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About mackser@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mackser@gmail.com


    they put this up as a more creative and fun way for u guys to die instead of just wiping the whole server... at least yuou have a chance at survival this time
  2. mackser@gmail.com

    Hacking out of control on NZ servers

    can you recommend any good servers anton?
  3. mackser@gmail.com

    Hacking out of control on NZ servers

    It's really sad because I got two of my friends to start playing, and i'm teaching them the ropes in cherno when we just get killed over and over by these guys
  4. just a warning, i have been dropped out of the sky, teleported 2x to my death, instagibbed, seen a group of about 6 players suicide crashing their choppers into cherno all with hacked weapons, teleported on by players with invincibility... all in the last 3 days. changing servers doesn't work as its the same across the board, and I refuse to play on US servers with 200 ping. Is there any kind of announcement function for situations like this? information is the best way of preventing this kind of thing
  5. Add me on skype Jermown, or macker00@hotmail.com for msn messenger. looking for loyal reliable team mates to raid with who can use skype as a means of communication