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About ultravold

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    On the Coast
  1. Me and my friend've been playing almost through the entire night, and we've both been kicked randomly and suddenly from various DE # Servers that all had an admin present, they all had low player counts (4-10 ish). We remember the names of two of the admins, one is Plus, the other one is Vladislav.M <- He 'voted himself' admin then kicked us from an almost empty server, our ping is around 32-50. Vladislav.M has also kicked us from any server that we've joined since that first kick through out the entire night. It's not our ping, we use TS and not in-game speak so it's not that, we stay out of other peoples ways and just go around desolate areas gathering basic supplies, we don't hunt anyone, we don't go around griefing (barbed wires etc etc).. Aside from an additional 2 players we make no real impact on the game at all as far as the few on those servers are concerned. Beyond a screenshot of us getting kicked I don't know how to prove what I'm saying, unless I record it, which I don't have the software to do. People like this really take the fun out of the game, and it's unfortunate that they're given administrative rights when they don't have the maturity to use it correctly. I genuinely hope that someone'll atleast look into the matter, as servers with good ping for Norwegian players is somewhat limited. Lastly, as I'm sure someone'll make an comment about it, the reason we wanted to go into those servers were because they had good ping and few players. I guess we know why they have few players.. :/
  2. ultravold

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    +1! I was located at Bor, with only 2000 blood left. Posted a reply here, then merino added me at skype, he ran for 30 minutes and gave me some medical supply's and a blood transfusion! Thank you very much! Great thing you're doing!
  3. ultravold

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hi! I'm currently located at the deer stand thats closest to Bor. Only have 2500 blood, out of food, and I pass out all the time. Anyone willing to help me? Would be GREAT, really don't want to die! Please add me at skype, geirskjong Thanks!