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Everything posted by vodkaa

  1. you don't send a signal to your brain to move your finger resulting in hitting the left mouse button
  2. No, I don't want anything, it's fine, I honestly don't mind. Don't give people anything, because they're probably just saying it to get loot and then kill you, especially Tiger, he apparently teams up with 12-13 year olds and then shoots them in the back, lol.
  3. That was me. No worries, It was my birthday, too.
  4. With that system? You can't really, other than look around on performance guides. Try using the RAMdisk fix.
  5. vodkaa

    Problem: CD key in use

    Someone has probably stolen your CD-Key. If that's the problem, you have to buy a new key because they're probably a hacker.
  6. I haven't played DayZ in about a month or two, and here are some of the reasons and hopefully someone could offer some assistance, whenever I play, I have THE worst luck, I mean, not just breaking a leg now and again, more like getting killed 5 times in the space of 20 minutes, breaking my leg, fixing it, breaking it again and then bleeding out, not finding a gun for an hour, finding one, then sniped by a player, ect, ect. But I don't know what it is, I mean, I get that feel now that if I go on, I'm going to wander for ages, find a decent gun, get all stocked up and then get killed, which makes me not play, I know, don't get attached to your gear, but I hardly even have any gear, I don't know if it's my play-style, I play solo, literally none of my friends have ARMA 2 OA and I don't ever team up on Skype or Teamspeak, nor will I, but I just don't know. The mod feels really.. pointless at times, even though I love it, I have no reason, but need one, to play it. If anyone could possibly offer any advice on how to get back into DayZ or how to make it exciting and fun again, it'd be much appreciated, so uh, yeah, welp. TL;DR Bored of DayZ, need to get back into it, how, halp.
  7. vodkaa

    How to get back into DayZ?

    Hopping on Namalsk now, hopefully it's refreshing and gets me back into DayZ - Wish me luck!
  8. vodkaa

    How to get back into DayZ?

    Funny thing, I do play on Low pop servers, never played a private hive (to my knowing) But I think the solo experience isn't all that rewarding, having a group of 3 would feel more natural to me, repairing cars, helicopters, ect. I've seen FrankieOnPC do that, "Hey buddy, drop your weapons, don't turn towards me or I'll shoot" it's a pretty good tactic, actually, and I haven't seen him die from it, even if they do turn, they die instantly. The friendly approach to players seems better, but it's hard to get used to, every single player I've come across has shot me and either ended in their death, then me bleeding out on the floor. As for the paranoia, I totally agree. I was checking my back every minute in Cherno and the forests, but mainly in the big cities, I always feel like I'm achieving nothing. I'll say the best gun I've had in the game is an AK. I'm terrible at looting, well, I have the worst luck at loot. It may be my play-style, I'm not sure. But the excitement and magic hasn't been in DayZ after a couple of months. I mean, the first time I played, I got chased by a player with an axe and got killed, fresh spawn, too. I don't know what it is, to be honest.
  9. vodkaa

    How to get back into DayZ?

    Oh, wow. Didn't know that, I might give it a go. Bit creepy a huge world, one person and loads of zombies, though. I could imagine shitting my pants if I saw something move in the distance, ha.
  10. vodkaa

    How to get back into DayZ?

    Props to you. Very interesting idea indeed, yeah, that's what I feel like too, get this gun, get that, run to NWAF, run away from players, stay away from the cities, ect. But I like your idea more, the giving out idea is a pretty cool thing to do, but I can see being backstabbed by the players later on.
  11. vodkaa

    gtx680 sli :(

    Fiddle with the settings, all low I get 15 fps, some high, some low, ect, I get 50-60. Weird stuff, just have a tweak.
  12. vodkaa

    How to get back into DayZ?

    Yeah, I might just do that. Yeah, I do need a group, but I'd prefer it with people I've known for a while and trust. Beans to you, The_Man, very true. Solo is extremely tedious and, like you said, unrewarding. A new map, yeah, I guess I could try that, after reading Urban legends of DayZ the vanilla map seems.. creepy, as hell :P. Also, playing with 30-40 FPS is a struggle, the game feels sluggish and slow. Luckily I'm getting an upgrade soon, thanks for the suggestions, really helpful. Also, Keep those suggestions rolling in, it's great to get replies that are helpful.
  13. vodkaa

    streamer using hacked guns

    DevilDog is a well known Youtuber, he does DayZ videos, if someone has hacked guns, it doesn't mean that they hacked them in..
  14. vodkaa

    Help cant run dayz?

    ARMA 2 is different, kind of, from DayZ. Try looking this up: DayZ RAMdrive better performance, on Youtube, it'll help, ALOT.
  15. vodkaa

    Herro?! Herro? Are you friendly?

    Armed or unarmed, cry more. They'll come back later, come across you and kill you either way. Don't be one of those butthurts that cries because they got killed by someone. This is a game.
  16. vodkaa

    DayZ Memes

    This was on 9gag's vote page a few months back, Unless you made it, you copied it.
  17. vodkaa

    Was this a dick move?

    You try and aim at 3 fps ;D
  18. *Sigh* Why would you even DDoS an alpha mod? I mean, what enjoyment are you getting out of it? It's absolutely ridiculous what people will do if they get banned. You used a cheat/exploit, got banned, that should be the end of it. It's THEIR fault for using that cheat/exploit in the first place, I wish they could just fuck off, learn their lesson and if they really want back in, buy another key.
  19. Unfortunately, you probably wont.
  20. To be honest' date=' I don't give a damn about my gear, I, like many others want to play. But we're patient, if you're not patient, uninstall the mod. Your gear doesn't matter. Would you rather have models of your gear than the mod itself? Just wait, they will sort it out. [/quote'] I know, I wasn't really clear, I didnt mean you, I just added to your comment about gear and patience. :p Well if you read properly what i typed... i'm patient. been chilling waiting for everything to settle down properly. watched some series. no stress :) ahh miss in the communication there mr! touché let's have a toast in game when everything starting to run smoothly again :) Trust nobody ;)
  21. To be honest' date=' I don't give a damn about my gear, I, like many others want to play. But we're patient, if you're not patient, uninstall the mod. Your gear doesn't matter. Would you rather have models of your gear than the mod itself? Just wait, they will sort it out. [/quote'] I know, I wasn't really clear, I didnt mean you, I just added to your comment about gear and patience. :p Well if you read properly what i typed... i'm patient. been chilling waiting for everything to settle down properly. watched some series. no stress :)
  22. To be honest, I don't give a damn about my gear, I, like many others want to play. But we're patient, if you're not patient, uninstall the mod. Your gear doesn't matter. Would you rather have models of your gear than the mod itself? Just wait, they will sort it out.