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Everything posted by chssmius

  1. chssmius


    This is getting off topic. I will grant that reality does not support wolves hunting humans. However, this is a gameplay suggestion, not a debate about real life wolf attack statistics. I am assuming both of you don't like the suggestion because it is not realistic(you didn't actually say anything about the suggestion as an aspect of gameplay). I do not think, "it is not realistic" is a good argument for rejecting the suggestion as a possible aspect of gameplay. I would argue that wolves would hunt players differently than dogs do. Different animal, different threat (yes, I know they are very, very closely related). That is my thinking. Wolves would be a different kind of threat than what is in the game now. Dogs would also have a place too, but would be separate and distinct from wolves.
  2. chssmius


    I think the principle is the same for either wolves or dogs. It is mostly a matter of the AI behaviour. ...and VISION305 is right. I should delete this thread (if I can?) and post my support under an existing thread.
  3. chssmius

    Mother****ing BEARS.

    A vote for bears.
  4. In older versions of DayZ the zombies(infected) would yell when they spotted/heard you and I actually like this feature and was sorry to see it go in 1.7.2. I think it should be reintroduced but be added as a gameplay dynamic. Not all zombies(infected) should yell, only the one that spotted/heard you. The one that spotted/heard you should always run after you (and be faster than you) so you are forced to react quickly. The other zombies in the area(suppose 50 meters) of the one that spotted/heard you should be alerted to your presence by the yell of the one that spotted/heard you (this is why only the one that actually spotted/heard you should yell). The one’s that were alerted by the yell should come after you at speeds in parity with how fast you can move. Combine this with ’Zombies(infected) reacting to sound 1’ above would make approaching a city by any means other than total stealth if you are alone or overwhelming firepower if you have a group would be folly.
  5. chssmius

    Zombies(infected) reacting to sound 1

    Fudge. I had wanted to put them all together like this because I wanted to be able to link to it in my signature, which has a limit of two url's...for that matter linking to your own posts is probably frowned on. :sigh: Time to break out the pruning shears!
  6. chssmius

    New loging out system and ALT + F4 insta-ban?

    As I understand it, there are three pieces to DayZ. The client (that is what you have on your computer), the server (that is the host for the world that you play in), the hive (that is what keeps track of your progress). The client talks to the server, the server talks to the hive and the client, and the hive just talks with the server. If the client terminates connection with the server, then the server processes it out and notifies the hive. A server change that forces a 30 second wait will be unaffected by the client Alt-F4ing or any other means of terminating the cline-server relationship, because it is the server-hive relationship that really matters. EDIT: Also, Alt-F4 becoming an automatic ban is never going to happen. Legitmiate connection loss is too certain to be mistaken for Alt-F4ing to actually be implamented.
  7. chssmius

    New loging out system and ALT + F4 insta-ban?

    A logout timer should be a part of the game ultimately, as should a login timer. The Alt-F4 banning idea is probably too draconian to be a good solution; if the timers are implemented properly then Alt-F4 won't really matter anymore anyway. 30 second login timer, 30 second logout timer both of which should be server side controlled and can be monitored/verified by the hive. Logout timer: So if a player hits ESC->'Abort' a window pops up that has a countdown that says something like, "Making camp...30" with options to cancel the logout at any time and to exit to the server lobby (with a warning that the countdown will still occur with or without their input). If a player tries to join another server then that server would need to verify that the player is fully logged out everywhere before proceeding beyond the server lobby (a window informing the player why he isn't logging in right now would be necessary). If a player Alt-F4's the logout countdown still occurs server side as they would still be ‘in-game’, during which time they are vulnerable to whatever happens to them. Login timer: When a player joins there should be a countdown window pop up that says, "Breaking Camp...30" with an option to about the login (which would change the window to the above logout timer with requiring a full 30 seconds to logout). During the time they are logging in a player should have the ability to look around but not move or interact with anything. During this time they are totally vulnerable just like when they are logging out. If someone Alt-F4’s during the login timer it would be as if they had aborted the login. Anticipated Q/A: "OMG, I have connection/router/power problems! This will be an unfair penalty for someone like me who doesn't always have a steady connection!" Life isn't fair. I have an iffy internet myself so I am in that boat with you; however, I see login and logout timers as the only mechanic I can think of that is likely to encourage people to play out an encounter rather than quit it without excessive collateral damage to people with dropped connections/power outages/life. As a bonus, it is an easy to understand mechanic (game design +) that should not be complicated to code (developer +). "Timers are an asinine and full on retard answer to a piddly problem!" You are entitled to your opinion, but do you have a better idea that doesn't require clairvoyance to enforce fairly? What I have outlined is easy to understand, should not be difficult to code, is self-enforcing, and easy to police (that means those running altered server or client code can be spotted by the hive). "Timers are inconvenient!" Yes, yes they are. However, until people are stop being exploitative @#$holes (never going to happen) I think a mechanic similar to timers is a necessary part of the game. "Arma 2 and DayZ version incompatibility make this impossible to implement!" This is an alpha, version incompatibilities are going to exist if people don't stay lockstep with updates. For that matter, Rocket and co. should institute a sundown policy on older versions of DayZ. If a server is not in line with the latest version of DayZ in less than a week of release (and whatever version of Arma 2 is deemed necessary) then it should be blacklisted until such a time as it is up-to-date. "This will drive away the player base! (Or other statements to the effect of ‘this will kill the game’.)" This is an alpha which is making no-one any money right now (well, actually it is making Bohemia Interactive some money because people are buying Arma 2: OA etc for DayZ). Driving away half the player base may actually be a good thing at this stage of development as the half that would leave are likely to not be significantly contributing to development, anyway. As another aside, Rocket has stated that he is terrified of DayZ players, which is not a conducive attitude to developing the game. Rocket needs to get over being afraid of the player base revolting while the game is still in alpha. I am not saying he should turn into a retarded dictator with regards to the people playing DayZ but fearing the people who play DayZ has already crippled development in my eyes. “You are a retard! (or other generic insult)” I have been called worse.
  8. chssmius

    Clips of Ammo Disappearing.

    I have lost 7 M9 SD mags due to this(mags had between 5 and 14 rounds in them). Not all servers seem to do it, though. ------ This is a bad, gamey, and unrealistic feature that is very disadvantageous to players. Granted, the ammo regeneration bug is also unrealistic and gamey but doesn't make half the guns in the game impractical to use and is not disadvantageous to a player. From the perspective of a player, the only way to counter this is to use up an entire magazine all the way to the end and horde all the ammo you can get your hands on. The side effect of this is to discourage people from discharging their weapons, as if the fact that sound carries for miles drawing the attention of zombies and players wasn't enough. This effectively renders many guns unusable for anything more than a day or two, because if the ammunition isn't common you are going to run out of it before you find any more. The M4 Camo SD for example, aside from itself being frustratingly rare, its ammo, the STANAG SD Mag, is also so hard to find that in the last two days of hanging around the NW airfield and actively looking for them I have only found one. STANAG Mags themselves aren't that common either. Also, the way that the Arma 2 engine works reloads is it puts the most full mag as the next mag to be reloaded, so basically you can't perform a tactical reload because every time you reload you may as well drop the old mag on the ground because it will just take up inventory space until you log back in again. Ammunition is too rare and inventory space too precious for this "feature". Keep track of how full the mags are and give player's the ability to select which mag to use next! Do that and then both the bug and this "feature" will be solved without basically BREAKING half the guns in the game! Alternatively, you could make ammo so common that people are constantly tripping over the stuff, (I am not recommending that, I am just mentioning it for arguments sake as I think it would break the feel of the game).
  9. chssmius

    New Player looking for assistance

    PM me on the forums here where you want to meet.
  10. chssmius

    Searching for a buddy to play with!

    I am down for ganging up with someone. PM me now so we can meet up. I am kind of near the NW airfield right now, but am more than willing to pick any spot to meet up at. I have TS2, TS3, Vent and am getting on skype.
  11. Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: I have the boxed RETAIL version of Arma II Combined Operations (includes Arma 2 and Arma 2 : Operation Arrowhead). Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: I manually installed the beta patch to update Arma 2 OA to 1.60.94364 which I got from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ ARMA2_OA_Build_94364.zip (Latest as of this writing.) Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: I used the SixLauncher to install DayZ. What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: Picture ca\ui\data\logo_arma2ep1_ca.paa not found Some text displayed on the left hand side of the screen far too quickly(blink and miss it) for me to read. No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVoiceTypes/Male01.alternative'. Also, I can not take screenshots, or at least it doesn't work right. I end up with an all black picture. Your PC specs: CPU: Intel i7 903 2.8Ghz quad core Board: ASUS P6T GPU: Nvidia 680 GTX RAM: 6 GB OS: Windows 7 64bit I can provide more information, though I don't think it is necessary.
  12. I am hijacking this thread because it is recent and is one of the the problems I have been experiencing. Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: I have the boxed RETAIL version of Arma II Combined Operations (includes Arma 2 and Arma 2 : Operation Arrowhead). Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: I manually installed the beta patch to update Arma 2 OA to 1.60.94364 which I got from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ ARMA2_OA_Build_94364.zip (Latest as of this writing.) Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: I used the SixLauncher to install DayZ and attempt to join a server, every time I attempt to join a server through SixLauncher I actually get a different error message than this one. Something to the effect that I was kicked off server and when I exit game the SixLauncher says something about failing to synchronize (I will address in another thread). Once I am in game I can filter down to find some DayZ servers, when I find them and attempt to join I usually get an error message like the one in the OP. I haven't tried more than a few servers because my modem crashes ("crashes" is the only word I can think of to describe the behavior I am seeing), sometimes on the first server sometimes on some server after that (usually by the third attempt to join it has crashed sometimes it crashes sooner and sometimes later, I usually wait about 20 seconds for any sign its working or the error before I ESC out, I will address this in another thread). What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: See image in OP. Your PC specs: CPU: Intel i7 903 2.8Ghz quad core Board: ASUS P6T GPU: Nvidia 680 GTX RAM: 6 GB OS: Windows 7 64bit I can provide more information, though I don't think it is necessary.