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Everything posted by kingscuba

  1. bump. I have 2 bandit clans joining, and 2 undecided clans joining.
  2. hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone knows how to setup custom skins that I can do 3 things with. 1) apply through the database 2) use as skins. 3) Make skin parcels (like skin_sniper1_dz) I tried doing this : http://dayzmod.com/f...-dayz-mod-1726/ In any case, I want to assign custom skins that actually work and don't disappear. For example, Functionary1. Every time I try applying it in my db, it switches me back to survivor2 when I log in... I have the ability to upload and edit my pbo's and my sql.
  3. well, I tried the following. 1) Edited dayz_Server.pbo [i added the skin lines to init > serverfunctions and I changed the code inside of compile > playerlogin] 2) Edited dayz_anim.pbo [config.bin, I just removed everything out of this file.] I uploaded them to the following, after renaming the originals to BACK_dayz_Server and BACK_dayz_anim @bliss @blisslingor @hive @dayz @dayzlingor It's acting like i haven't done anything >>"
  4. kingscuba

    Cannot join servers with DayZ Commander

    do this. 1) Open up Commander 2) Click Settings 3) Look at Extra Parameters. If there's anything here, clear it. 4) Look at your directories and make sure they're correct (this is probably your issue). Here are mine. e:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ
  5. kingscuba

    PvP FPS drop

    could be your GPU is starting to go out. What kind of hardware are you using? Another thought is do you have your view distance jacked up? It could also be server based. If the server you're on jacked up their settings server side, it could put undue stress on your rig. When you zoom in, there's more processing required since arma pops things up farther away from you. I've never had any issue concerning this, I use a sli config of twin GTX 560 ti's.
  6. kingscuba

    Clearing a survivor table.

    well, if it's saying that, I'm thinking that the DB is linking one of your players to a tent that he can still take down since he hasn't died. Just a guess though. One thing you can try is exporting your DB to your computer, edit it, then import the edit back in.
  7. kingscuba

    No sound whatsoever

    the only thing i can think of is that you logged out when in shock/knocked out to prevent dying. If you can log into a private hive and not get this, it's linked to your character, and the only way to fix this is by dying.
  8. realized i put this in the wrong section xD
  9. k. the new faction is setting up pretty well, and the timezone is fixed (finally.) time to find another.
  10. It's a brand new day! What should I do? 4chan says "Kill yourself."
  11. It's a brand new day! What should I do? 4chan says "Kill yourself."
  12. It's a brand new day! What should I do? 4chan says "Kill yourself."
  13. It's a brand new day! What should I do? 4chan says "Kill yourself."
  14. good news, we have a new clan taking over the main faction. Hoping that it works out well with the 21st
  15. good news, we have a new clan taking over the main faction. Hoping that it works out well with the 21st
  16. good news, we have a new clan taking over the main faction. Hoping that it works out well with the 21st