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Everything posted by multra@gmail.com

  1. multra@gmail.com

    NWAF= Pipe Dream

    The loot is there, it just takes time and locking the place down.
  2. multra@gmail.com

    Is duping officially allowed?

    Name and shame I say.
  3. multra@gmail.com

    DMR sniper tut

    Go to Cherno and practice on all the moving targets.
  4. multra@gmail.com

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    A hero, keep up the good fight dude.
  5. multra@gmail.com

    The DC'ing is getting fucktarded.

    Ah, keep up the good work then :)
  6. multra@gmail.com

    The DC'ing is getting fucktarded.

    Get some proof and ask the server admins to ban their ass.
  7. multra@gmail.com

    Best weapon

    I like the m14 the most. Deadly accurate to 500m and it drops a player in 3 body shots. I killed a player at ~600m with it in 5 shots. Ammo is easy to come by too. Only downside to it is how loud it is (When I shot that person I was about 500m outside the small town and the whole town aggro'd onto me.)
  8. I had this bug after a character was restored due to a bug. Dying fixed the problem.
  9. multra@gmail.com

    Tents not saving after hotfix?

    Had the issue with "save old camping tent" when not near a tent. Also could not pack up old tents that I have placed. Server was us hardcore 1
  10. multra@gmail.com

    Remove chopper radar

    The UH-1h wasnt equipped with a radar in real life, so ditch the radar.
  11. multra@gmail.com

    Remove chopper radar

    Yes please.
  12. multra@gmail.com

    Its getting bigger.....

    Automate stuff so you dont have to work :heart:
  13. multra@gmail.com

    Its getting bigger.....

    If made this: http://multra.net:8081 it updates the number of unique players ever 10 minutes. If there is any interest in this I can add all the other stats.
  14. multra@gmail.com

    This mod is better NOW then ever before

    The only thing that needs changed is a slight increase in the spawn rate. They spawn a tad too fast right now.
  15. multra@gmail.com

    Screw the airfield

    You complain about other people being lame and you alt f4 out of the game when you get shot at?