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About SonnyBlack

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Awesome, finally made it back onto the server, seeing a Charles Usain Bolt as admin on the server. The car which was right in front of me is gone ... obviously. And both the tents and the car we've hidden are gone as well. Doubt anyone could have possibly found them. But yeah, continue with your admin abuse...
  2. How am I hacking? You seem to have quite the insight.
  3. SonnyBlack

    US750 Kicking Players without cause

    Just created my own thread, not noticing this one: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44846-banned-from-us-750-without-a-reason-admin-abuse/ Basically he kicked everyone from the server except for him and his mate, you cannot tell me all of these people are hoarding stuff. Poor excuse. Stop that kind of shit or actions like blacklisting or taking his server down or whatever should follow next.
  4. A mate (ipz) and me were playing on US 750, we found 2 working cars and a heli crash site and started setting up a camp. When we drove to the NW airfield the admin (Goliath) and his mate (Ni**erflip, not going to use his racial slur) joined the server and instantly kicked everyone from the server. We tried rejoining several times because we wanted to save our car so its not getting lost. After 3 or 4 times rejoining he simply banned both of us. Meaning as soon as we join the lobby we instantly get kicked without even the chance of getting into the game. We can connect to any other server, so its not a global ban obviously. I had that happen on a different server already, when the admin restarted the server and kept kicking everyone, because he wanted to loot alone and without risk. But back then I didnt care, since I could go to any other server. No though, after setting up 2 tents filled with what we found (weapons, ammo, medical) and finding 2 working cars I do care a lot. We did nothing to deserve those bans other than rejoining the server a couple of times to save our car. And as far as I know server admins are not allowed to kick or ban without any reason, lock the server or have less than 40 slots or so for it. Not sure if you can lift those bans, or if there is anything you can do to stop him from doing that in the future. Server Information: Name: DayZ - US 750 (v1.7.1.5/Beta 93825) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by Queefers Everywhere Address: Port: 2332 http://arma2.swec.se...ver/data/254123 If you need any more information or have any more questions feel free to message/email me or post here. I hope this will get resolved soon. Regards SonnyBlack Edit: Apparently there is a thread about that server already, with the same admin involved (Goliath). http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41150-us750-kicking-players-without-cause/ He is explaining why he is kicking players there, because of some 20 men raids, when they are setting up 30 tent bases and have all the vehicles. Now me and my mate had 2 tents and 2 cars. And he kicked everyone else as well, before he started kicking everyone the server had 8, 9 or 10 players, something along these lines. You wanna tell me that all of those have multiple tents set up with multiple vehicles around, "hoarding" stuff? Seriously?
  5. SonnyBlack

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Good job, ... oh wait. * [FIXED] Corrupted update data causes people to spawn in debug forest (now will not save corrupted position data) Spawned there again, fucking wilderness, awesome, I found 2 Nightvision goggles just before the patch, first ones ever. Sick stuff.
  6. SonnyBlack

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Stuck in Wilderness. Server: no idea ID:21036934 Nickname: SonnyBlack No equip in Wilderness, so no way to tell where East or whatever is. This is seriously getting really fucking annoying btw. The 4th time or so that happened to me. Once again I am losing everything I gathered in the past 5 days (24 slot backpack, Bizon, M4A3, pretty much all tools except for NV and GPS and a shit ton of ammo). Will most likely respawn now or tomorrow, I love the mod, but if this happens one or two more times, I can invest my time in other games. :( Edit: Nevermind, was quite lucky after dieing 3 times, no need to reset :)