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About sgthl

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  1. sgthl

    Why this mod is failing

    Indeed. The game poses a challenge for the first few hours when you don´t have a clue about anything. Once you understand how easy it is to find what you need to survive there really isn´t much more to do. How many times can you raid the airfield or a chopper crashsite before it gets boring? Not that many i´m afraid. There needs to be more to do.
  2. sgthl

    Why this mod is failing

    Nice one there hipocrite.
  3. sgthl


    I have emptied entire magazines in people at point plank range just to have them kill me with a bullet or two, so yes there are godmode-hacks.
  4. sgthl

    Why this mod is failing

    Atleast i wouldn´t be stealing my food like you do for uncle dad.
  5. sgthl

    Why this mod is failing

    Go back to your trailer pikey. This is a forum for a mod/ upcoming standalone game at it´s alpha-stage, these things are meant to be discussed.
  6. sgthl

    Why this mod is failing

    I really like this mod but i don´t see Dayz making it as a succesful "stand alone" at this stage. Now everyone downloads it because it´s free. Paying customers are a different matter. For a game to be commercially succesful there needs to be a proper game. The big free-for-all deathmatch just won´t do it. There needs to be other things to do besides just surviving or killing other players. There needs to be continuity of some sort and there needs to be a "end game". Rocket should have a look at Fallen Earth and games like it and take whats useful into Dayz like missions, safe cities, crafting, trade, vaults, pvp-/pvpfree zones (yes pvpfree zones.. noone likes to be killed by an asshole with a thermalscope or AS50/M107 camping the beaches in the first 5 seconds of the game he just bought). There is a gazillion bugs and exploits to be fixed too. Alt+f4 disconnects in a pvp-fight, ghosting, maphacks, wallhacks, duping, killer trees/doors, the doors/walls/barbed wire not functioning like doors/walls/barbed wire against zombies, breaking your legs for nothing, the horrible inventory system (drag and drop with nothing disappearing into thin air... please) etc. I get the idea behind Dayz but it´s not a commercially feasible game at this stage.
  7. Oh yes it is. Lots of people are fed up with cheaters and bugs (yes i know it´s an alpha... but that´s the reality of it). You must be blind not to see them. Get to the NW airfield and they will find you nomatter where you hide, walls, doors, nothing stops them from knowing exactly where you are. The amount of guys with everyting in the game + things not in the game like Apaches isn´t exactly small. Servers can already be locked and quite a few of them are unfortunately. That is your opinion, not a fact.
  8. sgthl

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    I agree. Zombie spawning is out of control. Kill one, aggro 5 more, kill them.. respawn 6 more.. rinse and repeat. Once the zombies are gone they need to stay gone for quite a while, not respawn almost instantly. The magical-zombie-spawn-from-nowhere just has to go. Last night i actually had 47 zombies at my location on Airfield, seriously 47! I was the only one at that server at that time (the 7.2.3. and 94945 bug i guess) so i could see the exact number that spawned just because of me. It was a bloody zombie-pride parade on that airfield. And the fact that some of them got aggro from ridiculous distances while i was crawling wearing a ghilliesuit didn´t exactly make it better. A ghilliesuit and crawling should make one virtually invisible... well it doesn´t. If you happen to make the mistake of loading you weapon at that time.... instant full visibility and you are the main attraction at Zombie Stomp-Fest 2012.
  9. The inventory system is possibly the worst thing about the game as a whole (apart from "magically" loosing things, spawning in the empty wilderness and getting killed by doors and trees). . Nothing should ever disappear into thin air no matter what. The magazine that is inserted into a gun should not take up inventory space at all and the ammo for a specific type of weapon should not automatically get picked up or dropped with the gun. Also the long guns should not take up space in your backpack at all because that is not even where they are, they are slung over your shoulder/back. Just have limit of max. 1-2 guns on your back and 1 in your hands (fully doable irl) and add a weight system where someone carrying more is slower and needs water/food more often. Good luck stuffing a M107 .50 cal. in a 35 liter backpack. The handling of the inventory is also basically game crippling. Why not introduce a simple drag and drop system?
  10. The items disappearing and you character spawning in the wrong place is just fubar. I had that happen twice yesterday and now i only seem to spawn in "wilderness". 1.7.2 / 94700. The problem is probably related to different patches/betas on different servers.. and them not syncing at all.
  11. sgthl


    MSI afterburner might work. Also always record to a different harddrive than where you have your windowsinstallation or your game.
  12. The annoying part is when that happens again just as you have gotten your gear back together. Had that happen to me twice yesterday so right now im kinda fed up with dayz. Yes i know its an alpha but this game is way bigger than a small alpha-test by now. Its gotten too big for one or two guys to handle, Bohemia should take control (hey it probably sold more games than ArmA2 did by itself) and fix the more obvious bugs such as the sudden wiping of all gear, the "killer trees/bushes/doors", the god-awful inventorysystem where things disappear into thin air if there is not enough room in the backpack, the spawn-item cheating and wall/maphacking (!!!) etc. This mod grew too fast.
  13. sgthl


    Hello, i just logged in to Dayz - Chicago 59. Local time here in Sweden (utc+1 ?) something like 13.15 (4 Juli, 2012). I spawn inside the southern barracks at the Northwestern airfield, inside a room completely out of sight from anyone outside that room. I immediately hear someone running, before i have the time to even react this someone has come from somewhere close by, ran up to the window to the very room where i was hidden (not visible from the outside) and shot me thru the window. In other words, he could see me thru the walls from wherever he was waiting for people and immediately ran to my position. No searching or anything like that, he ran straight to the right room/window and killed me. There were only 3 others on that server at that time: Tuxun Srs´ Darkness The player Darkness left the server almost immediately after that impossible x-ray vision attack. Please take a look at this. Wallhacking is one of those things that completely ruin a perfectly good game. (Sure i took a risk at going to the airfield in the first place, that´s just part of the game, but i did not expect cheaters). best regards: Sgt.HL
  14. sgthl

    Night Vision Goggles and a Dirt Bike

    It is possible to find all those things but i don´t think there are any dirtbikes in dayz. Yesterday i found both a FN-FAL and FN-FAL an/pvs-14 at the same helicopter.
  15. sgthl

    Tree of death

    This happened to me a few minutes ago, didnt see your thread so i made a new one.