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About BicE

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    I like shooting stuff.
  1. I never claimed it was evidence, I said that if this can't be considered evidence don't know what could, apart from videocapturing it which is completely unreasonable for reasons I've already mentioned.
  2. Alright, just making sure that there was no hacking going on because ive never seen or heard of buildings collapsing before. Thanks
  3. So i just shot some players in Polana with my AS50, somehow i mustve hit some sort of building, because i shot, i saw a massive wall of dark dust just fall around the area of the shot, and i got a murder. Soon after a friend of that player runs into my vision, i shoot him too, and the building continues to collapse even more, Can you really destroy buildings or was that some sort of magic coincidence?
  4. How would I think that approaching a camp with vehichles would result in a player killed would crash the server to make it rollback? thats just silly, if a reasonable story isnt enough evidence what is to stop people from cheating all over the place, there must be some sort of records or logs with stuff going on on servers and there should be people checking it out. People dont just run around with fraps ready to record every single minute they play in this game, seriously.
  5. So, I was just recently playing on FR 42 (Hosted by SoA (Sons of Anarchy)). Me and my 2 friends were sitting at Klen, the mountain spawning vehichles northwest of Berezino, we run there to look for vehichles, find 2 ATVs and a Truck, we see a guy in a ghillie running around, we approach him and he runs away and DCs. We get scared and take positions around the area and we see a guy running into the vehichles again, together with 2 other friends (where did they come from?) all 3 in ghillies. I shoot a guy with my AS50 he drops to the floor and I go from 17 murders to 18. Clearly a hit and a dead player. The rest of the players hide behind vehichles around the area, my friend gets shot by a silenced weapon and starts bleeding. After a while we all get session lost. This seems suspicious to us so we log into a new server, now the important part. The MURDER I clearly got, was rollbacked, back to 17 murders. The ammo I used got rollbacked. My position got slightly rollbacked and my friend that got shot didn't bleed anymore, nor was he wounded at all (no lost blood) after taking 1-2 shots. The guy I killed had the tag [soA] infront of his name. _THE SAME NAME AS THE SERVER HOST_ If this isn't evidence for abusing / cheating then I dont know what is. tl;dr Joins a server, kills player with squad tag same as the server host, server crashes and kills got rollbacked.
  6. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is flawed. Also been playing this for a while and killing players doesn't get old.
  7. BicE

    A DayZ song? Yep.

    Great job, even made me laugh. Imah try to spread this around
  8. Actually, there wern't any design choices that made the game what it is now, it was the players making the choices, creating the rules, and now others follow them too. Maybe youre the one playing the wrong game if you dont like the way it turned out. Its your lack of imagination not seeing that it would seem realistic for people to go completely insane in a scenario like DayZ. People getting killed on sight in big cities is what to expect, if you dont want to get shot dont go there.
  9. Well, it's clear that we disagree with what realistic would look like in a DayZ real life scenario, I guess thats why some people like the game for what it is and some think it needs adjustment. Anyways, I'm gonna be playing and probably wont revisit this thread again. Thanks for a decent discussion
  10. Indeed, my attention span is pretty short unless I get alot of action or interest, and I admit that. I know that there is a tl;dr my point by saying there wasn't any was that your tl;dr I'll paste it here: "Tl;dr - Guns in game might be realistic, player behavior is not. If realism is to be achieved, something has to be done to address social-psychological aspects." Basically says nothing, no constructive solutions, no nothing, you basically just state what you think is wrong and leave it at that, what I'd call whine. And to the second part about sandbox, Indeed, there's a huge risk compared to the benefit of teaming up with someone, but that's because the majority of players kill others. Because the playerbase made it that way. If the majority would prefer to stay friendly and interact with each other the game would've developed that aspect of the game by itself. And to where you say that the shitload of killing is unrealistic I disagree, hatred breeds hatred and as far into a zombie apocalypse as Dayz seems to be I'd imagine that most people would become insane from varius reasons. I guess we just disagree on that part since its impossible to tell what it would look like. And to the part where you argue that it's not the law and police force that holds us back from murder, I somewhat disagree. I believe that a huge part of what stops people from commiting murder(not talking about serial killers here) is the fear of the punishment after commiting it. Now in the scenario that DayZ is in there seems to be no sort of law, police force or anything keeping people from murder apart from our very own nature. I can't say that our nature does not take part in stopping us from slaughtering each other, obviously that's true to some extent. However with all thats going on in a scenario DayZ shows I believe that the amount of murders going on is more than realistic. I actually read your whole post now and sure you might not be changing anything, but then I come back to what I originally state with this post, your tl;dr does not actually contribute anything, but I guess nothing in your post actually did anyway so, maybe your tl;dr was accurate.
  11. Actually, I wanted to come out as an ignorant fool because I believe that the OP is one and should be responded to in the same manner. That's a protip for you. Also you might've found OPs post interesting but I did not, that doesn't mean that you're right and I'm wrong.
  12. Started reading, saw massive wall of whine scrolled to bottom. no tl;dr. Lets just start implementing real emotions to the game and then implement sex, maybe even sex changes. Lets have 9 month birth periods and marriages in game. The game is working hard to be somewhat realistic and somewhat a sandbox, the original playerbase had the opportunity to make the game friendly. No one forces anyone to kill anyone else, you still get huge benefits from teaming up with someone, aswell as you might get benefits from killing someone and taking their stuff, it's a decision you make from a neutral point and nothing in the game should force one of the sides to be more beneficial than the other. The playerbase has developed the game into what it is. The playerbase made the rules. Don't change the true nature of the game and what it has become because the minority doesn't enjoy the way it turned out. Simply accept that all games aren't suited for everyone.
  13. BicE

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry to break it to you but there are no silenced snipers 3: Also, this idea is quite cool indeed but I'm wondering how neutral you are(medics) and how you'd feel treating people clearly bandits or murderers. Are they equal to you or would you refuse to help?
  14. BicE

    Ambient sounds question

    I'm sure theres a point with the sounds, but like I said looking to play more "competetively" I'm not interested in the scary part anymore because I'm past it. :3 Anyone actually able to answer?