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Everything posted by OneWumbologist

  1. What he/she said is he/she is defending noobs from a potential "'end game character" bandit (at least that is why I think Buffjesus is trying to say).
  2. If killing people in self-defense or to protect someone else makes me an asshole, so be it!
  3. OneWumbologist

    When you see another random player you.....

    I'll ask if friendly. If I get no response or get fired upon, I'll shoot.
  4. OneWumbologist

    Best way to regain blood?

    Animals are mostly found in fields and forests, however sometimes I tend to see a chicken spawn in a town (or it wandered to it). Your best bet is to go to in the wilderness and hope to find some.
  5. OneWumbologist

    Best way to regain blood?

    What kind of animal? I don't think so. However killing a rabbit only gives you only 1 meat, rather then a cow that gives you 5 +.
  6. OneWumbologist

    Best way to regain blood?

    Kill and gut an animal. They give you 800 blood back I believe. You need a hunting knife, a hatchet to cut down a tree for wood (unless you already have a wood pile), and a box of matches to light up the wood pile. Just go over it, and click "cook meat" once you've obtained it.
  7. OneWumbologist

    Bus fun

    You managed to kill/run over 7, and not one decided to shoot you (or was even armed)? Wow. Me and buses don't go along TOO well...
  8. OneWumbologist

    Venting Thread

    Yesterday I died by running in to a bush half my character's size that somehow broke both of my legs, killing me instantly. I managed to get all my stuff back, but lost all my stats. ;_; Which isn't that big of a deal, but did disappoint me.
  9. OneWumbologist

    I have killed 8 ppl today. But..

    This is me. My connection is HORRIBLE. It usually crashes whenever I join a server (but thankfully regains connection to the server just before I get kicked), but rarely does it ever while I'm in one. There has only been 2 incidents when I lagged out during a firefight, both of which really pissed me off since I had the upper hand. And even If I didn't, I wouldn't disconnect on purpose.
  10. OneWumbologist

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    I tend to be in third person most of the time (when I'm not in a shoot out) as it does give you an advantage. However if the server I'm in doesn't have third person enabled, I'm completely fine with that, as I do enjoy playing in first person just as much as in third. :)
  11. Obviously Flurf does, and I'm sure others are curious as well. It's just a question, nothing wrong with that.
  12. OneWumbologist

    What was your luckiest find?

    An ATV loaded with great guns such as an Mk-240 (which is now mine), medical supplies, food, water, and more.
  13. OneWumbologist

    Want free gear? Go to Prud lake server 1251

    It's a trap!(?) I hate people who do that as well.
  14. OneWumbologist

    Any Way To Remove Marks On The Map?

    Lol, big mistake. :P Also, to the OP: What server was this on? I think I know which one you're talking about...
  15. OneWumbologist

    What to do now?

    Hunt or help others. Your choice.
  16. OneWumbologist

    Anyone actually play at night?

    I like to play at night, even if it's pitch black (unless I'm in a peril situation). We use flares and chem lights, not really worrying about the attraction of zombies (we'll just light them up). If there is a player or players after us (I'm in a team/clan of 4 - 7 BTW, four of us being on at all times whenever we play), then we will fight them. If one or all of us die, so be it. Plus it gives the game a whole new feel/environment (at least to me) whenever I play at night, its a bit more challenging (which makes it more fun to me).
  17. OneWumbologist

    What gear do you get attached too?

    The Mountain Dew I found. I currently have a Mk-24, so I'm pretty attached to that as well (probably won't be too upset though if I die).
  18. OneWumbologist

    Gamespy is down for five hours. July 25-26.

    Apparently you, me, and everyone else do (since it's in Arma II).
  19. OneWumbologist

    For those 30+ days in

    Whenever you join a server, look below where it shows your current location on the map. It says "Day X" (x being the number). On topic: Every day I always scavenge more and more supplies, "progressing" through the game. I also usually have some mini adventure while doing so.
  20. OneWumbologist

    For anyone complaining about getting KOS.

    I just KOS if they don't respond or have a weapon aiming straight at me without, again, saying anything. Unless of course they're already notorious for being a bandit.
  21. At least he/she didn't lead you on much farther to eventually back stab you once you've gained better gear. I hate those people. Rather would like them to just kill on site. Don't loose hope though, there are genuine/good people out there. BTW, you'd probably have better luck finding players here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq/
  22. OneWumbologist

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    I should consider myself lucky as I've never encountered another player wielding a sniper that is hostile (probably just jinxed it for myself). Also, IDK about you but the infected tend to screw me over quite a bit, but again that's just me. :P
  23. OneWumbologist

    Found a Bike!!! :D :D :D

    My friend once found and rode a bike! Shortly after he died because it flipped due to it crashing against a group of zombies (he broke both of his legs and then got ate).
  24. OneWumbologist

    Breaking the legs on random stuff

    I've broken both of my legs and died by running into a bush that's half of my character's size.
  25. OneWumbologist

    How many times have you screamed "Fuck DayZ i quit" ?

    Not once. Even if I die with good gear on me, I tend to stay somewhat cool (although I might be slightly disappointed). The only real time I get frustrated with the game is when I die by a bug/glitch or get lost in the forest/woods.