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Blueluigi6 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Blueluigi6 (DayZ)

  1. DayZ is really laggy for me, so can anyone tell me what I have to buy to stop the lagging? (Better graphics card or RAM)


    AMD Anthlon™ 64 x2 Dual Processor 4000+ 2.10 ghz

    32 bit operating system

    RAM - 1982

    Nvidia Geforce 6150se Nforce 430

    i just want the minimum upgrades so I have no lag to the gameplay.

  2. It's really laggy for dayZ, almsot to the point where i have to make put all the settings down (which makes everything blurry) to make the game playable. Im pretty sure it's my Windows Vista slowing it down, so should I upgrade to Windows 7 or keep Vista?
