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Everything posted by Quaby

  1. If u don't like the quality of the mod(which aint exactly high),just go play something else. A few relaxing rounds of mechwarrior or a bit of starcraft will make u remember what playing a clean game feels like ;)
  2. Quaby

    Guns = Survival?

    If i have a gun, I can hunt and/or kill you for your beans. So yes. ;) If alls you have is beans, when I come for you, your only defense will be to throw cans at me :D
  3. Um....I dont feel the need to waste money on something that will probably never happen. And, hell, if it does happen, I can always just steal shit from people who did prepare ;). Since like half of my family are either hicks, military, or ex-military, i got my whole private army ready ^^. You would be amazed what a bunch of hick ex-marines can do...;).
  4. Quaby

    Lingerie zombies

    Dude, with shackles and whips, I would be doing zombie bondage shit in elektro for dayz. Badass pic zakatak btw, always was a fan of the shadow cat, bushwacker's better tho ;)
  5. Pretty nice idea. I'm not sure about the technical issues, but it sounds like it could work. Enjoy a dinner of baked beans ;)
  6. Quaby

    The Decline of DayZ

    I stopped playing DayZ regularly a while ago. I find that playing mechwarrior and not buying the standalone is the best way I can express my displeasure ;) Also, the bird kicks ass. End of discussion.
  7. I am a bandit, but I try to keep some honor. I do not betray people, because IMO you cant go much lower than that. However, I am not above placing a tent in electro and setting traps for people. ;)
  8. Quaby

    Better vehicle protection

    I assaulted a group of four and stole their truck with a double barrel, who left a person with a hatchet as protection as they looted electro. Vehicle protection would add a cool dynamic of, if i want to steal a car from a group, I would have to kill and search each individual until I find the keys. It would be super fun. You get beans, and I would give u more if i could, but this will have to do.....;) :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  9. Never really cared much for arma. The concept was nice, but it was clunky and flat out hilarious at some points, and not in a good way. I played BF3 a bit, more of a Halo or Splinter Cell person though. I despise all the CoD's since five.
  10. Quaby

    Training over time (Character skilling)

    Im pretty meh towards this. Like some1 said, i disapprove of an idea that allows for someone who doesnt play so much, like me, to have a disadvantage to some1 who is obsessed. I think I shouldnt be penalized just because I dont play that much. If he has an AK and I have an AK, I shouldnt lose because he played 10 hrs more than me. Just saying.
  11. He said he was going to prioritize hackers and bases. Im going to bet my bottom dollar he cant fix EVERYthing with what, three months? Unless he is actually is dedicating most of his working time to it, which I believe he isnt
  12. Quaby

    How about a starting weapon?

    The only thing you can afford to take away is the bag and the painkillers. The bandage is there to prevent death after getting hit once by a zombie. I thought that they should probably replace the painkillers with morphine to increase the viability of only staying in small towns.
  13. *condescending soldier who thinks anyone who isn't a soldier is the scum of the earth and makes himself or herself feel better by calling people stupid* I know several marines. And they are fun to be around, and they do not play the, "I IZ A BAD@SS" card all over the internet. Mostly because they are POLITE. Maybe it's just the infantry, because all the people I know flew or were tankers. Also, your grammar made me want to shoot myself. If you are going to call someone stupid, make sure you have absolutely no grammar errors, and certainly not as many as you have 0.0. I'm just praying that you aren't just another twelve-year-old who is pretending to be a sniper, because if you are actually not lying, you really aren't showing it. Try to understand how common your type of story is on the internet, and you will know where I am coming from. COD made every kid want to be a sniper. SO hard to distinguish between kids and actually marines.....
  14. I am confused. I didn't say anything regarding the nitpicky details, just said i thought it was a bit over the top, and I get a double dose of flamethrower. WHAAAAT? ;)
  15. Quaby

    Incredible loot find

    You think THAT is incredible? Try NVGs, a helicopter, and a coyote bag five minutes after spawning :D
  16. Quaby

    Is this game dying?

    I have just not been playing as much, just don't have as much time. So now all i do is log in once a day and check stary for lewt ;)
  17. Being an expert on ballistics, you would be familiar with the term, "overkill". This is the level of detail that would be in a medical sim, not a zombie apocalypse sim. The game is not meant to be realistic in every way,mostly because it can't. This amount of detail would be very difficult to program,and seeing how buggy DayZ is anyway, this could get weird.... Also... This is a forum, not a course on ballistics. Keep it a bit shorter and simpler and a helluva lot more people will read it.
  18. Quaby

    Soft Kill options

    This would would never happen, since one tank could kill thousands of zombies. I do not recall zombies carrying an antitank missile... It's not like you would need an armored battalion, just a few.
  19. Quaby

    A new reason to play

    Yeah, honestly, the sandbox gets boring. You cant do anything large scale without a large, dedicated group, and most people simply do not have a group of labor to call upon. Oh well, maybe I will play it more when it comes out on its own, until then... MECHWARRIOR 4 MERCS FTW :D
  20. Quaby

    State of DayZ

    Dude, they have lives. They shouldn't have to sit under a lamp for twelve hours a day just to perfect things on a mod. Hell, the standalone is coming out in a few months, so I am sure they are pretty busy. If I made a free mod, I wouldn't be very happy if a whole group of people said, "OMG IT HAZ BUGZ FIX DEM PLZZZZ YEW R RUINING DIS MAWD!" Dayz is free, they are not making any money on this, so why should they pour huge amounts of effort into it? Nobody paid for this mod. You paid for arma 2 CO. DayZ is a nice little perk. Sure, they could stand to clean up a few things, but be patient. This is not their occupation, it is a side project. Give them time and your support, and it will be the beautiful game we all hope it will become.
  21. Quaby


    Everybody on this forum is an elitist PC gamer, so don't expect serious feedback. HOWEVER, rocket has expressed an interest in a console port, so you may get your wish :D
  22. I am willing to trade NVGs and a rangefinder for an AS50 rifle. May add more goods if necessary. If you message me on the steam ID southquab/balithekomodo or skype me at gabeturn, I will provide specifics of the trade, like location and server. There are several rules I would like to have the trader heed by. 1. come in with your primary out(The AS50, if you come at me with any other weapon I will kill you) and lowered. 2. Come to me in a specific direction I state to you. 3. If I give you directions while we are trading, I expect them to be followed. 4. We will go our separate ways immediately after the trade. I may just log out, so don't try too hunt me ;) 5. Come alone. Do NOT bring anyone else along. I MAY bring my group along for extra security, but you are expected to bring only yourself, and maybe whatever vehicle you are currently driving. 6. You will place the AS50 inside a tent, during the trade, then I will check to make sure it is there. Then I will put the NVGs and rangefinder inside the tent. You will then take them. Do NOT divert from this procedure. I am going to ask you to trust me, and I am executing the above procedures just for my own safety, as well as yours.
  23. Quaby

    DayZ Vets

    Shuttle people around in a heli, it is a high risk thing but is fun as hell ;)
  24. You posted on my thread, ITS ON! ;) Hey, dont hate on sol! It has my favorite truck, and it is easy to repair too. Its a nice little place to pick up a car for ur bros. I like you, so IDK if I want to shoot you.....not sure I can do it.... I am 100% legit with my gear, I just get lucky in Kamenka ^^