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About hammer1fist

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  1. hammer1fist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Good save by Soulshaper2 on me :) Cheers m8you have my beans...Also went to his next patient with him ... I let the horde of Z's chase me while Soul administered aid... got hit by one Z who would not take the hint I wasn't going to be eaten.. Finally dispatched him as Soul and Rapier were comin to save me yet again lol ... yea for the medics....
  2. hammer1fist

    Pending Update: Build

    Or how about constant alt-f4'ers who blatanly do it in PVP be turned into Zombies when they respawn. Then having to last a set punishment time before getting their char back .... Also if they get killed by any survivors(on their punishment time) they have a voice over saying "nasty Alt4" When a survivor checks the dead Z and study's body it will say His/Her name. If that persons name comes up to many times Then a ban can come into effect...
  3. hammer1fist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Would just like to say thankyou to dieFakel for finding me and patching me up (I ended up heading back to near the barn wear I was shot earlier) and dieFakel was looking for me @Nadez ... Oh and thanks for the Beans And look after the Bike you found lol.... thumb up: +1 thanks :thumbsup: :D :beans:
  4. hammer1fist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need to log back in somewhere to try and find out my location and will get back .. thanks for responding deiefackel and wallyschmo I'll edit this post shortly Cheers.... Ok I got further than I thought I'm at or near Nadezhdino when i logged in .....
  5. hammer1fist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well my luck ain't changed today.... went onto US 777 and was looting up near vysota (the Barns) and heard footsep as I was putting some soda in my pack... when bam bam bam 3 shots.. (A bloody survivor out for my loot noway not after what i'd gone through) I returned fire hit him (1866) he ran out the barn, I followed went to put another slug in him And THE SCUM alt F4'd on me (I shot again as he disappeared..) Not hanging about I legged it west I think? (keep passing out with 718 blood left ) so not sure where i am... All the good work Soulshaper2 did earlier to keep me going aswell.... And now i'm prone somewhere near the west or north west of the barns and logged out cose I can't bear to keep seeing myself pass out.... Such is life lol looks like my present character is done for .... Unless there's a Medic....
  6. hammer1fist

    Some utter wankers playing this game

    Yea i just got shot on US777 hosted by The lucky and the Damned about 10 mins ago and when I returned fire The Scum DC'd on me now I'm left with 718 blood and keep passing out .....
  7. hammer1fist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok, after a few hiccups with mine and Soulshaper2's saga last night, we have just met up and soul was able to give me blood and 2 morphine (oh the colours are so good again) for use should I need it... Now the funny thing is Soul spoke to me through his comm "medic here I'm here to help do you need blood and morphine "now as i'm micked up also and i was trying to answer "Just blood" nothing happened ... Soul couln't here me! Crap I thought pressed direct -tried to type nowt WTF... well as i am typing this on one comp (dual core) the game is running on the other comp (Quad core) (yes I have two but one is for my kids use- but I commandeer it when I have to) now when I logged into the server Soul give me, I did not realise my mic setup wasn't working So the only way I could respond to Soul was to ctrl- alt- delete (I was not in windowed mode ) and type my answers through steam chat (as this dual core is set on this forum ) . Well we eventually sorted everything out with Soul being very patient and doing overwatch while I was sorting my alice pack out by putting some gifts in there for Soul to take for his marvelous work ... All said and done I would like to congratulate All the medics on here for the outstanding job they all do.. thumbs up: A special thanks of course goes to Soulshaper2 for saving my butt lol.... Now incase you are wondering what I passed onto Soul for his help? Well look out for his AAR later hopefully he with divulge the answer... It was a promise I made to him through PM yesterday If I remained alive long enough..... Cheers for reading.....
  8. hammer1fist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yep I'm one of the patients waiting.... soul has been trying to get to me all night .... gotta give him thumbs up +1 what with all the crap with the update and him getting whacked..... will try again later today as I'm still alive except for being hungry still 5k blood.... Thanks again for all your efforts Soul much appreciated....cheers
  9. hammer1fist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Really need help if possible... I'm in need of blood... down to 5k... haven't been playing long (3 days). lost my pack swimming from Zds only got chech pouch basic stuff... Have just pm'd you soul . any help would be appreciated thanks...
  10. Just tried 3 Random servers US. UK. DE and all have just been updated to Battle eye 1.158 and seem to be working at the momment (although I have only spent 5 mins on each)...
  11. I just got kicked for the same corrupted memory on de7 can't get onto any others... Relaunched six updater closed it > Relaunched Six launcher picked a random server joined got nothing ..... What a F**k Up......thanks Battle eye NOT....
  12. hammer1fist

    Welcome to Seattle 1776

    well I thought I would check you out as I only started yesterday.. Took me 10 deaths before I finally managed to get some equipment etc, (played on a night server for 3 hours) so I could start again today. was going through these forums saw your post and joined. Lasted 10mins before i was sniped at the powerplant lol... well back to square one all good fun :)...
  13. hammer1fist

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    LEFTY WROTE Who the fuck are you to tell me what I need to post as proof and what I don't? I admin my server the way I want to following the rules and if you don't like it, go fuck yourself. Not away to conduct yourself to a Mod on the forum when all Curgon asked > And where is your proof? Cause if you dont have any, it just says your banning for personal reasons, as you have ZERO proof they DCed. I dont care if it is in your motd or on a damn Campbell soup can label. Post the proof. Lefty then WROTE> Go fuck yourself buddy. Want to get loud, get loud. Take your forum moderator privilege and shove it up your ass. This is a Blatent Abusive attack on a forum moderator and is plain to see. And you wonder why your Admin (Lefty) was Banned.. No proof has been brought to justify the banning of the OP.. What has been posted by NFC Angel-II- and Pickerd although commendable towards their Admin still does not class as proof..
  14. hammer1fist

    Banned from Dallas 54
