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About Ularg

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Well lets just say we had to collect.
  2. Coasting south from Berezino with some friends in a car and came across a fellow with a hatchet. We jumped out to give a friendly hello, sadly no communication could be made for some reason (brazilian servers, pff). Sadly, we just left a town and had a train catching up to us. In the frustrating time trying to communicate with this loan survivor, I simply said "Sorry buddy, gotta go." And took a shot at his head and drove off.
  3. Ularg

    Bandits needed

    Wanted to be the Batman of Cherno, but this sounds more fun honestly. I'd love to join if we get VOIP set up.
  4. Hey, sorry if I come off as rude, I'm simply frustrated. I purchased Arma II OA this morning to play DayZ. Installed DayZ (and then went back to install Arma II free, if that matters at all) and ran into one error after another. This forum has been a great resource in trouble shooting, but every time I solved one problem, it just gave me another. Now, I'm stuck. I used Worrom's Day Z updater to update the game. I downloaded and installed the beta patch and used the updater to start the game. During loadup I get the dialog box "Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts' " which I tried troubleshooting with this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=110, as well as others that showed up on Google. After the game startsup I get another dialog box ingame stating: "no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope" As I continue on to attempt to join a server I go to a black screen ("Waiting for Host") and quickly get pushed back to the server browser with "cannot play/edit this mission deleted.chernarus" After multiple attempts I'm at a dead end. As a last resort would it be possible to uninstall Arma II and Arma II AO through Steam (where I purchased it) and reinstall to start from scratch? Reason for last resort is my poor download rate (completely fine ping, though, thanks AT&T). System Specs: Windows 7 Professional Intel Core i7 920 Radeon HD 6870 Thank you for your understanding and support, let me know if there is any other information I can provide.