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About takeshi367

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  1. takeshi367

    Empty grassland

    Sounds like Debug Plains? Head East, i've heard that works. if not, respawn and see if that works. If not that, Reinstall sixlauncher/DayZ/Player Profiles/etc. until it works. My friend went through this last night, He Reinstalled DayZ, Deleted all his Profiles, Reinstalled Sixlauncher, and decided to head east in Debug Plains. After about 10 minutes of running east, he hit respawn and he was back at Chernarus.
  2. takeshi367

    Just found an AS50 any tips?

    I believe you mean Magazine good sir, there is a big difference between the two. but yeah, pretty much, with either of the Big .50's, never shoot them while in a city or within a 500m radius of a city or any zombie spawn. Also, If you shoot the Engine Block of any vehicle in game twice, you'll destroy the engine and put the vehicle to a standstill. Although, you could always hand the AS-50 over to me, since my tent ate mine yesterday :D
  3. takeshi367


    I know this isn't an MMORPG, buuut it works for the internet in General as well. M.M.O.R.P.G - Many Men Online, Role Playing as Girls. Also, there are no computers in the kitchen, so women don't have access to the Internet. Unless they are lucky women and have computers in their kitchen. which is about as rare as finding a M240 in this game.
  4. takeshi367

    Fuel Pumps Actually Work

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=607&pid=5443#pid5443 That should answer your question
  5. takeshi367

    Emotionally drained after death

    I give my thread all my Yes. I feel that this is what rocket is trying to create.
  6. takeshi367

    Tracking alpha players?

    Bro, the Award is being able to play a fucking awesome game(mod/whichever) that's still in Alpha, for free. Did I mention It's FREE? Seriously, if you expect Rocket and Co. to Award thousands of players, keep dreaming. Normally Alpha testers are normally a very selected group. Be honored to be playing this while it's still in development.
  7. takeshi367

    Post your best and/or worst experiences

    Hmm.... Well, Yesterday, A few pals and I decided to take our V3S Up to Berezino/NEAF to look for a vehicle.... Well, we here we are in Krasnostav and I'm driving the Truck down the road. I barely touch the side of the truck to a light post on the side of the road, and the game decides to say "Fuck you!" and Makes the truck Slide Upward, yes, Upward the lightpost and then glitch out and land on the ground on it's side. So here we are in the most north-eastern part of the map, with our Camp, where our other vehicle is located, about 8-9km away. So We decided to split up into groups, one of the guys decided to trek it back to our camp, grab our other vehicle, and try and push the tipped truck back up rightside. Meanwhile, me and another bud decided to hit up the NEAF and Black Lake looking for a vehicle we could use. Not much luck except for finding a tractor, which was heavily damaged. Our Buds got the great Idea to use the damaged tractor to flip the truck back over, Not the greatest idea. One of our guys gave the truck two good slams, and the tractor killed our bud in the tractor. So in the end, we waited for out other bud to get the vehicle from out camp up to where we were and try and flip the truck back over with that. Well, He got pretty far. He pushed the truck up against a roadblock and tried to flip it over on that. Well, after about 10-15 minutes of pushed, he got the truck glitched into the roadblock, and gave it one more push. The game decided to say "Fuck you!" again and as he pushed the truck into the roadblock, the truck went Flying, yes, FLYING into the air, landed back down, and lifted off again. We never saw that truck again. It was disappointing for us, but amusing at the same time. Later, I had the great Idea of Shooting a Zombie with my M107 in the middle of Krasnostav, and aggro'd about 10-ish zombies, got my blood down to about 5k, legs broken, in shock, and knocked out. Fun Stuff ^_^ Luckily, my buds got me patched up. Since that whole Idea went bust, our group decided to hike it to Elecktro and look for vehicles/Ammo there. We ran into, or at least we thought we ran into a group we met the night before who had a running bus, so we were planning on hi-jacking the bus and taking it back to our Camp. However, our recon in the city and snipers outside the city lost sight of them, last heading east on the Main road, most likely heading to Berezino. After these events, we decided to do a Cherno Run, seeing as how the server reset earlier today, and we lost all of our shit in the Tent (Even my AS50 >.<). It was fun stuff. We are still looking for a vehicle >.>
  8. takeshi367

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    I Concur, Rocket's initial goal was to essentially make a game where The world's (Chernarus') social order has been broken down and there are no rules. It's a sandbox, you can do whatever you may please. The people you meet are under the same restrictions as you. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=588&pid=7100#pid7100 I suggest you read Rocket's Post here. There are also plenty of people who have posted ideas for inducing more Co-op Player Interaction. And if you're having trouble looking for a group, go to the Survivor HQ and make a thread asking for someone to play with. They'd be glad to join you in your Epic Conquests :P That's where I met my group and we haven't had any intended deaths due to each other.
  9. takeshi367

    Trading for M107/AS50

    Okay, sorry everyone, but a trade earlier today has obtained me a M107 in exchange for the DMR. However, I am still looking for an AS50, Coyote Pack, and Possibly a M14 AIM. Also looking for M107 Magazines.
  10. takeshi367

    Trading for M107/AS50

    Non SD, sorry.
  11. So I've made several runs to the NWAF and have found some good loot, however, I haven't found what I really want. I'm looking for either an AS50 and a Coyote Pack. Also looking for M107 Magazines. My friend is also looking for a M14 AIM. I have a few things willing to trade: -M4A3 CCO (No Ammo) -M249 SAW (With two 200 rnd Box Mags) -Rangefinder -M4A1 Holo -M9SD (No Ammo) If interested, please respond. Looking for serious Traders, No funny business. Steam name: takeshi367 / [332]{F}enrir
  12. takeshi367

    Looking for a group

    I'm also rather new to DayZ, although I think I mostly got the hang of it. Seeing as how it's summer, I don't have any school, I'm around most of the day, most likely to be around from 12pm PST to 2~4am PST Steam Account name: takeshi367, Profile name: [332]{F}enrir (Old Clan)