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About lamesaint

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    Las Vegas, NV
  1. lamesaint

    A novel idea, unique even.

    If I'm not mistaken, DOTA did not make use of the source engine, but instead whatever engine powered Warcraft III. Only DoTA 2 makes use of the source engine, and it certainly cannot be called a mod. Also, I don't see why you think the ARMA engine is a "giant stinking fart". The ARMA engine is great at what it does, especially for an older engine. Even Rocket has said that the ARMA engine is great, and that he would like to continue using it (don't quote me on that last part, I'm going off of memory from Rocket's interview at Rezzed). As to the idea of getting help from the community; it SOUNDS like a great idea, and it may have been before there were any concrete plans for the standalone version. However, for the most part, Rocket was getting pllenty of help from other employees at Bohemia, and now has his own team to work on the standalone version, so he probably doesn't need our help.
  2. Are you really this stupid? I think YOU are the one trolling, sir. However, in case you aren't, here's what I want to respond to: "Why even roll out a patch that isn't tested in the slightest?" Um, excuse me? This is an alpha; ALPHA IS FOR TESTING YOU UNEVOLVED CHIMP. Ok, now that I got that out of the way, here's my evolved response: Alpha is for testing. This means that patches will be rolled out so that things CAN be tested. Not everything can be tested in-house. Not every setup/ operating system/ whatever can be tested by Rocket and his team. I could totally understand your point if this game was actually in release. In a release game, you need to have a test version and a release version. The test version is where you roll out patches so that people who want to test the newest stuff can help you, and then when everything is fixed you can roll it out to the release version. It would be ridiculously redundant to have a test version for the testing stage of a game. Get it now?
  3. lamesaint

    5 People squad - 2 needed

    Hey, I'd love to have some people to play with in DayZ. I had a group of RL friends that I used to play with, but they all quit :\ Steam: LameSaint Skype: LameSaint00
  4. This is wrong. It has been stated by Rocket (or someone else on the dev team) that DCing to avoid a fight is cheating.
  5. It's probably not as simple as just adding a few lines of code. If it was an easy and fair fix, then it would have been implemented already. If it hasn't yet, then you can assume a few things: 1) It's not as simple as it may seem; 2) It's not high on their priority list (like I assume that this probably would be); 3) It's not fully tested and/or working.
  6. lamesaint

    Admin Whispers.

    I had quite a good laugh at the choice of song for that video, knowing as I do now the story behind it. :P
  7. These types of weapons are sold and bought by all kinds of different countries. You are not necessarily more likely to find a weapon in a country just because it's made in that country, unless you stumble across the manufacturer for that gun. Also, drop the realism for a minute. When it comes down to it, this IS a an alpha version MOD. It was probably simpler or more convenient to put in a lee enfield than a Mosin Nagant.
  8. As far as I know, DayZ is NOT set in the soviet era. The buildings probably LOOK soviet era, because they were probably MADE in the soviet era, but I'm fairly certain the game is set fairly close to present day.
  9. A way around that is to have more randomized location spawning for people with character data already in the hive (meaning you aren't starting a new character). The spawning for a player with no location data but character data in the hive could spawn you anywhere essentially (barring the middle of cities and towns and such, and probably avoiding the beach). This would prevent people from being able to camp for people with geared characters. However, the more complicated this idea gets, the less it sounds like a good idea. Anyway, I must admit: I made that post before fully reading the rest of the posts made before mine (I only fully read the first one), so I missed the A-B-A idea. I could actually get behind that one, because I see little to no reason for a person to go from server A to server B and back to A again within a short period of time. Someone mentioned going back to server B if you need to rearm at a tent or whatever, but I don't think that is a situation that happens very often. However, the two situations that I listed in my original post are things that happen to me often enough that a 30 minute ban from the server would be a huge annoyance, especially since my friends and I only play on one server that we chose to be our home (unless that server isn't updated/ is down/ is full). The second idea I posted was meant to be in conjunction with the logout delay. I apologize for not clearly stating this in my original post. If you were able to stay safe for 30 or more seconds in your "hotbed" scenario for that long, then good on you. You can essentially do the same thing right now anyway, so your argument is invalid.
  10. That's just a not very good idea. So whenever someone logs in, they have to stay away from any area with zombies because they can't use their weapons to kill a zombie? That, or have to crawl very slowly around/through the zombies. And even then, you can still aggro zombies and would be screwed.
  11. So here is your solution applied to a non-cheating player: myself. -Login to my home server, where me and several friends store our important gear in our tents. -Get kicked due to high ping. -Realize I left Six Launcher open, which auto refreshes the server list every 30 seconds and causes my ping to skyrocket. -Launch my home server again, this time closing Six Launcher before getting in. -Can't log in for 30 minutes. Here's another situation: -Playing with friends -Find a bush to hide in and disconnect to the lobby so I can take a piss. -Come back 1 minute later. -Can't log in for 30 minutes. The time you have put (30 minutes) is simply too long. There are exponentially more legitimate disconnects (disconnecting so you can go afk for a few minutes or even seconds, etc) than there are disconnects for illegitimate (cheating) reasons. This solution would frustrate legitimate players far more often than actually stopping cheaters. I think that a simple disconnect timer would be quite sufficient (as long as they could somehow fix the duplication bug). For example, in your scenario where the people logged out to flank you, they would have had to stand still for anywhere between 20-30 seconds before they left the server, giving you plenty of time to realize what they were doing. Same with the scout who was providing information on your whereabouts. The disconnect timer would not only warn you as to their intentions, but also give you the chance to attack them before they could finish disconnecting. Of course, the people disconnecting would be able to interrupt the timer at any time to defend themselves, but you would have successfully prevented ghosting. Now, there are probably other solutions to this, and some of them will even be BETTER solutions, but this one would be a pretty simple one to implement, and would probably cut down on the number of ghosting incidents. A solution I favor though is this one: Have your character data stored in the hive (what you are wearing, what you are carrying, etc), but have your character's LOCATION saved on a per server basis. This would stop ghosting entirely. If you logged out of server A, and logged into server B, your character would be in a different spot, and moving your character on server B would not affect where your character is on server A.
  12. Absolutely. There are going to be many people who write their own stories about DayZ, and I think every story will add to this community, so go for it!
  13. Good on you man. I don't shoot on sight either, and there have been several times where this has gotten me killed. But honestly, I feel better NOT falling to those people's level. I am more likely to try to help someone than to try to kill them (unless they shoot first, and then it's just self defense).
  14. Not going to lie, this made me lol.
  15. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :) Unless that was sarcasm, and then I don't know what to say.