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About qwertynotme

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  1. qwertynotme

    Would you kill the unarmed?

    It's a pvp dm, so just kill everyone.
  2. qwertynotme

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    It's simple, they kill you because they can.
  3. qwertynotme

    More hackers encouraged to hack

    Its impossible to completely remove hackers from arma2, because of the way the engine works.
  4. qwertynotme

    The X-Games in Dayz

    Still, bicycle is the best. :)
  5. qwertynotme

    The X-Games in Dayz

    Yeah, it happens often with atvs. Glitchy ride.
  6. I'm sure if you asked "why?", he'd tell you that he was "surviving". :D Actually, he's just a prick who likes to kill people in this game. Can't do anything about such guys.
  7. qwertynotme

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    I wonder, if people mostly like the mil-sim part of dayz, why not just play Arma2? Zombies don't add that much to gameplay anyway.
  8. qwertynotme

    Large Increase in Noobs?

    More mindless pvp, keep up the good work. :/
  9. qwertynotme

    Breaking Point <.<

    Welcome to DayzDM. What did you expect? Nowdays this game is full of arseholes who just love to kill people for fun.
  10. qwertynotme

    Feeling A little Awful.

    I'd never kill a guy who just helped me, even for a great gear. So, basically op is an arsehole, and a lame excuse about "surviving" won't change it.
  11. qwertynotme

    Ok so my guy became a cow... what now?

    I once became a bird after logging in. It happens.
  12. qwertynotme

    Why did you shoot me?

    Cause this game is mostly about pvp, that's all.