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Baiski AU

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Everything posted by Baiski AU

  1. yeah thats what i mean sorry.
  2. And installed it but when i launch the game through steam it still says im on the previous Beta Patch, but when i launch the game through six updater it says 94444. :S I wanna launch through steam so i can use the the Steam Browser. EDIT: I am also getting "Wrong CD Key" when i double click the beta patch.
  3. Baiski AU

    Can my laptop run this mod??

    I recommend downloading the Arma 2 demo tbh. See how that runs. Or use www.systemrequirementslab.com and go to Arma ll Operation Arrow Head.
  4. I am playing DayZ on Low quality and i was looking to upgrade my RAM. I have currently 2gb and was going to get another 2gb to make 4gb, but i used http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx and seen that my PC's processor isn't fast enough. My PC Specs - Vide memory size 512 MB (The site said it was 1.2gb) Video card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 - RAM 2048 MB - Type laptop Operating system Win 7 Home Premium. - Dual Core Processor 2.20 GHz AMD Phenom II N930 - The site said they recommend a 2.40 or 2.50 processor. (Not sure on the brands) They recommended 2gb RAM, which i have but i was thnking if i upgraded to 4gb total or 6gb total would it help me be able to bump up the quality to normal? After all my Processor is only .20/.30 off or so.
  5. Baiski AU

    My Processor no goot enough or RAM?

    True. I didn't buy this Laptop to use it for gaming. It's the only thing i had to play DayZ on. Guess i'll be buying a desktop later this year.
  6. Baiski AU

    Will Arma 2 CO - DayZ run on my PC ?

    Well try the demo and the Arma 2 free if you wanna be completely sure. I believe you have a better graphics card and ram then my pc so maybe just play on Low or Normal quality dependent on what your pc holds. Try Arma 2 Demo then Arma 2 Free, see how they go. If they run ok for your liking, buy Combined Operations.
  7. Baiski AU

    Will Arma 2 CO - DayZ run on my PC ?

    Try the Arma 2 demo on steam and see if that runs. It only 3gb or something, i can run DayZ on Low and my laptop specs are these. Vide memory size 512 MB Video card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 - RAM 2048 MB - Type laptop Operating system Win 7 Home Premium. - Dual Core Processor 2.20 GHz AMD Phenom II N930 - Your specs seem quite reasonable i would recommend perhaps buying another 2gb or more of RAM, but in anycase run the Arma 2 demo on Very High, High , Normal , graphics and see which your computer handles best. :) Good luck :)
  8. Is it just me or something? A lot people here say they find a gun in 15 minutes. I might find a hatchet in 15 minutes but whenever i find a empty house/barn all i get is ammo , flares , soda , etc . Barely ever and i mean ever a gun. Is it the person that was there before me has already took it? Do the guns respawn? Or is there something wrong with one of my weapon.pbo files? P.S i have clocked about 20 hours in total (prob 15 hours excluding learning the ropes and 3 hours trying to find my friend lol.) and the things i have found are Makarov , Double Barrel Shotgun , Crossbow , Hatchet , . Am i doing something wrong or just unlucky? Or something wrong with my game files?
  9. I was the same when i first started and by any means i am not great at this game. 1) Yeah you can find guns without getting chased by Zombies just crouch or prone and stay 50 meters away from them and if they do chase you try find a fence to try get them stuck on or just keep running , eventually they will stop. I had a zombie chase me for 10 minutes.... 2) Inevitably no one is your friend (unless you literally mean your friends you are talking to on skype or something. Which there is no way to spawn near them) But if you're talking about other survivors, then people are going to trust you and you shouldn't trust anyone unless they don't have a weapon i suppose. Also you can't spawn on people with fire arm / weapons. 3) I sort of answered Question 3 above in my answer 1. " if they do chase you try find a fence to try get them stuck on or just keep running , eventually they will stop. " 4) I suppose the point is you scavenge for food/water weapons meds etc cause i'd sort of feel bored if i spawned with a weapon and everyone went around shooting everyone. Hope i answered some of your questions! :)
  10. So basically it's like i am holding the Right key down or something when i am in the menu's. My player won't move though just when i am in the menus. I have restarted my PC , closed steam etc but it didn't fix it. Anyone else got this problem?
  11. So how long does it take you to find a gun? i found one yesterday but haven't found once since then. Been playing for about 1 hour and a half from then.
  12. Baiski AU

    On a average how quick do you find a gun?

    Then i am doing something wrong. Had the game for 3 DayZ (see what i did there?) and only found a Makarov (hatchet/crossbow) ..... Totaled 13 hours.....
  13. I get this error when starting OA 'Dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts' Also getting the deleted.chernarus error and can't connect to a server.. I followed these tutorials. Installation Beta Patch - I am trying to play with a friend and he used a updater which did it for him. So i did it manually cause the updater froze on random percentages. After finishing i ran OA and went to Multiplayer and got this error message. Baiski: "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.chernarus Anyone help on this? Thanks in advance! :)