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Everything posted by james_foschi@hotmail.com

  1. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Is this server host legit?

    So this server host is offering rented servers for averagely $100 AUS, are they legit? something doesnt see right like shouldnt they have to make the server a certain name like "AU8" or whatever comes next. Can anybody confirm? or how much for a dedicated glovine server? i would really liek to host a server in australia, cheapest dedicated would be good if this rented server isnt legit. > http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/ That is the site
  2. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Is this server host legit?

    Alright thanks ill give them a try for a month... so how do i name my server?
  3. So we and my friends found a van drove it around for like 4 days we finally find some good fucking loot on a helicopter put it in diving away.... we had damaged the engine yeah orange colour so anyway we end up hitting something not too hard but it goes red. I thought what the hell go to drive and it fucking explodes when the engine starts up now in my experience this isnt fucking anyway remotely realistic the CAR WOULD NOT FUCKING EXPLODE fuck rage thread. bye good guns fuck life i dont understand my suggestion make them just not work? now fucking explode so fucking pissed off fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  4. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Do suggestions even go anywhere?

    So do these suggestions even go anywhere i have made some and obviously alot of people have and there are some dam good ones out there, but my question is... do they get read by admins / rocket? does he even take notice? does any of this go anywhere? like people comment and reply and so on but once the thread is gone off page one.. that's it done finished no more comments or replies obviously unless people are following... But then what happens? a bunch of us people on the forums make a change? no nothing.. My suggestion is.... well for rocket to read these or some admin say they are a good idea or not...
  5. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    New DayZ Gamestyle

    This is amazing.
  6. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Damaged engine causing a car to explode in a fireball when starting it?

    This is a lie i was with him! This is when we found the van he was passed out from the tractor exploding on startup, i walked down through some trees because i heared an engine.. foudn a parked van, got in drove back to DecayPirate and picked him up that was like 3 - 4 days ago.. we just picked a as50 up off a helicopter and a m249 saw, fuark bro 2 best guns in the game on one crached chopper spawn... gone.... spewing aye... it is a very stupid mechanic.
  7. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Suggestion: Skills Idea

    This isn't battlefield.. I like both games but they are completely different this is a semi realistic zombie survival .net some arcade zombie shooter like left for dead
  8. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Lock vehicles to the player who repaired it

    Its the fucking apocalypse take anything to survive me and a friend found a blue van in a not so good hiding spot and let me tell you we have kept that in better condition than the canoriginal owner we go for regular drives searching for carports good and drinks we got 2 snipers protecting us it like perfect team
  9. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Cheater's view using a glitch for extra ammo

    I like the part where he said "shut the fuck up" but seriously this was mildly entertaining :D but who cares about the unlimited ammo glitch? i bet you use it with the m1911 i bet everybody does, it doesnt need another forum post there is already heaps and im quite sure rocket knows about it
  10. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Knocked Out...Really?

    Already started a thread like this; Find it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/33214-zombies-knocking-players-unconscious/
  11. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    Ok here's my beef with getting knocked out cold by zombies... its basically retarded... ok sure there's gonna be haters about to abuse me but hear my case out.. if you got attacked by zombies in reality and were facing them you would use you own arms instinctively to block your head also the adrenalin pumping through your body when in a fight or a zombie encounter would stop you from becoming unconscious. My suggestion is simple zombies no longer knock you out cold instead unconsciousness is only when disconnecting and reconnecting when having the shock symbol, running very low on blood where you keep passing out briefly and/or possibly falling from great heights - (Also height falling dmg needs to be reduced you wouldn't instantly just die from a 3 meter fall) Tl;dr Remove zombies knocking you out cold and reduce fall height damage.
  12. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    Yeah man for sure.. I actually agree with everything you just said.
  13. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    The in reality part was more to do with the fact if getting wacked say in a fight that you won't get knocked out and considering this mod / is trying to be more of a battlefield simulator rather than a game I do think these things can be changed as for saying you hate people making post about zombies being OP? I never said they were OP I just hate one aspect of them when combined with slight blood loss in your character.
  14. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    I am scared ;'(
  15. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    One other thing when reading over this; This is true a zombie wacking you is not going to make you gush blood out everywhere and bleed to death if anything a good cut would conjeal blood and the tiny amount you would lose really wouldnt affect you in terms of hitting like 9k blood and having vision and hearing loss seriously now comonn Awell it is still alpha who knows what crazy and wacky updates rocket is going to bring out..
  16. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    Ahah thanks anyway for the feedback guys :P was just a little thing on my mind... Although... still waiting for that 1 guy that can barley speak english to show up with random abuse.. you guys know the kind of person im talking about he will come in "What this gay cuz u have to be gud when pley gaem n u cant be run zombys cuz dead and blud be low - sry bad english" But thanks anyways im abit both ways really i suppose it is good the way it is :)
  17. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    love the And thanks for that bit of information i guess it adds that bit more of extreme realism to the game.
  18. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    Zombies Knocking players unconscious

    I still think you should need quite low blood pressure to be knocked out cold even then maybe low blood + hit from behind = unconscious, idk its just been annoying me lately if i dont have a friend with me id most certainly die everytime. Also the zeds aggroing range has been dramatically increased crouching does nothing anymore there is no point i just run standing up everywhere now.
  19. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    DayZ admins can spawn vehicles?

    So i was playing on a day Z server today and i heared a helicopter above elektro. My initial reaction was wow decent effort to them, but then i realised as i walked out onto teh street that it was a blackhawk helicopter with 2 miniguns on the side.. i was yelling on direct channel for him to land and to my surprise he did.. Latley i have become a bandit because i have been killed alot.. so yes i shot him out but i was on ventrilo with mates i told em to get back on teh server ill pick them up, i also had to randoms following me and they hopped in, i took off and was learning to fly next minute i hear another helicopter so i view behind the chopper and realise there is a FRIKKEN APACHE GUNSHIP on my tail and it starts firing rockets at me i ended up crashing in the confusion.. then my friend tells me elektro was getting destroyed by an apache.. So i was wondering.. did the admin spawn custom vehicles is that possible? OR did they legitimatley get them because i didn't think they were even in day Z Also how would 1 spawn these vehicles in there server? If me and friends played on our on server and it was empty for fun. :D I filmed started filming just after i shot him out for proof.
  20. james_foschi@hotmail.com

    DayZ admins can spawn vehicles?

    Ok thanks guys yeah it was odd i was hoping ot save the helicopter but i freaken crashed hah... if only i was better at flying it... :( awell least it will still be fair for everyone once he is gone