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Everything posted by pieeyedsniper

  1. pieeyedsniper

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Damn...I remember starting with the revolver. but the first gun was a Lee Enfield. Proudly rang the diner bell through the air field that day.
  2. I find Crooks & Insurgency both pretty fun. Just hard to find servers with people. .
  3. pieeyedsniper

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    Moderagger! lol
  4. pieeyedsniper

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    Wouldn't be such a bad idea if I could see in cherno or bolota. Not so much fun when I have massive artifacting and some other guy doesn't & I end up getting shot because I can't see other players
  5. I thought the last time you got bored you went on a thread locking spree.
  6. I have very high end gear & plenty to do. I just flat out refuse to play this game until I can see properly in all areas & I am able to not lose all the food I put in my tent.
  7. Buy it to enjoy Arma. Don't waste your money just to play DayZ.
  8. Bet he's shakin' in is boots. A threat from a Brony. You goin' to throw flowers and rainbows at him when he finds you and turns you to glue & dog food?
  9. pieeyedsniper

    Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game

    Who are you to say he's not a real DayZ player? Looks like you came in on the bandwagon late to the game. Some of us have been around since the begining and are getting tired of the game getting worse with every patch. I'm pretty sure the server ate his ride. I've had several disappear the same way since the last patch. I haven't touched this god awful thing since last week.
  10. pieeyedsniper

    So Im on my bike getting chased by a V3S

    I 'm glad I don't have to play this on low. makes my eyes bleed.
  11. Pretty sure the only thing added for the lulz in the last patch was the ability to still see the artifacts.
  12. pieeyedsniper

    To dio/duo whichever it is.

    Dio doesn't script!! Dio is god.....Holy Diver!!!!
  13. Me thinks someone takes DayZ a wee bit too seriously.
  14. pieeyedsniper

    Best camp ever.

    Apparently your douchebaggery knows no ...........Boundries
  15. Why doesn't the thread Nazis lock this bullshit thread?
  16. pieeyedsniper

    Free Heli Rides to people with mics part 2

    That would be a dick move.........But welcome to DayZ.
  17. Before you start bashing on someones idea, why don't you get that funky grill looked at........yuck mouth
  18. pieeyedsniper

    We crashed our helicopter... again

    You post this topic..............again
  19. Don't let fraggle read this he's on a locking frenzy
  20. Jachim was your name on the post I commented on? Didn't think so
  21. Member since July!! So you were not around when Rocket was on the forums pretty much every day, giving updates & info. Broken shit like this tent crap would have been addressed a lot sooner. Now that "Rockstars" head has swollen to E.T. proportions Seems like " They'll play shitty patches until I feel like getting around to fixing it" mentality is the way to be, and you fanboys just put your head down & your ass up.
  22. pieeyedsniper

    Do you still have artifacts?

    Blasphemy!! You must work for BI. I purchased both DLC Months ago & I get plenty of artifacts.
  23. pieeyedsniper

    Do you still have artifacts?

    No....I have a higher end computer & I will not turn my settings down. They have had plenty of time to resolve this issue. I just stay away from those areas & raid camps trying to get into scuffles