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Shantarr Dalrae

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Everything posted by Shantarr Dalrae

  1. There appears to be a trading post operating right now... I was able to trade there for an AKM w/ ammo for some blood bags I had. Thought I would let you all know. It's "DayZ - Trading Post" in the filter.
  2. Shantarr Dalrae

    Unofficial Trading Post sighted!

    Looks like it's not showing up anymore, oh well, was fun while it lasted!
  3. Shantarr Dalrae

    Unofficial Trading Post sighted!

    I spawned there too, it was in the firestation, so I think they planned that. Whole experience was pretty cool actually!
  4. Servers need to be updated. http://www.arma2.com/supply/game-updates
  5. How did you 'clear' the tents? Whenever I do, they just come back.
  6. Shantarr Dalrae

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    Only servers I played on before 1.7.2's release are saving my character's data. Any I play on post 1.7.2 are all saving a new set of character data. I essentially can play two completely characters, depending on the server I am on.
  7. Shantarr Dalrae

    Colorado 1 Admin Abuse !!!Dev Server!!!

    I strongly disagree with your continued stance on a moot point but it is your right to have an opinion; as much as it is for me to have mine. I believe that this testing by a stated Developer, without adversely affecting the game play and experience of others, in this alpha test environment is to be applauded. That is my personal opinion and while we are human and do not always like to take criticism, leading us to sometimes lash out; we can learn from our mistakes and that is what I see has occurred in this thread... with some minor exceptions. Good night, Shantarr Dal'rae
  8. Shantarr Dalrae

    Colorado 1 Admin Abuse !!!Dev Server!!!

    I also consistently refuse to forgive people, even if they are helping me(people) experience things in new exciting ways! In all honesty, the approach may have been wrong but the goal was pure. Take care, Shantarr Dal'rae