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okami (DayZ)

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Everything posted by okami (DayZ)

  1. okami (DayZ)

    My custom key bindings.

    ok grampa, you win ;) and i thought i was old with my amiga 500... but nope :)
  2. okami (DayZ)

    My custom key bindings.

    Whut? Early gaming? We didnt know what a mouse is other than an animal back in the early days of gaming :) I think the only key you should definetely rebind is run (double w in standard). I used space which is used for commands in arma 2 and 3 but not used in dayz. Works pretty well and you can go from sneaking to full speed and back in no time.
  3. okami (DayZ)

    DayZ Cinematics

    In Arma you can use the editor and make your player the spectator (if i remember correctly with this exec "camera.sqs" in your init... or by spawning as seagull), maybe you can use the editor in dayz too? Not sure to be honest
  4. okami (DayZ)

    The best place to set a tent...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXELhVO85ys youtube -> dayz dam glitch
  5. okami (DayZ)

    The best place to set a tent...

    Didnt know that, thanks i will check this later :)
  6. okami (DayZ)

    The best place to set a tent...

    Only Glitch Zone in Electro I know is the hospital but you cant drive a car up there ;)
  7. okami (DayZ)

    Dayz Standalone Suggestion.

    Does anyone remember what happened when players could place wire fences? You could not enter a single church or firestation for weeks. Imagine what these trolls would do with houses. I dont see any advantage to the underground base concept from rocket...
  8. okami (DayZ)

    Logging Out Location

    Hm, i am playing now since around half a year and i have not been killed once by a player who logged in behind me. Lots of my playtime i like to spend in high traffic areas and i even tend to log out at "stupid" places sometimes. Dont get me wrong, i dont want to say that your point is not valid, i just want to understand what you do that may.provoke these problem. Only times where i happened to meet another guy while logging in i was when i logged out in firestations or apartments (which is dumb but hey, im lazy sometimes ;) ) and none of them shot me because i immediately explained myself in direct com. And the only one i killed while logging in was an alt-f4 guy that did not have enough patience before logging in again.
  9. okami (DayZ)

    Screw dogs, I want a bird!

    I want a trained squirrel to send it out and rob the beans out of other players backpacks. Come on, its a mod, there is a model for dogs in the game so they will use the model for Dayz. Simple as that. Apart from that, how many people do you know that have dogs? And how many do you know that have a hawk? Did you ever try to let a hawk sit on your hand without proper leather protection? If you would be in a zombie apocalypse and see a hawk, would you spend your scarce flesh to feed it and train it so it can hunt you a mice after months of training or would you shoot it and eat iit? Its just not a good idea.
  10. okami (DayZ)

    [IDEA] Flare Gun

    one of those "why did nobody think about this earlier" ideas. beans for you!
  11. okami (DayZ)

    DayZ Trailer: Blame (machinima)

    sorry doublepost
  12. okami (DayZ)

    DayZ Trailer: Blame (machinima)

    Wow, awesome! Really well done, the ingame grafics, the voice acting, the music, fantastic! edit: watched it several times now, i think it would be cool to add some footage of the z apocalypse, too, soldiers carrying out body bags to mass graves or fighting the zs and dying. just a few seconds before "are we out of control".
  13. okami (DayZ)

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    Yeah and you could mount a magnifier in front of your screen to have more zoom for your sniper rifle... man, just work on your skills and you can stop finding sissy ways to get advantage over others...
  14. okami (DayZ)

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    There are already private hives which prevent using the gamme and brightness cheat, try it, its a totally fresh experience! G17 or Remington with flashlight ftw!
  15. okami (DayZ)

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    Im playing since max resolution was 320x200 on my amiga 500 so calling me a noob is pretty funny. Higher resolution give you an advantage, sure. But you set them once for your machine and keep them as high as possible in regards to performance. Your brightness should be adjusted to fit day and night best, if you change them to see better in the night thats cheating. This is my opinion, i`m an old school gamer with high moral standards when it comes to competitive gaming. You don`t have to share my opinion, but maybe think about it a little bit, it`S just more fun winning a fight when you know you had no advantage other than skills.
  16. okami (DayZ)

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    Depends on your moral standards, for me it definetely is. You gain an advantage by misusing this setting, dont compare it to resolution settings, its not comparable and i think you know that. You play with different brightness levels on different daytimes to gain an advantage over others.
  17. okami (DayZ)

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    Maybe he is just trying to tell you that this is known since gaming became popular back in the 80s so its not that new. And it IS a cheat, if a game is dark and you just turn up the brightness, you cheat. Ah and you should really visit a doctor, i think you have the tourette syndrome. .
  18. Hi all, as you all will have experienced the loading times for DayZ can vary A LOT. I have seen servers loading in seconds and i can remember waiting for almost half an hour, too afraid to cancel because this might spawn me back to the beach. I think this is nothing that can be dealt with easily and i think we will probably have to live with it even when the standalone comes out as this is a combination of the game code, server capacity, server uptime and some IT voodoo. But what would really help me to live with this problem would be a confirmation button before the game spawns me in. Its okay for me if it takes some time when loading but its annoying to have to sit there and stare at the loading screen for minutes just to make sure you are not spawned in and shot before you even notice. I know some might now come with the mandatory "just log out in a a bush" argument but i think this is not valid because a) the bushes you log out are the bushes around cherno, elektro, stary or nwa most of the time, which is not safe either b ) its not always possible because you dont have unlimited time once your grown up, when someone calls me I have to find a spot to log out nearby. And anyway, my suggestion would be easy to implement and harm no one. Of course the slot for confirmation should not be to long to prevent misuse of server capacity but i think 2 mins or something like that should not be a problem at all. What do you think?
  19. okami (DayZ)

    Making Humanity Points Useful

    Your headline is about making humanity points useful, but your suggestion is about how to punish negative humanity points. In my opinion, if you want to have more consequences for humanity points, dont punish anyone but reward positive humantiy points. I like the fact that a hero can run faster, its only a very subtile advantage only useful for the kind of gameplay you do when you play as a hero. Because if you want to implement such a system you need to make sure its just not very attractive to abuse. You would just need an axe and a friend, sit on a low pop server in a hospital and hack and bloodbag and repeat to abuse the system. Just an example. But why should one of these kiddies who like to abuse everything the game lets them do want to run faster? They just ly on the Dubry and snipe, they dont need to run.
  20. okami (DayZ)

    Player/Survivor screams/yell when injured

    I once played with my girlfriend and she had the female skin and was eaten alive. Holy shit, thats what i call intense. The suggestion for screams when hit by a bullet is great, i would really like to see death messages disappear and this be the only way to tell if you have hit someone or not. But i would not like to have a special sound when the player actually dies by the bullet.
  21. okami (DayZ)

    New player- 3 days into the sim

    Just one tip regarding the infected (that would be the correct term in zombie-science ;) ), dont underestimate them. They are easy most of the time, but i can remember one time when i was fully equipped, had played for 2 month and ran past a zombie, he hit me and i got the instant bleed + instant leg break. i decided to morphine first to be able to run away and when i stood up i got 1 hit and fell unconscious. In the end i died, fully equipped and quite experienced, from 1 infected. They have nerfed the possibility of instant leg breaks since then but still, don`t take them too easy in the beginning!
  22. okami (DayZ)

    Confirmation needed before spawning your character

    I`ve aborted several times and have been spawned on the beach. So your "argument" tells us what? It doesnt exist because it has not happened to you? I have not been murdered in real life so there is no murder? For the second "argument", did you read my post? If not, do it. If yes, do it again. Repeat.
  23. okami (DayZ)

    Zombie idea.

    thats one hell of an argument ;)
  24. okami (DayZ)

    Directional Threat indicators. ?

    I cant see anything bad in this idea, in my opinion the white dots could even be disabled but a visual sound indicator for nearby sounds would not give anyone an advantage but solve disadvantages. I play on a gaming notebook with a decent soundcard and a logitech g35 headset and i cant tell directions properly. And dont dare to say "uh just play with surround set" or "arguments" like that, i play at night cause i work in the daytime and i cant turn sound up.
  25. okami (DayZ)

    Zombie idea.

    Nope, sorry, as much as i like the idea of a degenerated pack of ex humans without any morality swarming around like a pack of animals hunting for prey (why do i think of bandits here? ;) ) I am still a fan of the classic romero zombies mixed with the 28 days infected we see in dayz. It was so frightning to see my first "priest" zombie in front of a church or the doctor zombies around the hospital. I like the idea of them remembering their old lifes and maybe even miss it, forced to kill their own species by the infection. And to be honest, the AI needed for this suggestion is just so much impossible to create for the people at bohemia. Sorry, i really like their work but wayfinding and ai are not the strengths in their portfolio...