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Posts posted by Vexx

  1. Short Bus Commandos [sBC] is looking for veteran and new members to join our ranks. Our server is running a modded Taviana 2.0 server with custom loadouts, 350+ vehicles,self bloodbags (50% chance of infection upon blood bagging yourself) custom wardrobe and an easy mod for building your very own base. We currently have 7 members, 3 of them being very active and respectful admins. We do require you to have TeamSpeak 3 and log on when usually playing.

    Server Info:


    Website: http://z13.invisionf..._CLAN/index.php


    • Must be over 16 years old
    • Be an active player with a sense of humor!
    • Speak English
    • Have Teamspeak 3 / Microphone

    Application form:

    • Name:
    • In game name
    • Age:
    • What role do you prefer to play in a clan? ( Medic, sniper, scavenger, ect)
    • Timezone

    Feel free to join our server and ask any [sBC] members if you have anymore questions of concerns. Cheers!

  2. Very fun server to play on, the building customization is much easier to use than that of DayZ Origins and far less complicated. The player base is small but very friendly and easy to get along with. Active admins and tons of vehicles, not to mention the hostile factor of NPC AI makes the game much more interesting and dangerous. This is easily my new favorite server and plan stick around and make it my home server. The only slight downside is the lack of players, but hopefully with this positive review that will change and more people will come and enjoy this unique server. Check it out! :beans:

    • Like 1

  3. IRL Information




    Timezone:Eastern Standard Time

    Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:Yes, I meet all the requirements.

    Game Information


    Steam ID (if applicable):Vexx^

    Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):Medic or sniper but I'll play whatever role is needed of me.

    Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):I've been playing this game for about three weeks now, for the majority of that time i've been playing solo. I'm really interested in joining a more structured and organized group with communication. A perk from having a lone wolf experience is I know my way around the map pretty well and have a generally good idea how to handle myself and find good loot spots. I've been looking for a group that has a friendly mentality and is willing to help others.

    What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I can add a mature structure to your organization as well as a bandit-free mentality. Also, I'm not overly attacthed to my gear so dying for the group would not be a big concern of mine. Another perk I can offer that seems to be lacking in games these days is patience and obedience, I generally wont run into a situation that I'm unaware of. Also, I have NVG's I can let people use if their needed for any type of night time activities.
