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Everything posted by Alien0527

  1. Alien0527

    I want to play a game.

    wish there was two Hueys as Huey wars would be fun oh the good old days of messing around in the editor
  2. its odd reading these posts as i used to set up defense missions in arma 2 editor at green mountain i would get a squad of of marines vs a large number of insurgents and man those insurgents never cracked our defense was always more fun when we had a ton of players assaulting the outpost was always another story
  3. Alien0527

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    m14 is a great gun I use it for defending myself from players then switch to a m4 cco sd to take out zombies its the perfect combo in my opinion
  4. Alien0527

    Killed by guy walking in air

    if you happen to see a hacker just alt f4 dont even mess with them or play along with them it almost always ends badly
  5. Alien0527

    Spawned in random place with no gear

    No its not just the ghillie suit i was at the dam way up north hidden wearing just normal clothes when i log out then log back in the next day im on the coast still the same guy as all my stats are the same just have zero gear spent hrs getting everything back except the nvgs cant seem to find some this time
  6. ya you are the lying bandit in this story since all you wanted was his stuff and did not care about screwing that guy over
  7. Alien0527

    Where did the hud go?

    go to options then game options then dayz ui and select debug it will show the debug monitor however all icons will turn green and become static images so it best to turn debug on look at stats then turn it off again when you start moving
  8. i had this message a weeks back didnt know what to do so i uninstalled arma then reinstalled and just used six updater never had a problem since
  9. Alien0527


    I will never understand why you lose blood from starvation it should just be a timed countdown till death since thats pretty much what it is anyway just with blood
  10. Alien0527

    Pending Update: Build

    no dont take out respawn button what if i glitch and spawn in a low detail nothing plain for the 3rd time how am i going to quickly kill myself so i can keep playing
  11. Alien0527

    Will my DayZ work if...

    if he spelled steam as st3am its clearly a troll post
  12. Alien0527

    !!! Joe's Trading store !!! ^^

    why even bother with night vision just up brightness and gamma
  13. Alien0527

    What gun did you find the first time?

    A PDW found it in around 15 min in a firestation
  14. Alien0527

    Dc'er On Atlanta 18

    Just had something similar like this happen to me in us 634. I was in cherno and a guy spawned in front of me so i killed him and it said it was friendly fire no murders or bandit kills. Dont know if he reappeared i just took all his stuff and ran.
  15. Alien0527

    I..I just killed someone.

    its ok me and buddy love to play the whole help i need someone to give me a blood transfusion con when someone takes the bait my buddy comes out of hiding and shoots them in the head sometimes we switch out who will be decoy and who kills the target
  16. So i have not done anything bad at all in dayz probably the worst thing i did was kill 1 guy. I hung up the game for maybe 3 weeks then i see its updated so i install all new updates by doing the manual install from the us mirror as i did in the past and get the 94364 beta patch working only to find that every server i join a you were kicked off the game message pops this really frustrating is there any way to fix or do i have to hang up dayz permanently
  17. Alien0527

    Deadly Inanimate Objects

    not sure about the first two but the third getting killed by swinging door is not Dayz its Arma 2. This happened to me when i was playing Arma before Dayz was even released