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Everything posted by nstar247

  1. nstar247

    The almighty M136.

    your signature gave me a headache.... for that you have my beans
  2. nstar247

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    If you want immersion.... there's a reason why you can switch cameras. Keep the freedom to switch POV, for many reasons, that's one of the great charms to Arma, your ability to change view points. And for looking around cover, it doesn't matter if you can see the person, it matters how you act upon him... The moment you leave cover the other person can cap you, it doesn't really matter if you got a glance at him peeking over a wall IMO.
  3. I would say no, but looking at all of the people who use it just to be an asshole(blocking off fire stations, barracks... etc), i think they should be removed as they also cause graphics issues as well. We don't need an unpassable item that causes graphics problems, that only dickheads use to troll right now. P.S. Keep the sand bags, because we still need to keep perimeters around our bases.
  4. nstar247

    dayz commander

    Your gear does not reset when you update the game, as its all saved onto the main hive(you will only have your gear lost if the update is bugged) The Six updater download gave me the same warning as being harmful on google chrome, but of, its not harmful, but i hate six updater. The same thing happened when i downloaded Dayz commander. I think its something with the dll. files. I dont recommend to go into beta updates, wait until it is fully tested.
  5. nstar247


    i find liquid so easily in this its annoying- my only problem is finding food. In any residential building I enter, there's bound to be soda or a canteen, Its annoying.
  6. nstar247

    Dear deagle of US 816

    If you do get banned, im going to start blowing it up to, just to get the guy even more pissed lol... "deagle" or whoever doesnt deserve to have a camp.
  7. nstar247

    Give me my truck back!

    Nice, that guys a dick for leaving though, good team work... Sadly there was no blood drawn on that asshole >:(
  8. nstar247

    The FNG Thread

    You never know... i'v'e been killed from behind by the lowest tier weapons there is. So now my rule is if i see somebody with a low tier gun, my guard and paranoia goes up 90%. If there's someone with a higher tier weapon, i mostly KOS unless they identify themselves as friendlies(Still dont let my guard down 1%). Most of the time i get behind the person, and make them drop their guns until i'm out of the area. I'm one of the more "friendly bandits", if you know what I'm saying.
  9. nstar247

    Pending Update: Build

    You paid for Arma 2, and you downloaded dayz for free. If your so pissed at Rocket or dayz go play regular Arma 2. Dayz is a alpha version of a mod that Rocket came up with in his spare time, give the guy a break... Anyways, Thank the lord! No more graphics glitches! I can finally start playing again, because I'm currently at the NWAF and every single time i log in my screen gets raped, good thing this is being fixed! Thanks Rocket, keep up the good work!
  10. nstar247

    Remove NVG Poll

    No, its the same with me, except i don't even have successful trips to the NWAF. I'm either shot at, or find nothing good in the buildings there. And yes, NVG's are very rare, not even a 1% chance of them spawning in the barracks. Iv'e become so desperate, sometimes I even round up all of the zeds at chopper crash sites, kill them, and loot the pilot ones(I heard pilot zombies can have a small chance of NVG's).
  11. nstar247

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    Wow, thats harsh. I sometimes bandit around, but i have my own limits. If a person like you was to come up to me, i would heal you, not give you a gun or anything, but i would help you out. If somebody has a gun, however, i either KOS or make them drop it until im out of the area. Talk about losing a coyote backpack, m4a3, g17, and a bunch of other goodies to a guy with a makorov. Just because the menu on the left was popped up i couldn't shoot, didnt realize til I was dead.
  12. nstar247

    Remove Wire Fences POLL

    ... Please remove this wire fencing BS, it apparently (from what i've read) cause HUGE graphics glitches. I was in the NWAF and could not see anything half the time i looked at buildings, what if there was another player there that wanted to kill me? There would be absolutely no way i could see, much less fight back. And about using them for zombies- just run into a building, then shoot them. No reason to place wire fencing down, look like an asshole, claim the building as your own and run away or log off. Wire fencing serves no purpose except for blocking off high value loot spawns so no one can get to them.
  13. nstar247

    True banditry!

    You need to calm down... anyways, after he screamed friendly 3 times, the guy still fired at him. I would do the same exact thing, it is stupid, but its funny as hell and you cant deny it. And i'm pretty sure he pick pocketed the guy just to have revenge. I'm pretty sure he doesnt do stuff like this all the time( I hope, if so, then its half worth a ban).
  14. nstar247

    Dear deagle of US 816

    haha, I need to know the location of this on the server so i can get my friends and i to derp around the and be follow ups of you!
  15. nstar247

    Only one weapon for you!

    my trusty m4a1 holo, with grenade launcher... things a beast, and equipped with a flashlight
  16. I've murdered so many times in this game that I do it now. Iv'e even been killed as a fresh spawn. I dont kill fresh spawns, but dont help them either. Anybody with a firearm however, is dead. I dont feel guilty, because its only a video game(just pixelized people with beans, no reason to feel guilt).
  17. nstar247

    Almost as bad as COD Spawning

    5 shots to the chest, huh? Lol instresting story though. Dont really have to many funies like these.
  18. nstar247

    Grand Theft Auto

    haha, nice day you had there! Thats possibly the weirdest thing I've heard on these forums lol
  19. nstar247

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    I've seen that before, in many servers... i dont know why it happens, but i grab any loot thats near me and book it out the server just in case its a sign of a server restart. I really dont know why this happens.
  20. nstar247

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    I think its because so many players have days worth of stuff and when you lose it, you get pissed. Just go outside for half an hour and be happy, then go start a new character. PvP is fun, especially when you get good loot from it!
  21. nstar247

    Huey is losing fuel?!

    it was probably hacked, and had a leak, choppers are supposed to be back today I think.
  22. Happens to me sometimes, also. Not on a specific server, though, i guess you just got to keep looking for servers and wait until you get a working one. Thats all I got. :unsure:
  23. nstar247

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    hmm, i just installed through six updater... and everytime I'm in a server, it kicks me off. I says something about my battle eye and kicks me off, just after the server has a rant in the chat section about how it cant connect to BE master... Anyone know how to fix?
  24. nstar247

    Good loot from heli

    The first time i spotted and looted a crash site was in the nw airfield, sitting right next to the air traffic control tower. It was probably looted, because it was in the middle of one the most popular area in the game, and it only had a heat pack, and something else. I was surprised that i was sniped after crawling toward the downed chopper in the middle of an open field for 5 minutes
  25. nstar247

    True banditry!

    haha, great story! That guy was probably pissed when he opened his backpack!