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Everything posted by RedShadow30

  1. Alright. heres my issue. My game currently works, but my friends game on a seperate computer cannot play DayZ My copy works perfect. no issues, nothing. His copy is differnt. Both are steam copys, Arma 2 and OA. they are not illegal, they are both seperately paid for on steam. When he joins it says "cannot play this mission it is dependant on files that are deleted Cacharacter.pmc.pbo. Heres the deal, i installed it, worked fine for me. But i do not have this file on my install. both copys installed on the same day, but his has two folders in his Arma2 OA folder that I dont, PMC and BAF. I dont have these folders and I dont have Cacharacters.pmc.pbo. so im stumped as to what it is. tried reinstalling, fresh install, verifying, everything. Has anyone else had this issue or whats the deal because everyone just repeats "reinstall, verify, Stop buying illegal copys blah blah. Its frustrating and I need a real solution to this issue.
  2. After all the yelling about DayZ is an alpha, DayZ isint included with Arma 2, DayZ is a free mod, DayZ is rockets so stop bugging him about updates, I find this amusing. After All the flipping out over it, it is CLEARLY being advertised as a FEATURE of DayZ. Even though it says mod, it tells you whats required to play it. No mintion of it being alpha, no mintion its not included in the download. Nothing. Im sorry, i doubt its Rocket, but that right there pretty much says "yea you paid for it". I have never seen a mod on a feature page. If you want proof go right to the Arma Page on steam. I know its an Alpha, but really, this is no longer a "free mod" anymore. So next time someone bitches about free mod your a self entitled brat blah blah. Please just shut the hello world up.
  3. How many times has a zombie aggro-ed you and have been chaised way into the woods before it finnaly slips and falls off a cliff? We should be able to at least outrun a zombie, its getting way too frustrating to spawn, walk into a zombie area and have one zombie on the otherside of the city notice you. A simple solution would be to slow them to just under running speed. enough that a mile run can get away from them.
  4. Well' date=' it's not a DoS, but a DDoS. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that blocking one IP wouldn't work. Even if he had his internet turned off, that would probably take days from now, and it might not be as easy as you think. Not saying it isn't possible, but who knows. [/quote'] the point is, if mommy takes his computer he cant do anything. Also if authoritys get involved he will be punished for using something illegal. But sadly hell probably claim we were all "cyber bullying" him, hell get off the hook, and we will all get shut down because hes "just a kid". I had to do a whole report on this crap, it happens more often than you think.
  5. that would be great, but slightly illegal, because in todays world is those that stand up to the bullies that get arrested.
  6. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Everyone asking to lock the thread, The devs will lock it when they want to, stop being a self entitled ass about wanting a free thread to be locked already, its their free time to do what THEY want, maybe they went on vacation! its THIER time to lock the thread when they want! OMG guys just leave the devs alone about locking this thread!
  7. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I like how you nitpick the one scentence for each point that makes your arguement work for you. So ill retort one for you 1. point was, someone could say whats up. 2. I know what the DayZ mod is, but if someone finds it in PC gamer or IGN and they both review it like a game and dont mintion alpha or arma 2 till the last minute, people are gonna be confused or feel its a completed or playable game, and for new players, you cant even get in the alpha. 3. The Sixlauncher breaks the game right now. And even if your PC savy, misclicking on the wrong server gets you put in the Debug plains. that said, debates are fun, they let us keep our minds sane.
  8. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Im just gonna point out some things right quick, and this isint for anyone in particular. this is not a pissed off post. first, the majority of these posts arint about asking for a anything other than information on "when" the update it, not a demand to have it now. Its childish to flame someone over a question on a thread about the patch that was supposed to be released. Second, nothing is being demanded of rocket, the majority of the flamers act like hes jesus or an ex lover, dont tell me to get overmyself over a post asking about an update. There is an entire TEAM working on this, you cant tell me there isint a single team member that can relay something to us? Third, yes it is a free mod. Yes its an alpha, there are bugs. But its also being published about in several game magazines, featured on G4, and Arma 2 is doing a SALE because of this. Of course people are going to be upset. And if rumors are true and hes getting paid for this, then he owes it to BI, and us, to give us a simple scentence. Hes the one out doing interviews about it and promoting it. And if he doesint explain it to us, imagin how all the promotions from game magazines and G4 are gonna look when they find out something that it is unplayable for NEW people, the very people they are asking to come play, cant play it. Hell IGN did a whole article on this and didint mintion it was a mod till the last paragraph. Fourth, i dont wanna hear a single thing about his facts of life, if hes getting paid, BI will do the same thing to him that happened to Garry, free or not, they will revoke his funding if he acts an ass to his and Arma fanbase. Garry did the same thing with garrysmod, but valve told him to stop being an ass to everyone or theyed drop his game. And fifth, you can read it on his first post, the problem is that the server only checks for numarical player IDs, its a patch that needs fixing, its a server problem that should be able to be fixed from almost anywhere by almost anyone on the Dev team. simply put, dont advertise your mod to the world that new players cant play and not expect bitching. enough said.
  9. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I see it right in the title. a thread about information on the pending update. If it was meant for no discussion it would of been locked when it was created. Side note' date=' isint it ironic that Arma III was supposed to be spring 2012 and its now summer with no information and noone seems to care? lmao [/quote'] People are bringing up all kinds of laws, Demanding this, Demanding that .. Thinking that Rocket owes us something ... It just annoys me that people are here complaining about a free mod. Have some patients. I get where your coming from, but it annoys me that people think i dont have a right to an opinion as to what im entitiled to or not, its all speculation, not grab the pitchforks and go burn him at the stake. You have as much right to an opinion here as anybody else, Opinions may not match but hey ..... Such is life. :) see an agreement has formed. =D
  10. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    What part of "its an internet thread about answers to the release of the patch we have no answers so we are all gonna discuss and speculate till we have some answers" dont you get? The only people being uncivilized are the ones bitching about not deserving answers. I think you will find the thread is called "Pending Update: Build 1.7.2" ... Nothing about asking questions or giving answers. I see it right in the title. a thread about information on the pending update. If it was meant for no discussion it would of been locked when it was created. Side note' date=' isint it ironic that Arma III was supposed to be spring 2012 and its now summer with no information and noone seems to care? lmao [/quote'] People are bringing up all kinds of laws, Demanding this, Demanding that .. Thinking that Rocket owes us something ... It just annoys me that people are here complaining about a free mod. Have some patients. I get where your coming from, but it annoys me that people think i dont have a right to an opinion as to what im entitiled to or not, its all speculation, not grab the pitchforks and go burn him at the stake.
  11. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    IQ does not constitute smarts. lol Admit it, this thread is keeping us sane while we wait for the updates.
  12. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The UCC is legally binding in the United States' date=' and if their product is sold at retailers in the United States they are bound to the UCC. And BI has been piggybacking this press with promotions FOR DayZ, like the 25% off sale they are having. [/quote'] Jesus Christ! ... What part of "your not paying anything for dayz" can you not you get into your thick skull? What part of "its an internet thread about answers to the release of the patch we have no answers so we are all gonna discuss and speculate till we have some answers" dont you get? The only people being uncivilized are the ones bitching about not deserving answers. I think you will find the thread is called "Pending Update: Build 1.7.2" ... Nothing about asking questions or giving answers. I see it right in the title. a thread about information on the pending update. If it was meant for no discussion it would of been locked when it was created. Side note, isint it ironic that Arma III was supposed to be spring 2012 and its now summer with no information and noone seems to care? lmao
  13. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Owned! The UCC is legally binding in the United States, and if their product is sold at retailers in the United States they are bound to the UCC. And BI has been piggybacking this press with promotions FOR DayZ, like the 25% off sale they are having. Jesus Christ! ... What part of "your not paying anything for dayz" can you not you get into your thick skull? What part of "its an internet thread about answers to the release of the patch we have no answers so we are all gonna discuss and speculate till we have some answers" dont you get? The only people being uncivilized are the ones bitching about not deserving answers.
  14. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Check the UCC then tell me im uneducated, If he is employed by BI to make the mod for their game, and BI is implying that DAYZ is able to be played if you buy Arma II, and they have, they are legally liable for false advertising under the Universal Contract Code many countrys adopted. they dont have to make it public what their employees responsibilities are. and universal contract code is not legally binding. its a code. more of a suggestion than a law. and like i said, it doesnt exist here, so its irrelevant. and a mod in alpha state is not officially publicly released, so its still private property. for this reason, and others, the "ucc" is invalid in this case. read a book. Owned! The UCC is legally binding in the United States, and if their product is sold at retailers in the United States they are bound to the UCC. And BI has been piggybacking this press with promotions FOR DayZ, like the 25% off sale they are having.
  15. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Check the UCC then tell me im uneducated, If he is employed by BI to make the mod for their game, and BI is implying that DAYZ is able to be played if you buy Arma II, and they have, they are legally liable for false advertising under the Universal Contract Code many countrys adopted.
  16. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm sorry' date=' but that's just not accurate. he works for BIS and this 'free mod' is currently making them lots of money I don't care, but the idea that he's just some user doing this in his free time is false [/quote'] It don't matter how much money BI are making from this mod, The fact is that Rocket started making this mod in his free time & because hes a game designer for BI he knows the ARMA engine well. Rumor has it BI asked Rocket to work solely on this mod because of it recent great sales, Although Rocket is getting paid by BI for developing this mod the fact of the matter is this mod is still free to us. At the end of the day you didn't buy DayZ, You bought ARMA II. Some people seriously need to get a "real" life, Go outside ..... If BI is paying him, first off, you cant just not show up at your job for several days because you felt like a vacation. Second if BI is paying him to make the mod then yes, we are PAYING for it by buying Arma 2, and Legaly speaking if BI is implying we can play this game, alpha or not, its their ass. You are a complete retard. DayZ is a free alpha-stage mod. You are entitled to nothing, regardless of where the mod's development funding comes from. According to the UCC, yea we are entitled something.
  17. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    ~pop~ Omg i can smell again!!!
  18. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm sorry' date=' but that's just not accurate. he works for BIS and this 'free mod' is currently making them lots of money I don't care, but the idea that he's just some user doing this in his free time is false [/quote'] It don't matter how much money BI are making from this mod, The fact is that Rocket started making this mod in his free time & because hes a game designer for BI he knows the ARMA engine well. Rumor has it BI asked Rocket to work solely on this mod because of it recent great sales, Although Rocket is getting paid by BI for developing this mod the fact of the matter is this mod is still free to us. At the end of the day you didn't buy DayZ, You bought ARMA II. Some people seriously need to get a "real" life, Go outside ..... If BI is paying him, first off, you cant just not show up at your job for several days because you felt like a vacation. Second if BI is paying him to make the mod then yes, we are PAYING for it by buying Arma 2, and Legaly speaking if BI is implying we can play this game, alpha or not, its their ass.
  19. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Thats what she did!
  20. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I would be satisfied if he got on, called us all dickfaces, deleted the mod and had sex with my mother, at least id know something.
  21. RedShadow30

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Thats my point, hes still active. But think about him getting that issue in the interview, he would almost instantainiously lose all his good press if he didint fix it right then and there. Him not answering our questions only hurts him, not us. Personaly I would pay the shit out of him if I could play the game, and the amount of press hes moving around for and rumors it may be true soon. doesint meen thats a good think though, DICE made the mod Modern Combat for Battlefield 1942, so EA hired them to make Battlefield 2, all downhill from there. on the flipside there is Valve who bought portal, counterstrike, and team fortress 2.