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About chssmius

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. If you can't run steam as admin then you don't have the privliages for it. Logon as admin and launch steam as admin. Also this: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/windows_security_runas.mspx?mfr=true
  2. chssmius


    I have been playing nightly for several hours for a month and have yet to see a hacker. Try playing were there is less of an audience for the hacker to get his jollies from (play on other less populated servers).
  3. I believe a better word would be "complete". The plot was developed by playing single, pure, and steady tones (eg. trivial sound) under ideal laboratory conditions, yes; however, it is still valid for the point I was trying to make (using dB as the only metric for how to measure the loudness of a sound is meaningless). Beyond that it is still meaningful as the perceived frequencies of non-trivial sound WILL be distorted in a manor partly dictated by the graph I posted in addition to many other factors. A more accurate graph for the purposes of analyzing how a human actually perceive non-trivials sounds would be very highly situational as it would need to take into account the hearing loss of an individual from age or exposure (recent or long term) and the ambient background noise. There are other complications beyond what I have mentioned (some beyond my experience) but any actual analysis quickly becomes highly specific to circumstances, difficult for a layman to understand without significant familiarity with Psychoacoustics, and would tend to distract from the point of my original post. TL:DR Yes, hearing is much more complicated that the picture I linked but that doesn't detract from the anything I said. EDIT: For clarity.
  4. chssmius

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    If the average speed of a player was over 120 km/hr then that would mean that every player in the game would need to spend half their time riding a helicopter at full speed. Which is not the case. What you have here is a case of misleading data. The "total walked" number is a short hand explanation for something else. What that something else is, I don't know, but I know it isn't the agregate of how far people have traveled in the game from walking (or running or shuffling or crawling, etc. etc.). The "total walked" is almost certainly an extrapolated number which is why it is misleading (and accordingly incorrect). EDIT: For my terrible spelling and vanity. EDIT2: It is not my intention to be critical of DayZ but I am trying to be critical of misleading infromation. In my mind, one of the greatest injustices executed upon any body of people is to mislead them. One or more of the statistics on the front page of dayzmod.com is missleading and it chaffes my sensibilities.
  5. Le Sigh. http://upload.wikime...man_Hearing.svg The above link is a typical equal-loudness curve for the human ear (also called a countour). As I hope anyone can see, a sound with a frequency of ~16 hertz and ~80 dB would be as perceptible to a human as a sound at ~1000 hertz and ~0 dB db (that means a soundwave at 16 hertz with 100 million times more power behind it sounds as loud as as a soundwave at ~1000 he). From this I hope it is abundantly clear that it is meaningless tripe to throw dB levels around when talking about how loud a silencer realistically is without accurate frequency plots of the resultant noise.
  6. I lost my M4A3 CCO, my CZ550, and 7 M9 SD mags...in one two hour session. More recently I lost 5 PDW clips and most recently(yesterday) 4 STANAG SD mags (manage to keep my PDW and M4A1 CCO SD somehow). Most painful was that my SD ammo (two weeks in on this life) was lost over wanting to use my hatchet to kill a rabbit.
  7. Thread yesterday about crossbows. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52744-crossbows-please-spawn-quivers-of-bolts-instead-of-singles/
  8. chssmius

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, please, for the love of God! Fix the damn inventory so it doesn't eat my #@#%^$ ammo when I try to move the gun in my hands to my inventory! I mean it would do that for my secondary weapon in but not my primary weapon. Now it is doing it for my primary weapon and I just lost 4 STANAG SD mags because of it(do you have any idea how long it took me to get 4 STANAG SD mags? I switched to my axe so I could kill a rabit without wasting a SD bullet..so much for that idea!). Now I am wasting 10 slots in my backpack that I don't want to drop because I am never going to find another one like it and I am too affraid to switch weapons because of this @#$% inventory bug! IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO INSERT AN IF STATEMENT IN THE INVENTORY MANAGEMENT CODE! Yes, I'm mad!
  9. My beans, sir. Please take them! --- On a side note, the only reason I don't carry a crossbow is because of the 1 bolt per slot situation (this is coming from a guy with a M4A1 CCO SD, a M14, and a PDW). I would be in favor of ANY change to the current situation.
  10. The dev's said they were going to seed (one) chopper per server. They have. That doesn't mean they have put them all in the same spot on every server. Your claim of "bull" is uncalled for.
  11. chssmius

    Separate Clips and Ammo

    I agree with the intent of the OP. Make magazine somewhat rare(compared to now at least). Perhaps make ammunition a little less rare for some guns than it is now, though. Ideally, this would translate into making some guns (fixed tube magazine shotguns and the like) much more viable. Shotguns seem underrepresented (compared to what I would expect in a real zombie apocalypse). There is a military theory that, in the field, ammunition should be plentiful but magazines would likely not be. As an added benefit this would likely permanently solve the problem with automatically replenishing ammo and make the odd “convert ammo” thing unnecessary. The down side is this will probably have to wait until the total split from base Arma 2 happens because I am pretty sure you would have to rewrite several key bits of Arma 2 to make it work. Still, excellent idea.
  12. From the bowls of hell (4chan) comes a moral dilemma. Given the above was the OP justified in killing Justin? I say the killing was an immoral act of second degree murder.
  13. chssmius

    Watches. Too many watches.

    I am not joking when I say that I have found seven watches in one supermarket before. Infact, that same night I visited 6 supermarkets and each of them had between 4 and 7 watches. That is just too much. I can understand making them common but there should be some sanity to it.