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Posts posted by MiNdl3sS

  1. You'll be hard pressed to find a server that isn't recycled in the 40 a month range. If we were paying 189 a month then yes. However, we're not.

    what do you mean? we're paying 40 a month and its a brand new clean server. i see you're using host altitude, just ask them to give you a new instance id and you'll get a fresh start. vehicles may take some time to start spawning however

  2. not sure, but i know more and more people are realizing this, which is why you tend to see a lot of discounted dayz servers for ridiculously low prices often on the forums now.

    at this point in the beta, only established servers are going to survive, no new server stands a chance, so the business is going to die soon as well and they know that

  3. DON'T.

    the amount of bs you will have to put up with is not going to be worth it. the game is completely broken at the moment, and something that i would imagine is a simple fix (for item saving) hasn't been patched in weeks. the beta is dead, they are basically just working on the standalone now.

    when i called out a bunch of clan kids on duping hacked weapons (as50 tws) endlessly on my server, the reply i got was "you can't ban us because rocket said it's not a bannable offense". as an admin you barely have any control of the server you are paying for, and the logs are a pain in the ass to read. nothing is being done to help server owners out, infact i noticed everything is going against them.

    me and a friend bought a server because we were tired of the bs restarts everytime we steal an admin's vehicle/helicopter, and wanted to have somewhere where we could have a good, fair game. right off the bat the saving issue kicked in and nobody wanted to play anymore because they can't save their progress. as one wise individual pointed out "our server is only good for duping because it is really fast at loading". now it's basically dead and we are shutting it down.


    save yourself time and trouble and don't rent a server until standalone

  4. just wanted to leave some feedback

    my friend and i are renting a server from hostaltitude and it has been working flawlessly. there was a problem with the update feature where it would display an error, but that was taken care of quickly after creating a support ticket. also, tents/vehicles do not save due to a hive issue, and we ended up with a ton of broken tents at our camp location. we created a support ticket explaining the situation, and they promptly gave us a new instance id, which is exactly what we were hoping for.

    server has been up 99.9% of the time as advertized, and after adjusting a few advanced server settings, barely any desync or lag. no problems whatsoever and good support

    keep up the good work!

  5. me and my buddies were playing and were in a barn on the west side of the map when someone started talking to us from the forest behind. we didn't notice anything suspicious and proceeded to talk to him and wait for him to come out.

    he precisely told us our movements and how we rotated (how he sees that we have 2 guys in the barn, 1 by the truck) even though we had no eyes on him whatsoever.

    then, boxes full of gear started spawning in right by the barn and inside the barn. that's when we realized theres a hacker messing with us. we logged off promptly, there were not many people on the server. i kicked the 2 that i knew for certain weren't with us. I am sorry to HotBox, who was a fair player and got kicked by me in vain.

    the second was Jason (10240262 ID). now i am new to server hosting and did a bit of research on checking logs, and soon found this in my arma2oaserver.RPT:

    9:41:38 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Jason B 1-1-I:1 (Jason) REMOTE IN ParachuteWest"

    9:41:38 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Jason B 1-1-I:1 (Jason) REMOTE IN ParachuteWest"

    9:41:38 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Jason B 1-1-I:1 (Jason) REMOTE IN ParachuteWest"

    9:41:38 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Jason B 1-1-I:1 (Jason) REMOTE IN ParachuteWest"

    9:41:38 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Jason B 1-1-I:1 (Jason) REMOTE IN ParachuteWest"

    9:41:38 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Jason B 1-1-I:1 (Jason) REMOTE IN ParachuteWest"

    9:41:39 "WRITE: ['PASS']"

    9:41:39 "PDEATH: Player Died 10240262"

    he did not actually die in game, and was shooting one of our guys who remained on the server to save our pickup truck. i kicked him in the middle of that, and now he is banned

    thats all!

  6. yo this is the only 424 server thread i found on the forum but i wanted to go a bit off topic here and say these guys have been a group of standup gamers and admins.

    yesterday we get a message that their server is closing on the 11th of this month, but that they will be setting up a new one.

    please let me know the details so i can continue playing on your guys' server, and good luck with everything.

    (hope a tlh member reads this)

  7. yep, me and my buddy stole the chopper and were very happy to find it saved at our location the day after.

    logging in for a random check, i see an admin message "everyone who is not in one of the 3 clans get the fuck out of my server i am fighting hackers". then i get kicked

    wtf kind of way is that to be talking to people playing on your server anyway? are we all hacking?

    later in the day we flew the chopper, admin was on the server definitely, and then all of a sudden no message recieved for 15 seconds mid air, server down and after restart chopper/ural/tents everything gone.

    dont want to hear any excuses, it's blatant obvious what happened there

  8. yo. this just happened to us on US 905

    either the admin pulled the plug or the server crashed, we were in a heli when we get the no message received and get kicked off the server.

    server has been down for more than an hour now, don't know what to expect. figure its either gonna be in the last saved location or on the ground beneath where it was. hopefully it aint gone forever

  9. nobody said anything about being good or not good. that all depends.

    there are some people who like to troll calling others noobs without knowing them at all, which is why i proved otherwise with my above posts, which i wish i didn't even have to because its not about me, i want to help improve the mod

    i laid out 3 suggestions here, lets get back on topic:

    1: get rid of l85aws, and add thermal binocs instead which are very very rare. this removes the "OP" part of teh weapon where you can see in thermal vision and shoot at the same time, whilst retraining thermal ingame

    2: add beans as stars to rate threads on this forum

    3. add a lootable notepad so you can leave notes around that others can pick up and read. would be fun imo

  10. Its not a 4x zoom, its a full blown scope :P

    Press the + on your numpad and it will zoom farther =)

    Gratz you just learned how to zoom with that AS50 you most likely took from coast camper that you killed in the first couple of hours of your char (33 zed kills and full geared)

    Also its VERY accurate for an assault rifle!

    Been popping of ppl at 7-800m and a guy in my squad did an EXTREAMLY clean one shot head shot at a player from 800m! (even if i prefer the take out my as50 from my bag at long distances when i go for the kill)

    And how the hell did u manage to get 25 murders and not one single bandit kill? coast camp much?

    Also, have you ever used an l85? that thermal would be really crappy as a goggles

    i know how to zoom in and out. i would zero it in properly and try to shoot a zed, and it will miss a few times before it finally hits. i don't suck at shooting either.

    and no, i don't camp the east coast, i camp the NW airfield, how no bandit kills i don't know, maybe they don't like to come up there much to loot? or wait, maybe the whole bandit tag is broken, that seems more likely.

    full gear came from me and my squad raiding a clan camp, taking down 3 people inside, 2 of which i killed but did not get credit for because they dc'd instantly. and from ambushing a bus of 6 earlier, with only 1 casualty on our end, then taking it and another sedan to do donuts at the airfield.

  11. im a noob?



    Thermal goggles usually breaks the purpose of using it to scout. Same as nightvision goggles, they are more effective as scopes.

    Its very difficult to use a weapon sight(especially enhanced ones) on rifles while wearing nvgs or thermal goggles,

    ahh, perhaps i meant thermal binocs, used only for scouting. just like the rangefinder, you pull it out once, look around, then whip out your primary weapon. that adds more balance in my opinion

    simple suggestion:

    Don't use weapons you don't like.

    i don't

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