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About VLPR

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    Woodland Warrior

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    [color=green]Ingame nick :[/color] VLPR_2
  1. What in game purpose would this raping actually have? For 5minutes your character can't move while someone else humps him/her from the behind? And after that game continues normally like nothing happened. This has no other purpose than just have an excuse to rape people in a video game.
  2. VLPR

    Player Spawning Protection/Delaying

    Dying at spawn becomes a problem when game spawns you back at beach with no reason, when you log back on. Then only thing you can do is to spawn in night server and run away from the beach.
  3. Pure kill numbers tell nothing about your ability as a bandit. Sniping some Nabs in Cherno is whole different story than tracking and stalking northerners.
  4. VLPR

    Player Spawning Protection/Delaying

    I think we should just have more variation in possible spawn locations. Now we seem to have like 15-20 possible spawn spots. It makes spawn camping harder, if there is only 1% chance of someone spawning there. Spawn locations should be just randomly somewhere on the beach. This ofcourse for first time spawning If you are just logging in on your living character, it is your fault if you logged off on a popular spot. Just run some 100meters in the woods and log off there.
  5. The thing is that DayZ doesn't really try to be anything. You can play it as full PvP only and there is nothing wrong with that. Or full PvE game, if you so please. Or mixture of those two. All of those playstyles are just as valid. That is what makes DayZ so unique. Being the ultimate sandbox game where you can freely be rotten bastard, or not and the only thing that's gonna punish you is the community. If anyone.
  6. Dayz doesn't need some artificial rule to enforce banditism. It needs well organized "sheriffs" and strike teams that specialize in "Bandit and other pest removal". Bad guys are just so much more organized in this game than the good guys. All we really need is couple of organized, well geared deathsquads that patrol around only to kill bandits. Too bad the bandit skin will be removed soon.
  7. VLPR

    Mimic zombie walk to fool bandits

    This just seems unnecessary and goofy. I can already imagine group of players "doing the zombie" in Cerno while rotating around like idiots. This just seems too goofy for such "serious" mod. Also i doubt would these really fool anyone. How many zombies have you seen carrying ALICE backpack and AK on their back?
  8. Actually it lowers it to maximum of 6k. Afaik
  9. VLPR

    Spectator Mode

    I believe the net gain from this kind of system would be negative. It causes much more trouble than what it is worth.
  10. VLPR

    Spectator Mode

    Ghosting. One dude flies around on spectator mode spotting goods and players alike, while reporting back to his playing team mates via TS.
  11. I didn't find similar thread with search function, so i am making a new thread. Right now infections and especially pain mechanics are kinda silly. It isn't very realistic that if you get wounded, treat your wound; you will still feel pain for all eternity until you find some painkillers. You should be able to eventually ride it out. Painkillers and antibiotics could give you instant relief, but you should be able to heal overtime too. Even without medicine. Of course timetable of your healing is big issue and it is very much debatable. You need to stay sick long enough to make pills/antibiotics matter, but short enough that you have some hope to see a day when your screen isn't shaking anymore, even without pills. With pain you could have a system where at first your screen shakes like you were having epileptic seizure, but after and hour or two your shakes slowly calm down and after 3-4hours they stop all together. Curing infection over time could have the same system as getting infections has right now. But in reverse. Current system is: at 50% temp you have a small chance to get an infection every x amount of time. But after each % less than 50, your chances to get infected increase Healing infection could have the same system, but in reverse. So as long as you keep yourself warm and dry, you will eventually be okay. Eventually meaning that still annoyingly long, so antibiotics would stay useful.
  12. VLPR

    What Day Z really needs: Bicycles

    If bicycles are added, they NEED to have silly little ringing bell attached to them, which you can ring whenever you want. *ring, ring!*
  13. I doubt ARMA2 engine has this feature. So coding it from scratch would be too much big of a pain for its worth. Better to use that time to code something more practical.
  14. VLPR

    Safe Zones.

    Game enforced safe zones are immersion breakers and a terrible idea. That bandit tailing on you? Horde of 64 zombies biting your heels? No worries! Just run past this magical line and zombies and bandits alike will stop right on their tracks! Now you can spend rest of the afternoon taunting them and throwing empty tin cans at them. When you get bored or run out of tin cans, you can entertain yourself by running over that magical protection line, take a shot at zombies/the bandit and run back like a little pussy. Rinse and repeat. If you are an adventurous bandit, instead of border hopping sissy; you can spend your evening camping at the treeline with your trustworthy CZ550, shooting anyone who crosses the magical protection line. Making the entrance to the safe haven literal killing ground. This is how these are gonna turn out.
  15. VLPR

    Pain pills.

    Pain should go away on it self in time. In real life it does, as long as you fix the wound, the pain will go away in time. Painkillers could be used for faster recovery from pain (like after you take it in 10-15minutes shakes will slowly calm down and then go away), but if you don't pop some pills, your shakes should naturally stop after two or three hours Now you are stupidly in pain the rest of your life until you get some painkillers. You can't just ride it out.