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Everything posted by adammelo

  1. After having peacefully played dayz on the unknown gaming server, which seemed to be a great place to play, a quiet server with a minimum population of players and live admins. However, the culmination of a long nights work found myself and my friend in cherno grabbing supplies and weapons when out of the blue a black suv comes beeping up behind us, in place of rushing to help our wounded friend at the military tents we decided to blitz the black suv assuming that they might have been the ones who wounded him. We both agree to target the two separate, the passenger dies instantly to my gunners akm, the other ghillie suit admin was presumed dead after 2 enfield shots to the throat and several rounds of akm to his face, so i begin to bandage myself having been caught in the crossfire when low and behold the admin jumps out of the car and kills my friend saying "he doesn't shoot at people unless they kill him". Essentially the admin when shot will cheat to kill you, having escaped they proceeded to taunt me and my friend and chase us all through cherno and electro trying to run us off the road with their poor driving. When the admin was questioned about his own rules he ignored what I said and perma banned us both. If he kills when killed, where did he spawn, get that suit, and weapon, why did he spawn in the same suv we just shot up. He didn't spawn, he doesn't play legitimately, and he isn't mature enough to admin. Considering if his account on the server is that of a regular player and death shouldn't be retaliated with administrative powers, let alone without warning. And furthermore if that is the rule game-breaking and immersion crapping though it may be, forewarning of the rule is required for it to be a rule. I'm sure one day you'll find yourself playing on the server having a peaceful day when your shoot first ask questions later lifestyle that's gotten you to Survival Day 50 comes into question when the guy that's meant to administer the peace and keep your gaming experience an enjoyable one becomes invulnerable in front of your face and terminators you under some flawed logic with his b.s. 12 year old companion taunting you as the hunt you down after freshly spawning.
  2. If we come across you and shoot you or your friends will you spaz out and throw a load of admin powers on our butts? Or are you actually mature enough to not freak a leak?
  3. adammelo

    WofjeM Server | Butthurt Admin.

    Isn't the entire argument from the admin irrelevant though? Your choosing to play a game that runs on this behavior. It's survival of the fittest, if your senseless enough to fly down in your helicopter and help anyone out the bullet that becomes lodged in your head is a well deserved one. Unless your server rules specifically state otherwise, which then i'd be all for you and your argument since it is your server.
  4. Yea i hope the standalone has reliable hacker safety so we don't have to worry about more children with a god complex.
  5. adammelo

    us 326 abuse?

    We spent all of last night litterally from 9pm est - 4:30am scowering the map, found a player camp raided it to the ground, and moved the military offroad and the pickup truck of that camp several miles away and in a completely different heading, by our camp. I sign on at 3pm est and its all gone without a trace of evidence, the location we had was damn near unfindable, let alone the player logs for that day didnt have anyone significant enough to find were we were all fresh spawns. Was it a hacker? Admin? or Cheater? The initial camp we encountered had the bus, military offroad, pickup truck, two atv's and 3 tents however the vehicles were missing tires and so forth which seems as though its impossible to have driven a military offroad several miles on no gas, hull, engine, fuel tank, and missing front tires. Point aside was this the work of a legit player, did the server reset at 10am est clear out our vehicle and tent camp, or was this something more shady?
  6. adammelo

    US 281 hackers

    One of them might have been Goon, the AS50 + Machine gun with full gear sounds like his m.o. he was on 231 all last night
  7. Yes, i also play on 231 and last night had to have been the worst night of my life.
  8. adammelo

    New War Z screenshots

    I loved pokemon when it was hott. Digimon was always retarded... Catch my drift.
  9. adammelo

    Where is my motorcycle?

    Spend some time tracking it, granted i have 6 other mates but when our Ural did the same thing i spent 2-3 hours tracking it on the coast until i found some r-tards in it driving off, waited for them to stop and took my car back. Games in beta can't be to mad at it.
  10. Looking for the squad of people that completely merked my squad at the n.e airfield. I was the enfield in the firestation
  11. adammelo

    Dayz Sedan?

    We found one and i cant find it on the wiki, was this hacked in?
  12. If i die will my tents evaporate or will they stay for as long as i continue to save them every 5-7 days?
  13. adammelo

    Death and Tents Question

    Any re-word as to if a server restart will clear out tents of dead players even if they've been properly saved etc?
  14. We were raiding in our ural when the server went down. What happens to the ural, were do we spawn etc etc?
  15. adammelo

    Vilayer Customers Notice for Battleye

    Thanks for the restart on 326, it seems my vehicle isn't where it was when i was driving it so i'm taking it on faith that its back at the camp, either way its just a vehicle. Thanks for the help.
  16. How the six updater doesn't update your client to that version and i can't find the manual info anywhere.
  17. adammelo

    US 326 server down !!!!

    That doesn't account for the Ural vehicle that took 12+ hours to acquire and fix were the hell does it land? were it was pre-save were it was at crash what?
  18. adammelo

    US 326 server down !!!!

    Anyone have any helpful information or reassuring facts? I understand its beta and all that but this junk seems to just keep on happening, and it wouldn't even be so bad save for the fact that hosted by mort isn't friggen contact information so when the servers bugged or down nothing can ever be done ever about it.
  19. It would be helpfull i've been waiting for six hours and googled the heck out of my server name to find contact info, only to find none.
  20. Goodluck im in the same boat at US 326 hosted by the un-contactable mort!
  21. If he places a tent in the bugged server, will that tent aswell as the previous tents be placed in the server on restart or just the previous?
  22. The daily 10am est restart bugged and removed all tents and vehicles, a fresh restart will fix this however i don't know how to contact an administrator of this server. Any help?
  23. adammelo

    US 326 needs a restart

    Also if i place a tent in the bugged server will it also be there with the normal stuff when the restart fixes the bug?
  24. adammelo

    us 326 abuse?

    Anyone know a way to get in touch with an admin for this server?