deal with a similar issue called 'ghosting' where we shoot at someone, they log out, go to a low pop server and gain a better position, relog to the old server right behind you and kill you. I see more and more of this the more I play. To me it seems like more people are learning this exploit and using it everytime they encounter other players. Today, my group finally made it to the nw airfield, ready to form up and loot the hangars. While we were looting we heard a shot from the other side of the airfield. Since I was overwatch I spotted him, aimed at him with my m107, but as soon as he saw me getting ready to shoot he just disappeared. We continued to loot for a moment when out of thin air someone logs in right in front of 2 of my group mates, kills them, then logs out again. 5 minutes later, as I'm trying to get out of there without alerting zombies, the same person appears in front of me. Luckily I had a good angle at him and I saw him first, he runs behind a truck and quickly logs out again. I climb down the ladder and start heading towards the woods when BANG I get hit and killed by the same guy who appears behind me. One guy took all 3 of us out by 'ghosting'. So cheap. But I accepted my death regardless, and respawned near Bolata in hopes to get some good starter gear. We regroup and start looting when we encounter 3 other players, we say 'we're friendly' but of course they open fire, missing all shots. When we start firing back, they all logged out. We were wise from the last time at the nwairfield and decided to get out of there before they spawned behind us. We headed to Cherno for med supplies since one of us was hit and needed blood ASAP. We raid the northern hospital, then we start checking the apartment buildings when we see someone enter the furthest building down from us. We shouted friendly once again. And decided to stay in the same apartment building. After 5 minutes of waiting for someone to poke out of that building, we hear revolver shots inside the apartment we were in. The guy logged out, ghosted his way on top of the roof of the building, and took all 3 of us out in the building with his revolver and akm. Frustrated we started again, headed north, we spotted a crashed heli near Kozlovka. As we approached we noticed 3 other players also approaching it, we were unseen, so we fell back into the treeline to decide whether to let them pass or engage. 2 of them spotted us in the treeline and tried to flank. Since we knew where they would come from we were prepared with our primaries pointing downrange. I spotted them both running right towards me, I took a shot at one of them, hit him, and they both INSTANTLY LOG OUT. My group mates also saw the one behind the heli disappear out of thin air. Instead of rushing the heli and trying to loot everything as fast as possible, we decide to gain higher and closer ground and over watch the heli for when they would inevitably come back. After waiting 10 minutes, one of our group members got brave enough to go in and check it out. He found a Bizon and was pretty excited to have his first silenced weapon when we heard a shot. The shot missed him so we told him to retreat back to us. He got there and we were regathering composure for a couple of minutes, when the same guy POOF appeared not even 3 feet beside us and opened fire. He killed our friend with the Bizon but we were fast enough to turn on him and opened fire again. I swear not ONE bullet left our barrels before he logged out again. Also for some reason, our friend's body glitched into the ground and we were unable to loot him for the Bizon or his other gear. And these were just the incidents that happened today. In the last 2 days EVERY person we engaged has logged out. I'm not even exaggerating. EVERY single person. And the funniest part? I play with about 10 other people and not one of us have EVER done that. We accept our deaths. It's a game, and death is inevitable. It SUCKS to die in a group because then the whole group gets separated from you. But STILL we never log or ghost on anyone. I know that honor on the internet is almost non-existent, but STILL PEOPLE! Come on, you are going to die, just take it like a man (or woman). I really enjoy DayZ. I enjoy being a survivor, I enjoy the tension when dealing with bandits and firefights. I'm not one of those ones that moans and groans when he gets sniped by a bandit, in fact, I usually give compliments if the bandits were smart about the engagement and outplayed us. But when 90% of engagements result in people cheating to win, then why even continue to play? Because it's alpha I guess. But even Rocket said this problem was an 'easy fix'. Rocket I BEG you to at least introduce something, even if it's glitchy and people rage about realism or w/e, give us a hotfix to prevent this behavior from happening. At the moment the legit players are having their alpha testing experience ruined because we WANT to help the community, we WANT it to grow, we WANT to help the mod, but we are forced to deal with asshats who don't even give us a chance to play the game the way it's meant to be played. I want to know WHO killed me, so I can report them for cheating, but we don't have obituaries/killfeeds that tell us who killed us. I promise you as a tester I will report EVERYONE and ANYONE who behaves like this, as I record most of my gameplay. At least give us testers a way to fight this problem, instead of just having to 'deal with it'. And this all happened on Atlanta 58, if anyone is wondering, and these stories happened to us at different times of the day. I won't play there again because I feel as though the server itself is an asshat magnet (considering all the side-chat voice was from people who sounded younger than 10). Sorry for the TL;DR and forum rage, but since I am a writer I thought I could help others who have not encountered this problem to understand how frustrating it is. HOWEVER! This will not stop us from playing, testing, and enjoying this mod! We love it, we love Rocket's philosophy, and we love how it encourages a high level of teamwork. But judging by how severe this issue is becoming, something needs to be done ASAP. Thanks for giving this a read. -
On the subject of accepting death/disconnecting
slavegirllucy replied to slavegirllucy's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't despise bandits, it's part of the game, and what makes it so exciting out there. I'm not a bandit. But there is moments when I'm forced to kill people even when their intentions are unknown. But I will not kill someone for the sake of killing someone, and I will NEVER log out. And if someone is trying to live in peace, they're playing this game wrong lol. There is no peace in Chernarus. Anyways back in and see how long I make it now. -
Was funny yesterday my group ran into a few Bandits, trying to gain position over us, all with high value gear except one with a hatchet and noob backpack (so he must have been a respawn). We had no choice but to engage, we took out 2 bandits, both of whom logged before their death was registered. The guy with the hatchet then charged my teammate, knowing he was going to die. This hatchet wielding player was hit, and was bleeding out. He didn't log. So we didn't finish him off. We didn't want their gear, we just wanted to make it out of the airfield alive. So whoever that was who DIDN'T log, just know that you're more honorable than your friends, and your welcome for not finishing you off.
I saw a youtuber talking about how he uses his alt when he's not with his group. Is it possible to create an alternate character? If so, does it require us to purchase another copy of Arma 2 or OA? The reason I ask is because while this game fosters teamwork, it sucks when members of my group log off for the night, and when I want to play I know I'm leaving my group's last known location, which will make it difficult to regroup, and also if I die on my own I let my group down by losing supplies that were meant to be shared. And if it DOES require me to purchase another copy of OA, then does that mean I must also play on another Windows install? Thanks!
On my very first day of DayZ, I stumbled into Kamenka, fingers crossed to find a weapon to defend myself. Behind the building with the large bay doors near the docks, there is a group of 5 survivors standing in a circle. I was nervous on my approach, but approach I did. They were standing over another survivor's dead body. They weren't moving, I thought they were AFK, but wasn't sure. I turned around and headed into the building beside these people. There was a hatchet. I toyed with the idea of killing them, even asked a friend in Teamspeak to decide their fate (he told me to leave them alone, good guy). But then I thought "If they were stupid enough to go AFK in the middle of Kamenka, surrounded by Zeds, then they deserve an axe in the back. I crept up on them, axe in hand. I had it all planned out, kill the guys with drawn weapons first, then the others. I swung my axe on the first, blood spurted out, but he didn't drop. Odd. I tried to kill the next guy but the same thing happened. I then realized I could open their backpacks and take what was inside. Blood bags, MP5-SD, GPS, NVG's, a couple M1911's. I moved quickly and 'pickpocketed' all the stuff I could hold and GOT THE FUCK OUTTA THERE. I realized when I got up the coast some that I had failed to loot the MP5. Greedy me, I turned around and headed back to Kamenka. They were STILL there! So I go to take the MP5, and the second I looted it, my game crashed. I quickly logged back in, and they were STILL there, I tried to loot it again, and it crashed, yet again. I logged back in AGAIN, and all of them were gone. I was thankful for their contributions (hehe) but still wondering "were they glitched?". Nevertheless I headed back up the coast then flanked around Cherno when I spotted a group of 5 survivors, standing in the exact same formation, over their dead 'friend'. I waited for movement, saw none. I moved in. Once again ALL the same loot was on them. I took everything I could, and tried once again for the MP5. Crashed again. I relogged and they were gone. So was all the loot I had taken from them. Obviously a glitch but to me it was a punishment for me being greedy and trying to take more than I needed. Ever since that experience I made two personal rules: 1) Never kill an AFK or unarmed survivor 2) Karma comes around quickly in DayZ, even if the game has got to bug out for it to occur.
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Group of 4- 7 survivors looking for other squadmates (NA EAST)
slavegirllucy posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
We're friendly, we're mature, we play with tactics and don't goof off when it could get us killed. We have our own Teamspeak server, although we just shut our website down. We've been a clan for 5 years. Looking for survivors who are like minded in regards to sharing supplies, staying alive, and working as a group. We are neither hostile nor friendly. We keep to ourselves. If we help someone, it's because it's safe for us to do so and is the right thing to do. No we won't give strangers a ride up north, but we also won't shoot you in the back for asking. That being said, we take no chances, if we spot someone armed who has spotted us, all bets are off. If you'd like to play with us add me on steam phonix247420 I will give you our TS3 info if I decide you are trustworthy. We play mostly on NA East and Central servers.