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Everything posted by havena

  1. hi, i'm stuck in debug plain without stuff after the "battle eyes crash" http://dayzmod.com/f...0/page__st__60. my character name is [PEC]havena If an admin reads this post.. i hope (dream), can you debug me please. Best regards Havena
  2. havena

    stuck in debug plain

    ... one more time... 4883846 i disconnected on my camp and.. 2hours later, spawn like a noob without stuff on a respawn point ?! like a death. help.... after a respawn.. i spawn with my stuff on my camp?! wtf
  3. havena

    stuck in debug plain

    yes yes i see bug i'm sad
  4. havena

    stuck in debug plain

    wtf you kill me :'[
  5. havena

    stuck in debug plain

    arma => profile => edit => id
  6. havena

    stuck in debug plain

    4883846 '.'
  7. havena

    stuck in debug plain

    hum nothing? up...
  8. havena

    stuck in debug plain

    Id appreciate a reset to when I had my full gear
  9. same for my serv and many player like me in debug plain/forest without stuff ... help
  10. when i equip a camo my equipement was deleted! same for a bro.... i think its a 1.7.2 bug? thx
  11. since 1.7.2, arma2aoserver.exe crash, i try to get the dump.
  12. havena

    1.7.2 = "Loading" Screen?

    same for me and lot of teamplayer "waiting for character to create"
  13. hello, i search a method for set up an auto restart every 6 hours with messages for player (restart in 30 min.... etc). can you help me? Best regards Havena
  14. havena

    server auto restart

    hum any idea?
  15. whats the great config line for a i7 980x 6core 12 thread? thx best regards, havena
  16. havena

    Can't Join any Server's!

    look like down time
  17. havena

    US233 Vehicle Spawns

    +1 for my serv
  18. i think something wrong with my whitelisting? my server say "is running an incorrect version of dayz server side application....." (fr 31) i think hive not responding? can u help me? best regards
  19. havena

    whitelist error?

    hum yeah look like