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    On the Coast

    Im done, hackers win...

    Yep , going on a break for a while - For the genuine players in here and OP - I feel the pain...with the amount of hacking going on Day Z is currently unplayable. ( 7 out of 7 servers ive been on in the last 24 hours have had script hacking going on + wiping out most of the server ). Love this game, but there is no enjoyment in having your game experience frequently and abruptly ruined at the whims of widespread script hacking cuntz0rs across all servers.
  2. just posting this here in case it gets lost in the other thread: Hacking is currently making the game unplayable and is THE #1 Issue, becoming more and more common... The night before last the server I was playing on flashed white a few times - and then everyone in the server got teleported into the sky and people fell to their death - fortunately I managed to D/C however a few friends ( and many others in the server weren't so lucky ) . Last night I joined 3 servers, First one I noticed strange white circles around NPC's and then within 10 minutes someone had teleported next to me (I was totally hidden in a tree) spammed leg breaking noises and was then instagibbed / insta-killed... then the server went down... lost all my stuff. Met up with friends on another server starting fresh, got some basic gear started making my way to meet up with some friends... after meeting up with them within 30minutes we all got teleported together and everyone was killed. Trying to rejoin another server and their were vehicles and tents spawned everywhere - then that server got shut down.Completely unplayable... My friends and I lost all our gear / spent time trying to meet up only to have completely game-breaking hacks scripted in to ensure that there is no point putting any more time in the game until there is better prevention. US500 , Seattle 61, NZ 04 / 06 , ANZ 04, were some of the servers for those interested - but honestly it seems as though its everywhere at the moment.
  3. Hacking is currently making the game unplayable and is THE #1 Issue, becoming more and more common... The night before last the server I was playing on flashed white a few times - and then everyone in the server got teleported into the sky and people fell to their death - fortunately I managed to D/C however a few friends ( and many others in the server weren't so lucky ) . Last night I joined 3 servers, First one I noticed strange white circles around NPC's and then within 10 minutes someone had teleported next to me (I was totally hidden in a tree) spammed leg breaking noises and was then instagibbed / insta-killed... then the server went down... lost all my stuff. Met up with friends on another server starting fresh, got some basic gear started making my way to meet up with some friends... after meeting up with them within 30minutes we all got teleported together and everyone was killed. Trying to rejoin another server and their were vehicles and tents spawned everywhere - then that server got shut down. Completely unplayable... My friends and I lost all our gear / spent time trying to meet up only to have completely game-breaking hacks scripted in to ensure that there is no point putting any more time in the game until there is better prevention. US500 , Seattle 61, NZ 04 / 06 , ANZ 04, were some of the servers for those interested - but honestly it seems as though its everywhere at the moment.

    Hacker on Seattle 61

    Is Seattle 61 back up ?? Can't seem to find it through server browser