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About Trevorz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Trevorz


    What is considered a bandit? O.o
  2. I'm having the 'You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip etc.' problem but my thing is that when I go to the Dayzmod website to download the files it downloades as just files and not anything that is extractable. Anyone know if the sites files are broken at the moment?
  3. Trevorz

    Im new, need tips!

    Low on blood? Is this something you learn from playing Arma? I've never played it. Or do you learn everything you need from the actual mod
  4. Trevorz

    Im new, need tips!

    I figured the trust no one.... but then again i dont want to run solo the whole time either...
  5. So I just got the game... and I've read there quite alot of things to watch out for. Was wondering if anyone could give me some heads up tips before I enter game.