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About JimmyTheHand

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  1. Wow looks like you got what was coming for you
  2. JimmyTheHand


    depends what the servers are like. It can take a few minutes to connect to some. I find once I've connected to one it becomes a little bit easier but not always, keep trying and youll get in.
  3. JimmyTheHand

    Is it possible to just randomly die?

    5 mins? that sux, I eventually made it back there, could hear a lot of fly's buzzing around but no body, prob doesn't help I was wearing a ghillie suit. Oh well will just have to go raid the bandit camp again :)
  4. JimmyTheHand

    Is it possible to just randomly die?

    How long does your body stay there for? 2 hours i have heard?
  5. JimmyTheHand

    Is it possible to just randomly die?

    Yep i did hear a sound like that thanks mate!
  6. JimmyTheHand

    OneShotted by Zombie

    Sounds like a glitch....couldn't think of much else
  7. So I was cruising the hills/mountains of the far west in my ghillie suit. Thought I might head over to Zelenogorsk so being the cautious player I am, I keep a good look around and move through the trees from the west side of the town, at the tree line a go prone to check out the town through my scope. Sitting there for a couple of minutes all of a sudden without any sound of gunfire etc, I'm dead. No unconcious just straight up dead. Not complaining really, would just like to know if its possible that you can just randomly die?? The only other thing I can think of is getting axed in the back, but found incredibly hard to believe but not impossible since I had only been on for about 20mins and started at the very west side of the map
  8. JimmyTheHand

    SoC (Shadows of Chernarus) australia

    Keen to join an Aussie bandit group. Been playing for about a month, 27 yrs old, currently equipped with a DMR and M14 AIM, Makrov ghillie suit, plenty of ammo for all, food and drink, meds, map, compass etc. PM or add me on steam 'jimmy_the_hand' Also running dual monitors, not that big of a deal I know, but useful for map
  9. Character resets are no longer available, I suggest you uninstall then reinstall DayZ. Alternatively you may head south east for 20 mins exit the server then join Canada 2 server which should see you rejoin the Dayz Map
  10. JimmyTheHand

    stuck in debug plain

    Guys the game is in Alpha testing if you didn't know already. You also haven't paid a single cent to play the DayZ mod. Don't get attached to your gear....I will kill you eventually anyways :)
  11. JimmyTheHand

    I currently have two loadable characters

    Interestung thing happened last night, I got killed by a bandit and when I respawned I had my other character back with all the good weapons and gear I had......but now I'm dead again cause I was shot during a lag spike
  12. Try installing manually, theres a good youtube clip the shows you how. I used it works fine
  13. JimmyTheHand

    New Arma 2 Beta Patch.

    hopefully for the better, though some servers wont have the update yet so be careful
  14. JimmyTheHand

    Spawning fail when resuming

    seems to be a pretty common occurrence just make sure you're not aborting when the are any connection issues, red or yellow broken chain link on screen
  15. got the latest updates etc? I'm pretty sure there are topics already dedicated to this