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About Hvizeu

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Hvizeu

    Mosin vs M4A1

    I dont think so, i still could hit fine crouching and pronning with the bipods deployed, maybe it not implemented yet but would make sense.
  2. Hvizeu

    Dat fists

    Yes it does, there is a thread specific for this on reddit, where, the team is VAC banning hoppers and loggers, sorry about the insults but this fella here got on my nerves with his litlle games, im just gonna go to reddit and ignore this logging...**** ** ****.....person.
  3. Hvizeu

    sweet fx

    You can't get banned because of sweet fx or enb, there is another thread on this forum (to lazy to get link sry), where ppl posted a buch of link to the steam forums that says its not bannable.
  4. Hvizeu

    Mosin vs M4A1

    I does not cause accuracy issues, just messes up the mildots, if you dont know how to use them you shouldnt bother and just play with the FOV that suits you, but if you realy want to just hit the "default" button on the video options tab. Also i finally got a scope for the mosin, tried out some extreme high range shots from 800m to 1.300m (estimated using the in game map measures in case your wondering), around 800m it was still pinpoint accurate if i take a 30 seconds break between shots, over 1000m i had to get higher ground and take some more time with the shots and the breathing mechanics. After 1.100m i could barely see my targets and had to aim way to high to be efficient in combat at all but still managed to hit 2/5 :beans: Btw i use low mouse sensitivity, and when im in iron sights i hold alt to aim so my dude only moves the gun and not the whole body, also makes the aiming smoother.
  5. Hvizeu

    Dat fists

    He edited it...as good combat logger he knows he can get VAC banned for this and its trying to dodge the confrontation, in the original post he just said my friend passed out and he kept pounding him but he changed it after i confronted him...so yeah. Get of your high horse,... Server: FL 2-1 Time: 03:40 AM (GMT-3) Location: Two storied military building at the further end of balota airfield. Description: The subject combat logged after being shot at. Thats the info i got....i should report you when i get back home,....just for being such an arrogant prick,...editing your own post and trying to bulshit me out of this,... I only play at 3 Servers thats the one i was playig at the time, i was lazy to serch for the info before but you acctualy got on my nerves. Cant stand a guy that does not stand up to his fucking actions.
  6. Hvizeu

    Dat fists

    Love what you did there dodgy man....too bad: "Edited by Jimmy Rustlers, Today, 08:31 PM." ps: Its 08:55 PM on my time right now.
  7. Hvizeu

    Dat fists

    I am not accusing the first person i see, i am accusing you, the story you described is identical to what happened to me and my friend except you took out the part when i caught you on top of his corpse and shot you,...and you disapeared...was that a mistake?,...its the same fucking story...my friend pulls the pistol and fires 3 shots, you 1 hit KO him and start punching him on the ground and then i show up,......but i guess that as soon as you heard the shots u alt F4'd. I saw the whole thing go down from up the hill i had a clean shot on some guy thru the windows but i didnt know if it was you or my firend, then we have a HUGE fuck up on communication, my friend waltz in the room checking the loot and you rush him after a bit, i loose sight of you (beacuse u knocked him out in the corner where there are no windows, then i sprint all the way up there and shoot you from the 2nd floor corridor. Like i said before i dont have physical evidence, even if it is saved in the server logs (wichever the fuck was that server i forgot), and i am not asking anyone to take any action against you. Its just that i have this problem with unfinished stories you see..... ps: i also love the new bare-handed fighing system.
  8. Hvizeu

    Dat fists

    Dont even start, ..i dont have evidence on you and im not trying to get you banned just saying.....but im sure as hell gonna start playing with a recording software rolling....
  9. Updated my results on bleeding chance, if anyone else have any more tests they want to add feel free.
  10. Hvizeu

    Mosin vs M4A1

    I just had the chance to test out the mosin (finaly, took me 4 days to find one), so i did everything i always do when sniping, eat, drink, rest, prone and bipod, got 100% accuracy with 10 targets from 50m to 800m ,...i think ppl are forgeting to hold the right mouse button when in iron sights to hold breath and up the accuracy, because the guns are flawless so far imo.
  11. Hvizeu

    When are the cars coming?

    I would be happy with just a skateboard or a bike for now.
  12. Without bandits DayZ would be DIFFRENT. I keep reading theese threads about ppl trying to dictate how the game shoul or should not be,....ITS A OPEN ENDED GAME! Do whatever you feel like doing,...if you want to bandit ,go right ahead,...and dont say the game is shit because ppl call u a psichopat, wich you are in the game, all bandits are, its your character , its your game personality, deal with it (not saying you are irl). If you want to go to a house call it yours and start a family go ahead, just mind the hordes they are not safe for children. If you want to stay on cherno and jerk off after headshoting a shirtless guy...feel somewhat free....i guess.... Some ppl enjoy creating, some enjoy destroing, some are helping chaps some are potential mass murders, we all have our way of releasing stress and having fun in a game and that its the best part of DayZ, seeing those cultures colide in a open world zombie apocalypse. I think most of the whining come from the lack of ingenuity from all the OP's be them bandits or carebears or whatever, just use you criativity and find a way out of the situation.
  13. Hvizeu

    Mosin vs M4A1

    Yeah changin your FOV will mess up the mildots in relation to your character eyes, but not the bullet spread, maybe that is the problem most ppl have been experiencing. Also i think your general wellfare has something to do with your performance on shooting, try going for a shooting session with your belly full and thirst completely quentched, as in eat 3 cans of beans and spam a water tap then rest a bit and try shooting, in my test i was 90% accurate on every shot i called, ranging from 50m to 600m. And yes i use modified fov, maybe 80 degrees on FOV i would guess. Also would be nice if someone with various medical suplies did some tests as in bloodbag yourself, then shoot, then saline yourself ,then shoot, painkillers, then shoot, so on with all the subtances that are usable right now. I am pretty sure my accuracy went to shit when i was force fed disinfectant, could not hit anythig, not even closer than 100m.
  14. Nice , hope soem attention is given to server hopping as well.