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About Alien0527

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Alien0527

    Dayz Tent Bugs, Items disappear on server restart

    every time i pack up a tent and move it i get two tents but both are empty however if i take a new tent set it up and don't move it, it saves all of my gear no problem kinda odd
  2. Alien0527

    Acceptable AltF4 Moments

    i agree with alt-f4 because of hackers if they don't play fair why should you
  3. i ran into a friendly guy the other day we scared the crap out of each other as both turned around the same corner and bumped into each other kinda funny when i think about it
  4. Alien0527

    I guess I'm just that lucky...

    wow i got a cool camp story so a few nights ago i run up north east to make camp and i do. The next morning when i log in there is a 25 tent camp hardly 200m away from my hidden camp. I was playing on a clan server so i guess the clan didnt see my little camp when they made theirs, so i took pretty much every item in the game and moved my camp to a new sever
  5. yes i think 50 cal. needs to go since they just seem to be way to common think about it what are the odds that your going to walk around and just see a 50 cal. on the ground realistically
  6. why is it that sometimes when i log out then log back in a body of myself containing all of my gear appears next to me?
  7. Alien0527

    M4A1 M203 holo SD? is that legit

    well i will just pretend that its the same gun and all i did was swap out the red dot sight for a holo and stuck a grenade launcher on it that i pulled of of an m16 it has the same woodland camo as well
  8. Alien0527

    M4A1 M203 holo SD? is that legit

    how can admins tell if its the hacked variant
  9. I found this wicked M4 in a large camp that a group made next to my camp so i traded my M4 cco SD for it does anyone think this gun will give me problems or will i be free and clear to keep it im a hero so its not like im going to pvp with it
  10. Alien0527

    I want to become a Bandit!

    you know being a hero is fun as well
  11. Alien0527


    well at least it was happy ending :)
  12. Alien0527


    WOW i wish i could have gotten that lucky man take that with joy i had to go through something similar twice oh well at least my guy didn't technically die well it would have given me the chance to regear quickly anyway
  13. Alien0527


    wow not even a being tossed on the coast with no gear that sucks guess you have to run in circles till you starve to death or try to walk out of debug to save nothing really
  14. Alien0527


    sorry man its a bug or you could try and say that your character went nuts in the wood and threw all his gear on the ground and just started walking but no seriously you will wind up the coast with nothing its happened to me twice just means its time find new gear. oh I forgot to say im pretty sure there is no way to save yourself i tried with no luck
  15. Alien0527

    L85A2 AWS for trade

    i have a M14 AIM with 5 mags