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About dyssident

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    On the Coast
  1. dyssident

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello, I'm in need of medical assistance if there's anyone up to the challenge. While clearing out the NW Airfield with a friend, I sustained a broken bone but climbed to the safety of the lookout tower between the two northernmost hangars. My friend then searched for some morphine nearby but broke his leg as well, retreating to the same tower. So as it stands, both of us are atop the tower, in good health but immobilized. If there's a medic in the vacinity that can bring at least 2 Morphine Auto Injectors into this zombie infested territory we would be forever grateful. Location: NW Airfield > Northern Hangars > Lookout Tower Grid: (04,04) Coords: (045,046) Patients: "Atwater" and "Jamal Kingsley" Require: 2x Morphine Auto Injector Times Available: 6PM - 11PM EST (UTC-5) http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/7332/helpcsc.jpg Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dyssident Teamspeak and IM available, PM me Edit: Situation Resolved